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docs Vagrant Post-Processor

Vagrant Post-Processor

Type: vagrant

The Vagrant post-processor takes a build and converts the artifact into a valid Vagrant box, if it can. This lets you use Packer to automatically create arbitrarily complex Vagrant boxes, and is in fact how the official boxes distributed by Vagrant are created.

If you've never used a post-processor before, please read the documentation on using post-processors in templates. This knowledge will be expected for the remainder of this document.

Because Vagrant boxes are provider-specific, the Vagrant post-processor is hardcoded to understand how to convert the artifacts of certain builders into proper boxes for their respective providers.

Currently, the Vagrant post-processor can create boxes for the following providers.

  • AWS
  • VirtualBox
  • VMware
Support for additional providers is planned. If the Vagrant post-processor doesn't support creating boxes for a provider you care about, please help by contributing to Packer and adding support for it.


The simplest way to use the post-processor is to just enable it. No configuration is required by default. This will mostly do what you expect and will build functioning boxes for many of the built-in builders of Packer.

However, if you want to configure things a bit more, the post-processor does expose some configuration options. The available options are listed below, with more details about certain options in following sections.

  • output (string) - The full path to the box file that will be created by this post-processor. This is a configuration template. The variable Provider is replaced by the Vagrant provider the box is for. The variable ArtifactId is replaced by the ID of the input artifact. By default, the value of this config is packer_{{.BuildName}}_{{.Provider}}.box.

  • aws, virtualbox, or vmware (objects) - These are used to configure the specific options for certain providers. A reference of available configuration parameters for each is in the section below.

AWS Provider

The AWS provider itself can be configured with specific options:

  • vagrantfile_template (string) - Path to a template to use for the Vagrantfile that is packaged with the box. The contents of the file must be a valid Go text template. By default this is a template that simply sets the AMIs for the various regions of the AWS build.

  • compression_level (integer) - An integer repesenting the compression level to use when creating the Vagrant box. Valid values range from 0 to 9, with 0 being no compression and 9 being the best compression.

The vagrantfile_template has the Images variable which is a map of region (string) to AMI ID (string). An example Vagrantfile template for AWS is shown below. The example simply sets the AMI for each region.

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.provider "aws" do |aws|
    {{ range $region, $ami := .Images }}
	aws.region_config "{{ $region }}", ami: "{{ $ami }}"
	{{ end }}

VirtualBox Provider

The VirtualBox provider itself can be configured with specific options:

  • vagrantfile_template (string) - Path to a template to use for the Vagrantfile that is packaged with the box. The contents of the file must be a valid Go text template. By default this is a template that just sets the base MAC address so that networking works.

  • compression_level (integer) - An integer repesenting the compression level to use when creating the Vagrant box. Valid values range from 0 to 9, with 0 being no compression and 9 being the best compression.

The vagrantfile_template has the BaseMACAddress variable which is a string containing the MAC address of the first network interface. This must be set in the Vagrantfile for networking to work properly with Vagrant. An example Vagrantfile template is shown below:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.base_mac = "{{ .BaseMacAddress }}"

VMware Provider

The VMware provider itself can be configured with specific options:

  • vagrantfile_template (string) - Path to a template to use for the Vagrantfile that is packaged with the box. The contents of the file must be a valid Go text template. By default no Vagrantfile is packaged with the box. Note that currently no variables are available in the template, but this may change in the future.

  • compression_level (integer) - An integer repesenting the compression level to use when creating the Vagrant box. Valid values range from 0 to 9, with 0 being no compression and 9 being the best compression.