Mitchell Hashimoto 21b1d1f00e Update CHANGELOG
2013-08-19 23:40:14 -07:00

13 KiB

0.3.4 (unreleased)


  • post-processor/vagrant: the file being compressed will be shown in the UI [GH-314]


  • core: Avoid panics when double-interrupting Packer.
  • provisioner/shell: Retry shell script uploads, making reboots more robust if they happen to fail in this stage. [GH-282]

0.3.3 (August 19, 2013)


  • builder/virtualbox: support exporting in OVA format. [GH-309]


  • core: All HTTP downloads across Packer now support the standard proxy environmental variables (HTTP_PROXY, NO_PROXY, etc.) [GH-252]
  • builder/amazon: API requests will use HTTP proxy if specified by enviromental variables.
  • builder/digitalocean: API requests will use HTTP proxy if specified by environmental variables.


  • core: TCP connection between plugin processes will keep-alive. [GH-312]
  • core: No more "unused key keep_input_artifact" for post processors [GH-310]
  • post-processor/vagrant: output_path templates now work again.

0.3.2 (August 18, 2013)


  • New command: packer inspect. This command tells you the components of a template. It respects the -machine-readable flag as well so you can parse out components of a template.
  • Packer will detect its own crashes (always a bug) and save a "crash.log" file.
  • builder/virtualbox: You may now specify multiple URLs for an ISO using "iso_url" in a template. The URLs will be tried in order.
  • builder/vmware: You may now specify multiple URLs for an ISO using "iso_url" in a template. The URLs will be tried in order.


  • core: built with Go 1.1.2
  • core: packer help output now loads much faster.
  • builder/virtualbox: guest_additions_url can now use the Version variable to get the VirtualBox version. [GH-272]
  • builder/virtualbox: Do not check for VirtualBox as part of template validation; only check at execution.
  • builder/vmware: Do not check for VMware as part of template validation; only check at execution.
  • command/build: A path of "-" will read the template from stdin.
  • builder/amazon: add block device mappings [GH-90]


  • windows: file URLs are easier to get right as Packer has better parsing and error handling for Windows file paths. [GH-284]
  • builder/amazon/all: Modifying more than one AMI attribute type no longer crashes.
  • builder/amazon-instance: send IAM instance profile data. [GH-294]
  • builder/digitalocean: API request parameters are properly URL encoded. [GH-281]
  • builder/virtualbox: dowload progress won't be shown until download actually starts. [GH-288]
  • builder/virtualbox: floppy files names of 13 characters are now properly written to the FAT12 filesystem. [GH-285]
  • builder/vmware: dowload progress won't be shown until download actually starts. [GH-288]
  • builder/vmware: interrupt works while typing commands over VNC.
  • builder/virtualbox: floppy files names of 13 characters are now properly written to the FAT12 filesystem. [GH-285]
  • post-processor/vagrant: Process user variables. [GH-295]

0.3.1 (August 12, 2013)


  • provisioner/shell: New setting start_retry_timeout which is the timeout for the provisioner to attempt to start the remote process. This allows the shell provisioner to work properly with reboots. [GH-260]


  • core: Remote command output containing '\r' now looks much better within the Packer output.
  • builder/vmware: Fix issue with finding driver files. [GH-279]
  • provisioner/salt-masterless: Uploads work properly from Windows. [GH-276]

0.3.0 (August 12, 2013)


  • All {{.CreateTime}} variables within templates (such as for AMI names) are now replaced with {{timestamp}}. Run packer fix to fix your templates.


  • User Variables allow you to specify variables within your templates that can be replaced using the command-line, files, or environmental variables. This dramatically improves the portability of packer templates. See the documentation for more information.
  • Machine-readable output can be enabled by passing the -machine-readable flag to any Packer command.
  • All strings in a template are now processed for variables/functions, so things like {{timestamp}} can be used everywhere. More features will be added in the future.
  • The amazon builders (all of them) can now have attributes of their resulting AMIs modified, such as access permissions and product codes.


  • builder/amazon/all: User data can be passed to start the instances. [GH-253]
  • provisioner/salt-masterless: local_state_tree is no longer required, allowing you to use shell provisioner (or others) to bring this down. [GH-269]


  • builder/amazon/ebs,instance: Retry deleing security group a few times. [GH-278]
  • builder/vmware: Workstation works on Windows XP now. [GH-238]
  • builder/vmware: Look for files on Windows in multiple locations using multiple environmental variables. [GH-263]
  • provisioner/salt-masterless: states aren't deleted after the run anymore. [GH-265]
  • provisioner/salt-masterless: error if any commands exit with a non-zero exit status. [GH-266]

0.2.3 (August 7, 2013)


  • builder/amazon/all: Added Amazon AMI tag support [GH-233]


  • core: Absolute/relative filepaths on Windows now work for iso_url and other settings. [GH-240]
  • builder/amazon/all: instance info is refreshed while waiting for SSH, allowing Packer to see updated IP/DNS info. [GH-243]

0.2.2 (August 1, 2013)


  • New builder: amazon-chroot can create EBS-backed AMIs without launching a new EC2 instance. This can shave minutes off of the AMI creation process. See the docs for more info.
  • New provisioner: salt-masterless will provision the node using Salt without a master.
  • The vmware builder now works with Workstation 9 on Windows. [GH-222]
  • The vmware builder now works with Player 5 on Linux. [GH-190]


  • core: Colors won't be outputted on Windows unless in Cygwin.
  • builder/amazon/all: Added iam_instance_profile to launch the source image with a given IAM profile. [GH-226]


  • builder/virtualbox,vmware: relative paths work properly as URL configurations. [GH-215]
  • builder/virtualbox,vmware: fix race condition in deleting the output directory on Windows by retrying.

0.2.1 (July 26, 2013)


  • New builder: amazon-instance can create instance-storage backed AMIs.
  • VMware builder now works with Workstation 9 on Linux.


  • builder/amazon/all: Ctrl-C while waiting for state change works
  • builder/amazon/ebs: Can now launch instances into a VPC for added protection [GH-210]
  • builder/virtualbox,vmware: Add backspace, delete, and F1-F12 keys to the boot command.
  • builder/virtualbox: massive performance improvements with big ISO files because an expensive copy is avoided. [GH-202]
  • builder/vmware: CD is removed prior to exporting final machine. [GH-198]


  • builder/amazon/all: Gracefully handle when AMI appears to not exist while AWS state is propogating. [GH-207]
  • builder/virtualbox: Trim carriage returns for Windows to properly detect VM state on Windows. [GH-218]
  • core: build names no longer cause invalid config errors. [GH-197]
  • command/build: If any builds fail, exit with non-zero exit status.
  • communicator/ssh: SCP exit codes are tested and errors are reported. [GH-195]
  • communicator/ssh: Properly change slash direction for Windows hosts. [GH-218]

0.2.0 (July 16, 2013)


  • "iso_md5" in the virtualbox and vmware builders is replaced with "iso_checksum" and "iso_checksum_type" (with the latter set to "md5"). See the announce below on packer fix to automatically fix your templates.


  • NEW COMMAND: packer fix will attempt to fix templates from older versions of Packer that are now broken due to backwards incompatibilities. This command will fix the backwards incompatibilities introduced in this version.
  • Amazon EBS builder can now optionally use a pre-made security group instead of randomly generating one.
  • DigitalOcean API key and client IDs can now be passed in as environmental variables. See the documentatin for more details.
  • VirtualBox and VMware can now have floppy_files specified to attach floppy disks when booting. This allows for unattended Windows installs.
  • packer build has a new -force flag that forces the removal of existing artifacts if they exist. [GH-173]
  • You can now log to a file (instead of just stderr) by setting the PACKER_LOG_FILE environmental variable. [GH-168]
  • Checksums other than MD5 can now be used. SHA1 and SHA256 can also be used. See the documentation on iso_checksum_type for more info. [GH-175]


  • core: invalid keys in configuration are now considered validation errors. [GH-104]
  • core: all builders now share a common SSH connection core, improving SSH reliability over all the builders.
  • amazon-ebs: Credentials will come from IAM role if available. [GH-160]
  • amazon-ebs: Verify the source AMI is EBS-backed before launching. [GH-169]
  • shell provisioner: the build name and builder type are available in the PACKER_BUILD_NAME and PACKER_BUILDER_TYPE env vars by default, respectively. [GH-154]
  • vmware: error if shutdown command has non-zero exit status.


  • core: UI messages are now properly prefixed with spaces again.
  • core: If SSH connection ends, re-connection attempts will take place. [GH-152]
  • virtualbox: "paused" doesn't mean the VM is stopped, improving shutdown detection.
  • vmware: error if guest IP could not be detected. [GH-189]

0.1.5 (July 7, 2013)


  • "file" uploader will upload files from the machine running Packer to the remote machine.
  • VirtualBox guest additions URL and checksum can now be specified, allowing the VirtualBox builder to have the ability to be used completely offline.


  • core: If SCP is not available, a more descriptive error message is shown telling the user. [GH-127]
  • shell: Scripts are now executed by default according to their shebang, not with /bin/sh. [GH-105]
  • shell: You can specify what interpreter you want inline scripts to run with inline_shebang.
  • virtualbox: Delete the packer-made SSH port forwarding prior to exporting the VM.


  • core: Non-200 response codes on downloads now show proper errors. [GH-141]
  • amazon-ebs: SSH handshake is retried. [GH-130]
  • vagrant: The BuildName template propery works properly in the output path.
  • vagrant: Properly configure the provider-specific post-processors so things like vagrantfile_template work. [GH-129]
  • vagrant: Close filehandles when copying files so Windows can rename files. [GH-100]

0.1.4 (July 2, 2013)


  • virtualbox: Can now be built headless with the "Headless" option. [GH-99]
  • virtualbox: and codes for waiting 5 and 10 seconds during the boot sequence, respectively. [GH-97]
  • vmware: Can now be built headless with the "Headless" option. [GH-99]
  • vmware: and codes for waiting 5 and 10 seconds during the boot sequence, respectively. [GH-97]
  • vmware: Disks are defragmented and compacted at the end of the build. This can be disabled using "skip_compaction"


  • core: Template syntax errors now show line and character number. [GH-56]
  • amazon-ebs: Access key and secret access key default to environmental variables. [GH-40]
  • virtualbox: Send password for keyboard-interactive auth [GH-121]
  • vmware: Send password for keyboard-interactive auth [GH-121]


  • vmware: Wait until shut down cleans up properly to avoid corrupt disk files [GH-111]

0.1.3 (July 1, 2013)


  • The VMware builder can now upload the VMware tools for you into the VM. This is opt-in, you must specify the tools_upload_flavor option. See the website for more documentation.


  • digitalocean: Errors contain human-friendly error messages. [GH-85]


  • core: More plugin server fixes that avoid hangs on OS X 10.7 [GH-87]
  • vagrant: AWS boxes will keep the AMI artifact around [GH-55]
  • virtualbox: More robust version parsing for uploading guest additions. [GH-69]
  • virtualbox: Output dir and VM name defaults depend on build name, avoiding collisions. [GH-91]
  • vmware: Output dir and VM name defaults depend on build name, avoiding collisions. [GH-91]

0.1.2 (June 29, 2013)


  • core: Template doesn't validate if there are no builders.
  • vmware: Delete any VMware files in the VM that aren't necessary for it to function.


  • core: Plugin servers consider a port in use if there is any error listening to it. This fixes I18n issues and Windows. [GH-58]
  • amazon-ebs: Sleep between checking instance state to avoid RequestLimitExceeded [GH-50]
  • vagrant: Rename VirtualBox ovf to "box.ovf" [GH-64]
  • vagrant: VMware boxes have the correct provider type.
  • vmware: Properly populate files in artifact so that the Vagrant post-processor works. [GH-63]

0.1.1 (June 28, 2013)


  • core: plugins listen explicitly on, fixing odd hangs. [GH-37]
  • core: fix race condition on verifying checksum of large ISOs which could cause panics [GH-52]
  • virtualbox: boot_wait defaults to "10s" rather than 0. [GH-44]
  • virtualbox: if http_port_min and max are the same, it will no longer panic [GH-53]
  • vmware: boot_wait defaults to "10s" rather than 0. [GH-44]
  • vmware: if http_port_min and max are the same, it will no longer panic [GH-53]

0.1.0 (June 28, 2013)

  • Initial release