
2.0 KiB

  • disk_name (string) - The value of disk name is blank by default. [2, 128] English or Chinese characters, must begin with an uppercase/lowercase letter or Chinese character. Can contain numbers, ., _ and -. The disk name will appear on the console. It cannot begin with http:// or https://.

  • disk_category (string) - Category of the system disk. Optional values are: - cloud - general cloud disk - cloud_efficiency - efficiency cloud disk - cloud_ssd - cloud SSD

  • disk_size (int) - Size of the system disk, measured in GiB. Value range: [20, 500]. The specified value must be equal to or greater than max{20, ImageSize}. Default value: max{40, ImageSize}.

  • disk_snapshot_id (string) - Snapshots are used to create the data disk After this parameter is specified, Size is ignored. The actual size of the created disk is the size of the specified snapshot.

  • disk_description (string) - The value of disk description is blank by default. [2, 256] characters. The disk description will appear on the console. It cannot begin with http:// or https://.

  • disk_delete_with_instance (bool) - Whether or not the disk is released along with the instance:

  • disk_device (string) - Device information of the related instance: such as /dev/xvdb It is null unless the Status is In_use.

  • disk_encrypted (config.Trilean) - Whether or not to encrypt the data disk. If this option is set to true, the data disk will be encryped and corresponding snapshot in the target image will also be encrypted. By default, if this is an extra data disk, Packer will not encrypt the data disk. Otherwise, Packer will keep the encryption setting to what it was in the source image. Please refer to Introduction of ECS disk encryption for more details.