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  • triton_url (string) - The URL of the Triton cloud API to use. If omitted it will default to the us-sw-1 region of the Joyent Public cloud. If you are using your own private Triton installation you will have to supply the URL of the cloud API of your own Triton installation.

  • triton_user (string) - The username of a user who has access to your Triton account.

  • triton_key_material (string) - Path to the file in which the private key of triton_key_id is stored. For example /home/soandso/.ssh/id_rsa. If this is not specified, the SSH agent is used to sign requests with the triton_key_id specified.

  • insecure_skip_tls_verify (bool) - secure_skip_tls_verify - (bool) This allows skipping TLS verification of the Triton endpoint. It is useful when connecting to a temporary Triton installation such as Cloud-On-A-Laptop which does not generally use a certificate signed by a trusted root CA. The default is false.