
308 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2009-11-15 23:33:32 -05:00
English French Notes Complete/Exclude
the secondary sort.
Include Rejection Detail
N - No, exclude Rejection Detail totals from report. (Default)
Y - Yes, include Rejection Detail totals in report.
would have been created.
would have been created. This date must not precede
Total Inquiries
Rejection Detail:
Payer [Inactive Date]
1st Att
Rejection Detail
Grand Totals
Please select the timeframe for which to view the Insurance Identification
and Verification statistics and current status.
Enter Start DATE/TIME for report range.
The time element is required.
Enter End DATE/TIME for report range.
The End Date/Time must not precede the Start Date/Time.
Please reenter.
Choose all sections to be reviewed
1 - All = All three report sections (Default)
2 - Outgoing Data = Inquiry Transmission statistics
3 - Incoming Data = Inquiry Response statistics
4 - Current Status = Pending Responses, Queued Inquiries, etc.
Select one or more sections:
Please select one or more sections of the report to view.
To select multiple sections enter a comma separated list
1 - Include all three sections in the report. (Default)
2 - Include statistics on inquiries transmitted during the
timeframe by extract type.
3 - Include statistics on responses received during the
4 - Include statistics on the current state of the system.
This section is independent of the timeframe for the
report and includes responses pending, queued inquiries,
deferred inquiries, payer statistics and insurance
buffer statistics.
,PAYER NAME,IEN of file 365.12)=
** IIV Statistical Rpt **
Outgoing Data
Incoming Data
Current Status
Inquiries Sent:
Responses Received:
Insurance Buffer
Non-verified Insurance
No Active Insurance
Responses Pending:
Queued Inquiries:
Deferred Inquiries:
Insurance Companies w/o National ID:
eIIV Payers Disabled Locally:
Insurance Buffer Entries:
Verified Entries:
# of * entries (manually verified)
# of + entries (electronically processed)
Unverified Entries:
! entries (manual intervention required)
? entries (IIV is waiting for a response)
- entries (no coverage)
blank entries (yet to be processed or accepted)
New eIIV Payers received during report date range:
(Run menu option
Link Insurance Companies to Payers
for assistance)
No new Payers added
IIV Payer Link Report
In order for an Insurance Company to be eligible for electronic insurance
eligibility communications via the IIV software, the Insurance Company
needs to be linked to an appropriate payer from the National EDI Payer list.
The National EDI Payer list contains the names of the payers that are
currently participating with the IIV process.
This report option provides information to assist with finding unlinked
insurance companies or payers, which can subsequently be linked through the
Select a report option
1 - Payer List: This option lists the payers in the National
Payer list, and optionally provides information about
the insurance companies that are linked to that payer
Company List: This option lists insurance companies and
optionally displays linked payer information
Select the type of payers to display
1 - Only payers with no active insurance companies linked
2 - Only payers with at least one insurance company linked
3 - ALL Payers
Select a Payer (RETURN for ALL Payers):
Select insurance company detail option
1 - Include a list of insurance companies linked to the payers
2 - Do not list linked insurance companies, total number only
Select a data field by which this report should be primarily sorted.
IBCNE IIV Payer Link Report
Select type of insurance companies to display
1 - Only insurance companies that are not currently linked to a payer
2 - Only insurance companies that are currently linked to a payer
3 - ALL insurance companies
Select the data field by which this report should be primarily sorted.
Enter an insurance company search keyword (RETURN for ALL)
Enter a value to match insurance company names with.
Simply hit RETURN to select ALL or enter a keyword
REGION 1 CIGNA and any others with the term 'CIGNA' in it)
Report Option:
Payer List
Insurance Company List
Unlinked Payers Only
Linked Payers Only
With Ins. Co. Detail
Without Ins. Co. Detail
Unlinked Insurance Companies Only
Linked Insurance Companies Only
All Insurance Companies
For Single Payer:
Payer Name:
Payer ID
Ins. Co.
Only Insurance Companies that match:
Insurance Company:
Linked Insurance Companies:
Results of Auto Match search
Auto Match Value
Would you like to select this insurance company
Would you like to select one of these insurance companies
Please choose an insurance company
IEN type
passed to the insurance match algorithm is neither 'B' nor 'I'.
IEN is not passed to the insurance match algorithm.
Invalid Buffer IEN
has been passed to the insurance match algorithm.
Invalid Insurance Company IEN
Insurance company
All insurance companies named
are not active.
is not linked to a National ID.
is linked to more than one National ID
Insurance company name
in the Insurance Buffer matched more than one insurance company in the Auto Match file
could not be matched to a valid entry in the Insurance Company file.
Insurance company IEN
doesn't have a name on file.
contains MEDICAID or MEDICARE in the name. Electronic inquiries cannot be made to this insurance company.
Payer IEN
does not have a National ID.
The eIIV Payer Application has not been created for this site.
is linked to National ID
which is not set up to accept electronic insurance eligibility requests.
which doesn't have an active local connection.
which doesn't have an active national connection.
which has been deactivated as of
(Too many items to display)
MailMan Error
MailMan Error:
Original Subject:
------Original Message------
Do you want to add an Auto Match entry that associates
The Auto Match Value is
The Insurance Company Name is
Please enter NO if you do not want to associate these two values together
in the Auto Match file.
Please enter YES if you do want to create an Auto Match entry for these
two values. If you enter YES, then you will have the chance to modify
the Auto Match Value.
Bill Status
Form Type
Reason Canceled
LESS Offset
Bill Total
AR Status
Statement From
Statement To
Past actions of this billing record unspecified.
Entered^^^^^^MRA Requested^^^Authorized^^^^Last Printed^^^Cancelled
Returned to AR :
OP Visit Dates :
This patient has no bills with OP visits. Please enter another patient.
Select OP Visit Date
Please enter a valid Outpatient Visit date for this patient.
Enter '??' to list valid dates and bill numbers.
Select one of the following bills for this visit date:
End of list.
, or type '^' to quit:
Enter a NUMBER from 1 to
Enter one of the following OP visit dates:
Enter '^' to stop or <CR> to continue:
This patient has no remote treating facilities to query.
remote facilitie(s)
Do you want to perform this Remote Query
No ICN for this patient
No handle returned for
Unable to perform any remote queries.
Unable to communicate with
Response from
-1^No insurance on file
insurance companies from
Buffer File entry for
-1^ICN Not found
Query Remote Facilities for Insurance
No Insurance Information
*** Verification of No Coverage
*** Patient has Insurance Buffer entries ***
no CV
Ind. Plan
Policy Riders:
No Insurance Policies to Select From
Ben Yr:
Current benefit years on file:
No Benefit Years Entered.
No Benefit Years Entered. You Must First Enter a Benefit Year for This Policy
No Benefit Years Entered Under Annual Benefits, Hence No Benefits Used to View.
Policy Information
Max. Out of Pocket: $
Ambulance Coverage (%):
Annual Deductible: $
Inpatient Annual Max.: $
Lifetime Max.: $
Room and Board (%):
Other Inpt. Charges (%):
User Information
Entered On:
Last Updated By:
Last Updated On:
Mental Health Outpatient
MH Opt. Max Days/Year:
MH Lifetime Opt. Max: $
MH Annual Opt. Max: $
Mental Health Opt. (%):
Adult Day Health Care?:
Mental Health Inpatient
MH Inpt. Max Days/Year:
MH Lifetime Inpt. Max: $
MH Annual Inpt. Max: $
Mental Health Inpt. (%):
Per Visit Deductible: $
Lifetime Max: $
Annual Max: $
Visit (%):
Max Visits Per Year:
Surgery (%):
Emergency (%):
Prescription (%):
Dental Cov. Type:
Dental Cov.: $
Dental Cov. (%):
Dental Coverage $ or %:
Per Admis. Deductible: $
Inpt. Lifetime Max: $
Inpt. Annual Max: $
Room & Board (%):
Drug/Alcohol Lifet. Max: $
Drug/Alcohol Annual Max: $
Nursing Home (%):
Home Health Care
Care Level:
Visits Per Year:
Max. Days Per Year:
Med. Equipment (%):
Visit Definition:
OT Visits/Yr:
PT Visits/Yr:
ST Visits/Yr:
Med Cnslg. Visits/Yr:
IV Management
IV Infusion Opt?:
IV Infusion Inpt?:
IV Antibiotics Opt?:
IV Antibiotics Inpt?:
New Insurance Policy For
A new insurance policy has been added for:
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