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This is a simple hello world example to show a JDBC connection to InterSystems IRIS. For more information about using this sample, please see documentation.
To run this code in InterSystems Learning Labs, AWS, GCP, or Azure
- Open Samples-java-helloworld/Simple/HelloWorld.java
- Comment out line 4 (we won't need the package declaration here)
- Edit line 14 to change the ip to "try-iris"
- In the terminal window type:
cd Samples-java-helloworld/simple
javac -cp ".:intersystems-jdbc-3.0.0.jar" HelloWorld.java
java -cp ".:intersystems-jdbc-3.0.0.jar" HelloWorld
To run this code locally
- Clone this repo
- Open the repo in your favorite Java IDE (such as Eclipse, IntelliJ, or NetBeans)
- Open Samples-java-helloworld/simple/HelloWorld.java and verify ip, password, port, and username are right. Update as necessary.
- Set up a classpath to intersystems-jdbc-3.0.0.jar
- Run HelloWorld.java