Retrieving a buffer from an object puts this in a locked state, and a
releasebuffer function must be called to unlock the object again.
Added releasefixedbuffer function slot, and renamed the
get...fixedbuffer functions to acquire...fixedbuffer functions.
Renamed the flag from Py_TPFLAG_HAVE_GETFIXEDBUFFER to
Py_TPFLAG_HAVE_FIXEDBUFFER. (Is the 'fixed buffer' name still useful,
or should we use 'static buffer' instead?)
Added posting date (was posted to c.l.p and python-dev).
and give Scott Gilert credit for it.
Change the author line to the new style.
Small other changes.
Barry, can you run pep2html on it, and change the PEP index to the new