2008-08-18 00:08:53 +00:00
HBase Change Log
2009-08-12 00:01:32 +00:00
Release 0.21.0 - Unreleased
2009-08-25 18:32:39 +00:00
HBASE-1791 Timeout in IndexRecordWriter (Bradford Stephens via Andrew
2009-08-25 22:44:15 +00:00
HBASE-1737 Regions unbalanced when adding new node (recommit)
2009-08-26 00:03:42 +00:00
HBASE-1792 [Regression] Cannot save timestamp in the future
HBASE-1793 [Regression] HTable.get/getRow with a ts is broken
2009-08-26 18:13:04 +00:00
HBASE-1698 Review documentation for o.a.h.h.mapreduce
2009-08-27 00:57:38 +00:00
HBASE-1798 [Regression] Unable to delete a row in the future
2009-09-02 23:23:52 +00:00
HBASE-1790 filters are not working correctly (HBASE-1710 HBASE-1807 too)
2009-09-04 04:57:26 +00:00
HBASE-1779 ThriftServer logged error if getVer() result is empty
2009-09-04 21:38:25 +00:00
HBASE-1778 Improve PerformanceEvaluation (Schubert Zhang via Stack)
2009-09-05 00:00:04 +00:00
HBASE-1751 Fix KeyValue javadoc on getValue for client-side
2009-08-12 00:01:32 +00:00
2009-08-12 22:36:22 +00:00
HBASE-1760 Cleanup TODOs in HTable
HBASE-1759 Ability to specify scanner caching on a per-scan basis
(Ken Weiner via jgray)
HBASE-1763 Put writeToWAL methods do not have proper getter/setter names
2009-08-12 23:07:12 +00:00
(second commit to fix compile error in hregion)
2009-08-17 23:46:53 +00:00
HBASE-1770 HTable.setWriteBufferSize does not flush the writeBuffer when
its size is set to a value lower than its current size.
(Mathias via jgray)
2009-08-17 23:49:33 +00:00
HBASE-1771 PE sequentialWrite is 7x slower because of
2009-08-18 12:46:53 +00:00
HBASE-1758 Extract interface out of HTable (Vaibhav Puranik via Andrew
2009-08-18 17:42:09 +00:00
HBASE-1776 Make rowcounter enum public
2009-08-28 06:25:24 +00:00
HBASE-1276 [testing] Upgrade to JUnit 4.x and use @BeforeClass
annotations to optimize tests
2009-08-30 20:41:59 +00:00
HBASE-1800 Too many ZK connections
2009-09-09 16:03:19 +00:00
HBASE-1819 Update to 0.20.1 hadoop and zk 3.2.1
2009-09-09 16:20:11 +00:00
HBASE-1820 Update jruby from 1.2 to 1.3.1
2009-08-12 00:01:32 +00:00
2009-09-10 03:41:59 +00:00
HBASE-1765 Delay Result deserialization until asked for and permit
access to the raw binary to prevent forced deserialization
2009-08-12 00:01:32 +00:00
2009-09-08 19:53:50 +00:00
Release 0.20.0 - Tue Sep 8 12:53:05 PDT 2009
2009-01-19 21:21:30 +00:00
2009-01-27 18:20:09 +00:00
HBASE-1147 Modify the scripts to use Zookeeper
2009-01-30 01:20:05 +00:00
HBASE-1144 Store the ROOT region location in Zookeeper
(Nitay Joffe via Stack)
2009-01-31 21:05:35 +00:00
HBASE-1146 Replace the HRS leases with Zookeeper
2009-02-25 05:34:29 +00:00
HBASE-61 Create an HBase-specific MapFile implementation
(Ryan Rawson via Stack)
2009-03-18 20:46:18 +00:00
HBASE-1145 Ensure that there is only 1 Master with Zookeeper (Removes
hbase.master) (Nitay Joffe via Stack)
2009-03-26 00:02:33 +00:00
HBASE-1289 Remove "hbase.fully.distributed" option and update docs
(Nitay Joffe via Stack)
2009-04-12 10:39:55 +00:00
HBASE-1234 Change HBase StoreKey format
2009-04-29 22:51:27 +00:00
HBASE-1348 Move 0.20.0 targeted TRUNK to 0.20.0 hadoop
(Ryan Rawson and Stack)
2009-05-01 22:34:03 +00:00
HBASE-1342 Add to filesystem info needed to rebuild .META.
2009-05-05 04:36:57 +00:00
HBASE-1361 Disable bloom filters
2009-05-05 07:26:49 +00:00
HBASE-1367 Get rid of Thrift exception 'NotFound'
2009-05-06 21:16:56 +00:00
HBASE-1381 Remove onelab and bloom filters files from hbase
2009-05-13 23:27:07 +00:00
HBASE-1411 Remove HLogEdit.
2009-06-02 17:52:32 +00:00
HBASE-1357 If one sets the hbase.master to non local regionservers
can't find the master
2009-06-16 04:11:44 +00:00
HBASE-1304 New client server implementation of how gets and puts are
handled (holstad, jgray, rawson, stack)
2009-07-01 05:34:10 +00:00
HBASE-1582 Translate ColumnValueFilter and RowFilterSet to the new
Filter interface (Clint Morgan and Stack)
2009-07-02 19:31:10 +00:00
HBASE-1599 Fix TestFilterSet, broken up on hudson (Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-08-27 15:50:23 +00:00
HBASE-1799 deprecate o.a.h.h.rest in favor of stargate
2009-01-19 21:21:30 +00:00
2009-01-19 23:04:54 +00:00
HBASE-1140 "ant clean test" fails (Nitay Joffe via Stack)
2009-01-20 02:06:17 +00:00
HBASE-1129 Master won't go down; stuck joined on rootScanner
2009-01-20 06:37:29 +00:00
HBASE-1136 HashFunction inadvertently destroys some randomness
(Jonathan Ellis via Stack)
2009-01-20 22:33:08 +00:00
HBASE-1138 Test that readers opened after a sync can see all data up to the
sync (temporary until HADOOP-4379 is resolved)
2009-01-21 18:42:31 +00:00
HBASE-1121 Cluster confused about where -ROOT- is
2009-01-23 23:09:37 +00:00
HBASE-1148 Always flush HLog on root or meta region updates
2009-05-04 21:50:02 +00:00
HBASE-1181 src/saveVersion.sh bails on non-standard Bourne shells
(e.g. dash) (K M via Jean-Daniel Cryans)
2009-02-05 05:52:26 +00:00
HBASE-1175 HBA administrative tools do not work when specifying region
name (Jonathan Gray via Andrew Purtell)
2009-02-08 19:32:54 +00:00
HBASE-1190 TableInputFormatBase with row filters scan too far (Dave
Latham via Andrew Purtell)
2009-02-12 08:56:49 +00:00
HBASE-1198 OOME in IPC server does not trigger abort behavior
2009-02-26 17:49:20 +00:00
HBASE-1209 Make port displayed the same as is used in URL for RegionServer
table in UI (Lars George via Stack)
HBASE-1217 Changed HColumnDescriptor so it now has blocksize, and compression
is not lzo, gz or none (rather than block, key or none). Made changes to
shell so you can do this configuration therein. Bloomfilter still not
hooked up.
HBASE-859 HStoreKey needs a reworking... binary keys work again.
HBASE-1211 NPE in retries exhausted exception
M src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/TestHStoreKey.java
Added tests comparing binary keys, plain, meta and root keys.
Enabled the commented-out testHStoreKeyBorderCases.
M src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/HBaseTestCase.java
Removed PUNCTUATION pollution of keys.
M src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/TestBloomFilters.java
Use different compression type.
M src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/TestTimestamp.java
Use new HCD constructor.
M src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/TestScanner.java
Was using ROOT table but a plain hstorekey comparator; that won't
work (have to be careful about which comparator is used on which
table from here on out).
M src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/TestStoreFile.java
getWriter now takes whether or not bloom filter, etc.
M src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/TestCompaction.java
Removed PUNCTUATION pollution.
M src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/filter/TestStopRowFilter.java
M src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/TestBatchUpdate.java
M src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/hfile/TestHFile.java
Pass compressor and whether bloomfilter.
M src/test/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/PerformanceEvaluation.java
Added new seek+scan test.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/HColumnDescriptor.java
Added in BLOCKSIZE, changed COMPRESSION arguments.
Upped the version from 6 to 7.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/HStoreKey.java
New object and raw byte comparators, one for each context of
plain, meta, and root. Use same code. Other utility such
as static creates that take a ByteBuffer or a byte array of
a serialized HStoreKey. Old compareTo methods are deprecated
since they can return wrong answer if binary keys.
New getBytes without creating Streams.
Removed the old BeforeThisStoreKey trick.
Custom vint math methods that work with ByteBuffers and byte []
instead of streams.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/thrift/ThriftUtilities.java
Fixup for new compression.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/Memcache.java
Pass in comparator to use.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/StoreScanner.java
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/StoreFileScanner.java
Use right comparator comparing rows
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/HRegionServer.java
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/HAbstractScanner.java
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/HRegion.java
Might be issues here with key compares but no store in the
context... leave it for now.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/Store.java
Use new comparators and hcd changes.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/StoreFile.java
Added override of HFile.Reader so could format the toString
(so HFile doesn't have to know about HStoreKeys though thats
what we put in there always -- let it just be about
byte []).
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/rest/parser/JsonRestParser.java
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/rest/parser/XMLRestParser.java
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/HTableDescriptor.java
Fix up for new HCD.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/HRegionInfo.java
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/MetaRegion.java
Use Bytes.compareTo.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/HalfHFileReader.java
(isTop): Added.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/RowResult.java
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/hfile/Compression.java
Make getCompressionAlgorithmByName public.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/hfile/HFile.java
Add in writer constructor that takes compression and bloom filter.
Fix some of the comparator use.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/HbaseMapWritable.java
Remove commented out code
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/Cell.java
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/HBaseMapFile.java
Use new comparator names.
A src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/util/TestBytes.java
Small bytes test.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/util/Bytes.java
Some overrides to help when source is ByteBuffer.
Added in some vint math utility.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/HTable.java
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/MetaScanner.java
Use Bytes.compareTO.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/HConnectionManager.java
Use right comparator.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/UnmodifyableHColumnDescriptor.java
Make it match HCD.
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/RetriesExhaustedException.java
M src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/client/ScannerCallable.java
M bin/HBase.rb
Support for new HCD.
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/hbase/trunk@749546 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
2009-03-03 06:48:33 +00:00
HBASE-1217 add new compression and hfile blocksize to HColumnDescriptor
HBASE-859 HStoreKey needs a reworking
HBASE-1211 NPE in retries exhausted exception
2009-03-03 19:51:58 +00:00
HBASE-1233 Transactional fixes: Overly conservative scan read-set,
potential CME (Clint Morgan via Stack)
2009-03-06 06:40:25 +00:00
HBASE-1239 in the REST interface does not correctly clear the character
buffer each iteration-1185 wrong request/sec in the gui
reporting wrong (Brian Beggs via Stack)
2009-03-06 06:47:04 +00:00
HBASE-1245 hfile meta block handling bugs (Ryan Rawson via Stack)
2009-03-06 18:26:00 +00:00
HBASE-1238 Under upload, region servers are unable
to compact when loaded with hundreds of regions
2009-03-06 19:50:22 +00:00
HBASE-1247 checkAndSave doesn't Write Ahead Log
2009-03-06 21:30:40 +00:00
HBASE-1243 oldlogfile.dat is screwed, so is it's region
2009-05-04 21:50:02 +00:00
HBASE-1169 When a shutdown is requested, stop scanning META regions
HBASE-1251 HConnectionManager.getConnection(HBaseConfiguration) returns
same HConnection for different HBaseConfigurations
2009-03-14 01:38:45 +00:00
HBASE-1157, HBASE-1156 If we do not take start code as a part of region
server recovery, we could inadvertantly try to reassign regions
assigned to a restarted server with a different start code;
Improve lease handling
2009-03-19 08:52:18 +00:00
HBASE-1267 binary keys broken in trunk (again) -- part 2 and 3
(Ryan Rawson via Stack)
2009-03-19 08:55:11 +00:00
HBASE-1268 ZooKeeper config parsing can break HBase startup
(Nitay Joffe via Stack)
2009-03-19 23:52:38 +00:00
HBASE-1270 Fix TestInfoServers (Nitay Joffe via Stack)
2009-03-20 09:55:10 +00:00
HBASE-1277 HStoreKey: Wrong comparator logic (Evgeny Ryabitskiy)
HBASE-1275 TestTable.testCreateTable broken (Ryan Rawson via Stack)
2009-03-23 20:36:52 +00:00
HBASE-1274 TestMergeTable is broken in Hudson (Nitay Joffe via Stack)
2009-03-24 01:33:40 +00:00
HBASE-1283 thrift's package descrpition needs to update for start/stop
procedure (Rong-en Fan via Stack)
2009-03-25 11:30:01 +00:00
HBASE-1284 drop table drops all disabled tables
2009-03-26 01:14:15 +00:00
HBASE-1290 table.jsp either 500s out or doesnt list the regions (Ryan
Rawson via Andrew Purtell)
2009-03-28 00:38:38 +00:00
HBASE-1293 hfile doesn't recycle decompressors (Ryan Rawson via Andrew
2009-03-29 13:10:49 +00:00
HBASE-1150 HMsg carries safemode flag; remove (Nitay Joffe via Stack)
2009-03-30 01:15:07 +00:00
HBASE-1232 zookeeper client wont reconnect if there is a problem (Nitay
Joffe via Andrew Purtell)
2009-04-02 07:28:25 +00:00
HBASE-1303 Secondary index configuration prevents HBase from starting
(Ken Weiner via Stack)
2009-04-03 14:18:31 +00:00
HBASE-1298 master.jsp & table.jsp do not URI Encode table or region
names in links (Lars George via Stack)
2009-04-05 21:30:09 +00:00
HBASE-1310 Off by one error in Bytes.vintToBytes
2009-04-10 19:57:50 +00:00
HBASE-1202 getRow does not always work when specifying number of versions
2009-04-13 18:02:01 +00:00
HBASE-1324 hbase-1234 broke testget2 unit test (and broke the build)
2009-06-15 22:20:55 +00:00
HBASE-1321 hbase-1234 broke TestCompaction; fix and reenable
HBASE-1330 binary keys broken on trunk (Ryan Rawson via Stack)
HBASE-1332 regionserver carrying .META. starts sucking all cpu, drives load
2009-04-21 08:14:04 +00:00
up - infinite loop? (Ryan Rawson via Stack)
2009-04-21 23:55:26 +00:00
HBASE-1334 .META. region running into hfile errors (Ryan Rawson via Stack)
2009-04-22 22:55:58 +00:00
HBASE-1338 lost use of compaction.dir; we were compacting into live store
2009-04-23 16:42:51 +00:00
HBASE-1058 Prevent runaway compactions
2009-04-23 20:34:44 +00:00
HBASE-1292 php thrift's getRow() would throw an exception if the row does
not exist (Rong-en Fan via Stack)
2009-04-23 21:46:35 +00:00
HBASE-1340 Fix new javadoc warnings (Evgeny Ryabitskiy via Stack)
2009-07-16 23:13:41 +00:00
HBASE-1287 Partitioner class not used in TableMapReduceUtil
.initTableReduceJob() (Lars George and Billy Pearson via Stack)
2009-04-28 06:05:53 +00:00
HBASE-1320 hbase-1234 broke filter tests
2009-04-28 22:35:07 +00:00
HBASE-1355 [performance] Cache family maxversions; we were calculating on
each access
2009-04-29 22:27:44 +00:00
HBASE-1358 Bug in reading from Memcache method (read only from snapshot)
(Evgeny Ryabitskiy via Stack)
2009-04-30 19:00:52 +00:00
HBASE-1322 hbase-1234 broke TestAtomicIncrement; fix and reenable
(Evgeny Ryabitskiy and Ryan Rawson via Stack)
2009-05-02 22:39:32 +00:00
HBASE-1347 HTable.incrementColumnValue does not take negative 'amount'
(Evgeny Ryabitskiy via Stack)
2009-05-02 23:56:23 +00:00
HBASE-1365 Typo in TableInputFormatBase.setInputColums (Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-05-04 18:30:49 +00:00
HBASE-1279 Fix the way hostnames and IPs are handled
2009-05-04 19:11:51 +00:00
HBASE-1368 HBASE-1279 broke the build
2009-05-04 21:50:02 +00:00
HBASE-1264 Wrong return values of comparators for ColumnValueFilter
(Thomas Schneider via Andrew Purtell)
2009-05-05 22:35:16 +00:00
HBASE-1374 NPE out of ZooKeeperWrapper.loadZooKeeperConfig
2009-05-13 07:06:01 +00:00
HBASE-1336 Splitting up the compare of family+column into 2 different
2009-05-06 18:18:38 +00:00
HBASE-1377 RS address is null in master web UI
2009-05-13 07:06:01 +00:00
HBASE-1344 WARN IllegalStateException: Cannot set a region as open if it
has not been pending
2009-05-07 16:47:39 +00:00
HBASE-1386 NPE in housekeeping
2009-05-13 07:06:01 +00:00
HBASE-1396 Remove unused sequencefile and mapfile config. from
2009-05-09 06:12:33 +00:00
HBASE-1398 TableOperation doesnt format keys for meta scan properly
(Ryan Rawson via Stack)
2009-05-09 15:39:52 +00:00
HBASE-1399 Can't drop tables since HBASE-1398 (Ryan Rawson via Andrew
2009-05-11 20:21:59 +00:00
HBASE-1311 ZooKeeperWrapper: Failed to set watcher on ZNode /hbase/master
(Nitay Joffe via Stack)
2009-05-12 08:54:05 +00:00
HBASE-1391 NPE in TableInputFormatBase$TableRecordReader.restart if zoo.cfg
is wrong or missing on task trackers
2009-05-13 00:08:12 +00:00
HBASE-1323 hbase-1234 broke TestThriftServer; fix and reenable
2009-05-14 23:43:09 +00:00
HBASE-1425 ColumnValueFilter and WhileMatchFilter fixes on trunk
(Clint Morgan via Stack)
2009-05-17 19:18:00 +00:00
HBASE-1431 NPE in HTable.checkAndSave when row doesn't exist (Guilherme
Mauro Germoglio Barbosa via Andrew Purtell)
2009-05-18 18:42:13 +00:00
HBASE-1421 Processing a regionserver message -- OPEN, CLOSE, SPLIT, etc. --
and if we're carrying more than one message in payload, if
exception, all messages that follow are dropped on floor
2009-05-18 22:26:19 +00:00
HBASE-1434 Duplicate property in hbase-default.xml (Lars George via Andrew
2009-05-19 04:56:46 +00:00
HBASE-1435 HRegionServer is using wrong info bind address from
hbase-site.xml (Lars George via Stack)
2009-05-19 17:19:12 +00:00
HBASE-1438 HBASE-1421 broke the build (#602 up on hudson)
2009-05-19 20:41:31 +00:00
HBASE-1440 master won't go down because joined on a rootscanner that is
waiting for ever
2009-05-20 04:00:16 +00:00
HBASE-1441 NPE in ProcessRegionStatusChange#getMetaRegion
2009-05-20 21:46:53 +00:00
HBASE-1162 CME in Master in RegionManager.applyActions
2009-05-20 23:32:46 +00:00
HBASE-1010 IOE on regionserver shutdown because hadn't opened an HLog
2009-05-21 00:53:21 +00:00
HBASE-1415 Stuck on memcache flush
2009-05-21 15:55:25 +00:00
HBASE-1257 base64 encoded values are not contained in quotes during the
HBase REST JSON serialization (Brian Beggs via Stack)
2009-05-21 16:35:43 +00:00
HBASE-1436 Killing regionserver can make corrupted hfile
2009-05-21 17:29:18 +00:00
HBASE-1272 Unreadable log messages -- "... to the only server
localhost_1237525439599_56094" <- You'd have to be perverse
to recognize that as a hostname, startcode, and port
2009-05-21 19:23:22 +00:00
HBASE-1395 InfoServers no longer put up a UI
2009-05-26 18:01:56 +00:00
HBASE-1302 When a new master comes up, regionservers should continue with
their region assignments from the last master
2009-05-31 14:32:56 +00:00
HBASE-1457 Taking down ROOT/META regionserver can result in cluster
becoming in-operational (Ryan Rawson via Stack)
2009-06-01 23:05:35 +00:00
HBASE-1471 During cluster shutdown, deleting zookeeper regionserver nodes
causes exceptions
2009-06-04 22:49:53 +00:00
HBASE-1483 HLog split loses track of edits (Clint Morgan via Stack)
2009-06-05 03:54:23 +00:00
HBASE-1484 commit log split writes files with newest edits first
(since hbase-1430); should be other way round
2009-06-06 20:15:18 +00:00
HBASE-1493 New TableMapReduceUtil methods should be static (Billy Pearson
via Andrew Purtell)
2009-06-08 01:48:06 +00:00
HBASE-1486 BLOCKCACHE always on even when disabled (Lars George via Stack)
2009-06-15 22:20:55 +00:00
HBASE-1491 ZooKeeper errors: "Client has seen zxid 0xe our last zxid
is 0xd"
HBASE-1499 Fix javadoc warnings after HBASE-1304 commit (Lars George via
2009-06-09 04:53:45 +00:00
HBASE-1504 Remove left-over debug from 1304 commit
2009-06-14 03:17:19 +00:00
HBASE-1518 Delete Trackers using compareRow, should just use raw
binary comparator (Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-06-15 04:22:22 +00:00
HBASE-1500 KeyValue$KeyComparator array overrun
HBASE-1513 Compactions too slow
HBASE-1516 Investigate if StoreScanner will not return the next row if
earlied-out of previous row (Jon Gray)
HBASE-1520 StoreFileScanner catches and ignore IOExceptions from HFile
2009-06-15 05:43:44 +00:00
HBASE-1522 We delete splits before their time occasionally
2009-06-15 06:44:08 +00:00
HBASE-1523 NPE in BaseScanner
2009-06-15 20:16:40 +00:00
HBASE-1525 HTable.incrementColumnValue hangs()
2009-06-15 22:20:55 +00:00
HBASE-1526 mapreduce fixup
2009-06-15 22:23:04 +00:00
HBASE-1503 hbase-1304 dropped updating list of store files on flush
(jgray via stack)
2009-06-15 22:29:30 +00:00
HBASE-1480 compaction file not cleaned up after a crash/OOME server
(Evgeny Ryabitskiy via Stack)
2009-06-16 04:11:44 +00:00
HBASE-1529 familyMap not invalidated when a Result is (re)read as a
2009-06-16 04:27:44 +00:00
HBASE-1528 Ensure scanners work across memcache snapshot
2009-06-16 05:08:06 +00:00
HBASE-1447 Take last version of the hbase-1249 design doc. and make
documentation out of it
2009-06-16 16:14:10 +00:00
HBASE-1206 Scanner spins when there are concurrent inserts to column family
2009-06-19 21:09:22 +00:00
HBASE-1536 Controlled crash of regionserver not hosting meta/root leaves
master in spinning state, regions not reassigned
2009-06-19 00:02:07 +00:00
HBASE-1543 Unnecessary toString during scanning costs us some CPU
2009-06-19 03:58:53 +00:00
HBASE-1544 Cleanup HTable (Jonathan Gray via Stack)
2009-06-19 18:46:38 +00:00
HBASE-1488 After 1304 goes in, fix and reenable test of thrift, mr indexer,
and merge tool
2009-06-19 21:37:20 +00:00
HBASE-1531 Change new Get to use new filter API
2009-06-19 21:39:40 +00:00
HBASE-1549 in zookeeper.sh, use localhost instead of
2009-06-19 21:46:25 +00:00
HBASE-1534 Got ZooKeeper event, state: Disconnected on HRS and then NPE on
2009-06-19 22:00:54 +00:00
HBASE-1387 Before release verify all object sizes using Ryans' instrumented
JVM trick (Erik Holstad via Stack)
2009-06-19 22:02:12 +00:00
HBASE-1545 atomicIncrements creating new values with Long.MAX_VALUE
2009-06-19 22:15:40 +00:00
HBASE-1547 atomicIncrement doesnt increase hregion.memcacheSize
2009-06-19 22:42:11 +00:00
HBASE-1553 ClassSize missing in trunk
2009-06-22 17:22:52 +00:00
HBASE-1561 HTable Mismatch between javadoc and what it actually does
2009-06-22 18:08:33 +00:00
HBASE-1558 deletes use 'HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP' but no one translates
that into 'now'
2009-06-22 23:39:03 +00:00
HBASE-1508 Shell "close_region" reveals a Master<>HRS problem, regions are
not reassigned
2009-06-23 16:19:36 +00:00
HBASE-1568 Client doesnt consult old row filter interface in
filterSaysStop() - could result in NPE or excessive scanning
2009-06-23 19:04:01 +00:00
HBASE-1564 in UI make host addresses all look the same -- not IP sometimes
and host at others
2009-06-24 05:34:26 +00:00
HBASE-1567 cant serialize new filters
2009-06-25 19:29:48 +00:00
HBASE-1585 More binary key/value log output cleanup
(Lars George via Stack)
2009-06-25 22:12:24 +00:00
HBASE-1563 incrementColumnValue does not write to WAL (Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-06-25 23:10:11 +00:00
HBASE-1569 rare race condition can take down a regionserver
2009-06-25 23:53:04 +00:00
HBASE-1450 Scripts passed to hbase shell do not have shell context set up
for them
2009-06-25 23:56:40 +00:00
HBASE-1566 using Scan(startRow,stopRow) will cause you to iterate the
entire table
2009-06-25 23:59:12 +00:00
HBASE-1560 TIF can't seem to find one region
2009-06-26 05:26:18 +00:00
HBASE-1580 Store scanner does not consult filter.filterRow at end of scan
(Clint Morgan via Stack)
2009-06-26 19:52:25 +00:00
HBASE-1437 broken links in hbase.org
2009-06-30 04:44:33 +00:00
HBASE-1582 Translate ColumnValueFilter and RowFilterSet to the new Filter
2009-07-16 23:13:41 +00:00
HBASE-1594 Fix scan addcolumns after hbase-1385 commit (broke hudson build)
2009-06-30 22:41:37 +00:00
HBASE-1595 hadoop-default.xml and zoo.cfg in hbase jar
2009-07-01 23:57:40 +00:00
HBASE-1602 HRegionServer won't go down since we added in new LruBlockCache
2009-07-03 00:01:23 +00:00
HBASE-1608 TestCachedBlockQueue failing on some jvms (Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-07-07 03:44:40 +00:00
HBASE-1615 HBASE-1597 introduced a bug when compacting after a split
(Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-07-16 23:13:41 +00:00
HBASE-1616 Unit test of compacting referenced StoreFiles (Jon Gray via
2009-07-07 21:01:18 +00:00
HBASE-1618 Investigate further into the MemStoreFlusher StoreFile limit
(Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-07-16 23:13:41 +00:00
HBASE-1625 Adding check to Put.add(KeyValue), to see that it has the same
2009-07-08 04:04:25 +00:00
row as when instantiated (Erik Holstad via Stack)
2009-07-09 23:04:42 +00:00
HBASE-1629 HRS unable to contact master
2009-07-10 03:25:20 +00:00
HBASE-1633 Can't delete in TRUNK shell; makes it hard doing admin repairs
2009-07-10 18:37:52 +00:00
HBASE-1641 Stargate build.xml causes error in Eclipse
2009-07-10 19:06:38 +00:00
HBASE-1627 TableInputFormatBase#nextKeyValue catches the wrong exception
(Doğacan Güney via Stack)
2009-07-10 21:34:16 +00:00
HBASE-1644 Result.row is cached in getRow; this breaks MapReduce
(Doğacan Güney via Stack)
2009-07-10 21:44:43 +00:00
HBASE-1639 clean checkout with empty hbase-site.xml, zk won't start
2009-07-12 23:21:26 +00:00
HBASE-1646 Scan-s can't set a Filter (Doğacan Güney via Stack)
2009-07-13 18:09:55 +00:00
HBASE-1649 ValueFilter may not reset its internal state
(Doğacan Güney via Stack)
2009-07-14 18:47:25 +00:00
HBASE-1651 client is broken, it requests ROOT region location from ZK too
HBASE-1650 HBASE-1551 broke the ability to manage non-regionserver
start-up/shut down. ie: you cant start/stop thrift on a cluster
2009-07-14 23:48:44 +00:00
HBASE-1658 Remove UI refresh -- its annoying
2009-07-15 00:36:33 +00:00
HBASE-1659 merge tool doesnt take binary regions with \x escape format
2009-07-16 19:15:22 +00:00
HBASE-1663 Request compaction only once instead of every time 500ms each
time we cycle the hstore.getStorefilesCount() >
this.blockingStoreFilesNumber loop
2009-07-16 21:29:05 +00:00
HBASE-1058 Disable 1058 on catalog tables
2009-07-16 23:24:21 +00:00
HBASE-1583 Start/Stop of large cluster untenable
2009-07-17 18:06:09 +00:00
HBASE-1668 hbase-1609 broke TestHRegion.testScanSplitOnRegion unit test
2009-07-18 00:45:27 +00:00
HBASE-1669 need dynamic extensibility of HBaseRPC code maps and interface
lists (Clint Morgan via Stack)
2009-07-20 22:05:03 +00:00
HBASE-1359 After a large truncating table HBase becomes unresponsive
2009-07-22 22:19:24 +00:00
HBASE-1215 0.19.0 -> 0.20.0 migration (hfile, HCD changes, HSK changes)
2009-07-23 03:53:13 +00:00
HBASE-1689 Fix javadoc warnings and add overview on client classes to
client package
2009-07-23 05:17:26 +00:00
HBASE-1680 FilterList writable only works for HBaseObjectWritable
defined types (Clint Morgan via Stack and Jon Gray)
2009-07-23 23:46:00 +00:00
HBASE-1607 transactions / indexing fixes: trx deletes not handeled, index
scan can't specify stopRow (Clint Morgan via Stack)
2009-07-25 23:14:16 +00:00
HBASE-1693 NPE close_region ".META." in shell
2009-07-26 23:09:45 +00:00
HBASE-1706 META row with missing HRI breaks UI
2009-07-27 17:14:01 +00:00
HBASE-1709 Thrift getRowWithColumns doesn't accept column-family only
2009-07-27 17:19:29 +00:00
(Mathias Lehmann via Stack)
HBASE-1692 Web UI is extremely slow / freezes up if you have many tables
2009-07-27 17:21:17 +00:00
HBASE-1686 major compaction can create empty store files, causing AIOOB
when trying to read
2009-07-27 17:26:10 +00:00
HBASE-1705 Thrift server: deletes in mutateRow/s don't delete
(Tim Sell and Ryan Rawson via Stack)
2009-07-28 08:51:06 +00:00
HBASE-1703 ICVs across /during a flush can cause multiple keys with the
same TS (bad)
2009-07-28 19:41:54 +00:00
HBASE-1671 HBASE-1609 broke scanners riding across splits
2009-07-28 20:01:15 +00:00
HBASE-1717 Put on client-side uses passed-in byte[]s rather than always
using copies
2009-07-28 21:24:42 +00:00
HBASE-1647 Filter#filterRow is called too often, filters rows it shouldn't
have (Doğacan Güney via Ryan Rawson and Stack)
2009-07-29 00:58:40 +00:00
HBASE-1718 Reuse of KeyValue during log replay could cause the wrong
data to be used
2009-07-29 19:00:35 +00:00
HBASE-1573 Holes in master state change; updated startcode and server
go into .META. but catalog scanner just got old values (redux)
2009-07-29 23:07:48 +00:00
HBASE-1534 Got ZooKeeper event, state: Disconnected on HRS and then NPE
on reinit
2009-08-02 04:30:16 +00:00
HBASE-1725 Old TableMap interface's definitions are not generic enough
(Doğacan Güney via Stack)
2009-08-02 04:55:41 +00:00
HBASE-1732 Flag to disable regionserver restart
2009-08-02 04:59:46 +00:00
HBASE-1727 HTD and HCD versions need update
2009-08-02 23:28:20 +00:00
HBASE-1604 HBaseClient.getConnection() may return a broken connection
without throwing an exception (Eugene Kirpichov via Stack)
2009-08-03 21:49:10 +00:00
HBASE-1737 Regions unbalanced when adding new node
2009-08-03 23:18:14 +00:00
HBASE-1739 hbase-1683 broke splitting; only split three logs no matter
what N was
2009-08-04 20:35:40 +00:00
HBASE-1745 [tools] Tool to kick region out of inTransistion
2009-08-10 18:00:07 +00:00
HBASE-1757 REST server runs out of fds
2009-08-14 19:40:46 +00:00
HBASE-1768 REST server has upper limit of 5k PUT
2009-08-14 23:35:22 +00:00
HBASE-1766 Add advanced features to HFile.main() to be able to analyze
storefile problems
2009-08-17 17:34:19 +00:00
HBASE-1761 getclosest doesn't understand delete family; manifests as
"HRegionInfo was null or empty in .META" A.K.A the BS problem
2009-08-17 22:21:00 +00:00
HBASE-1738 Scanner doesnt reset when a snapshot is created, could miss
new updates into the 'kvset' (active part)
2009-08-17 23:17:18 +00:00
HBASE-1767 test zookeeper broken in trunk and 0.20 branch; broken on
hudson too
2009-08-27 19:40:47 +00:00
HBASE-1780 HTable.flushCommits clears write buffer in finally clause
2009-09-01 19:54:42 +00:00
HBASE-1784 Missing rows after medium intensity insert
2009-09-01 23:16:14 +00:00
HBASE-1809 NPE thrown in BoundedRangeFileInputStream
2009-09-02 16:38:03 +00:00
HBASE-1810 ConcurrentModificationException in region assignment
(Mathias Herberts via Stack)
2009-09-02 18:56:59 +00:00
HBASE-1804 Puts are permitted (and stored) when including an appended colon
2009-09-02 22:24:51 +00:00
HBASE-1715 Compaction failure in ScanWildcardColumnTracker.checkColumn
2009-01-19 21:21:30 +00:00
2009-01-19 21:43:48 +00:00
HBASE-1089 Add count of regions on filesystem to master UI; add percentage
online as difference between whats open and whats on filesystem
(Samuel Guo via Stack)
2009-01-19 23:00:19 +00:00
HBASE-1130 PrefixRowFilter (Michael Gottesman via Stack)
2009-01-20 00:23:54 +00:00
HBASE-1139 Update Clover in build.xml
2009-01-20 06:32:36 +00:00
HBASE-876 There are a large number of Java warnings in HBase; part 1,
2009-01-22 05:44:21 +00:00
part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7 and part 8
(Evgeny Ryabitskiy via Stack)
2009-01-20 21:26:59 +00:00
HBASE-896 Update jruby from 1.1.2 to 1.1.6
2009-01-20 21:30:42 +00:00
HBASE-1031 Add the Zookeeper jar
2009-01-21 23:51:15 +00:00
HBASE-1142 Cleanup thrift server; remove Text and profuse DEBUG messaging
(Tim Sell via Stack)
2009-01-22 00:21:16 +00:00
HBASE-1064 HBase REST xml/json improvements (Brian Beggs working of
initial Michael Gottesman work via Stack)
2009-01-24 07:11:32 +00:00
HBASE-5121 Fix shell usage for format.width
2009-01-29 16:51:26 +00:00
HBASE-845 HCM.isTableEnabled doesn't really tell if it is, or not
2009-05-13 07:06:01 +00:00
HBASE-903 [shell] Can't set table descriptor attributes when I alter a
2009-01-31 05:33:55 +00:00
HBASE-1166 saveVersion.sh doesn't work with git (Nitay Joffe via Stack)
2009-01-31 16:17:19 +00:00
HBASE-1167 JSP doesn't work in a git checkout (Nitay Joffe via Andrew
2009-02-03 10:22:06 +00:00
HBASE-1178 Add shutdown command to shell
2009-02-05 22:24:59 +00:00
HBASE-1184 HColumnDescriptor is too restrictive with family names
(Toby White via Andrew Purtell)
2009-02-06 18:45:03 +00:00
HBASE-1180 Add missing import statements to SampleUploader and remove
unnecessary @Overrides (Ryan Smith via Andrew Purtell)
2009-02-08 18:37:00 +00:00
HBASE-1191 ZooKeeper ensureParentExists calls fail
2009-02-08 18:46:48 +00:00
on absolute path (Nitay Joffe via Jean-Daniel Cryans)
2009-02-08 18:37:00 +00:00
HBASE-1187 After disabling/enabling a table, the regions seems to
be assigned to only 1-2 region servers
2009-02-26 17:55:27 +00:00
HBASE-1210 Allow truncation of output for scan and get commands in shell
(Lars George via Stack)
2009-02-26 17:58:31 +00:00
HBASE-1221 When using ant -projecthelp to build HBase not all the important
options show up (Erik Holstad via Stack)
2009-02-26 18:17:46 +00:00
HBASE-1189 Changing the map type used internally for HbaseMapWritable
(Erik Holstad via Stack)
2009-02-26 18:21:49 +00:00
HBASE-1188 Memory size of Java Objects - Make cacheable objects implement
HeapSize (Erik Holstad via Stack)
2009-03-02 19:52:21 +00:00
HBASE-1230 Document installation of HBase on Windows
2009-03-06 02:20:55 +00:00
HBASE-1241 HBase additions to ZooKeeper part 1 (Nitay Joffe via JD)
2009-03-06 06:13:17 +00:00
HBASE-1231 Today, going from a RowResult to a BatchUpdate reqiures some
data processing even though they are pretty much the same thing
(Erik Holstad via Stack)
2009-03-06 06:29:21 +00:00
HBASE-1240 Would be nice if RowResult could be comparable
(Erik Holstad via Stack)
2009-03-09 22:15:27 +00:00
HBASE-803 Atomic increment operations (Ryan Rawson and Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-03-25 09:09:43 +00:00
Part 1 and part 2 -- fix for a crash.
2009-03-10 22:22:06 +00:00
HBASE-1252 Make atomic increment perform a binary increment
(Jonathan Gray via Stack)
2009-03-14 05:59:48 +00:00
HBASE-1258,1259 ganglia metrics for 'requests' is confusing
(Ryan Rawson via Stack)
2009-05-13 07:06:01 +00:00
HBASE-1265 HLogEdit static constants should be final (Nitay Joffe via
2009-03-18 20:17:52 +00:00
HBASE-1244 ZooKeeperWrapper constants cleanup (Nitay Joffe via Stack)
2009-03-19 09:03:08 +00:00
HBASE-1262 Eclipse warnings, including performance related things like
synthetic accessors (Nitay Joffe via Stack)
2009-03-20 22:42:25 +00:00
HBASE-1273 ZooKeeper WARN spits out lots of useless messages
(Nitay Joffe via Stack)
2009-03-25 14:13:26 +00:00
HBASE-1285 Forcing compactions should be available via thrift
2009-03-25 23:47:36 +00:00
(Tim Sell via Stack)
2009-03-26 01:47:24 +00:00
HBASE-1186 Memory-aware Maps with LRU eviction for cell cache
(Jonathan Gray via Andrew Purtell)
2009-04-03 01:24:45 +00:00
HBASE-1205 RegionServers should find new master when a new master comes up
(Nitay Joffe via Andrew Purtell)
2009-04-07 18:22:59 +00:00
HBASE-1309 HFile rejects key in Memcache with empty value
2009-04-20 16:04:36 +00:00
HBASE-1331 Lower the default scanner caching value
2009-04-22 19:14:15 +00:00
HBASE-1235 Add table enabled status to shell and UI
(Lars George via Stack)
2009-04-23 05:29:10 +00:00
HBASE-1333 RowCounter updates
2009-04-23 16:08:59 +00:00
HBASE-1195 If HBase directory exists but version file is inexistent, still
proceed with bootstrapping (Evgeny Ryabitskiy via Stack)
2009-04-23 16:19:40 +00:00
HBASE-1301 HTable.getRow() returns null if the row does no exist
(Rong-en Fan via Stack)
2009-04-23 20:26:13 +00:00
HBASE-1176 Javadocs in HBA should be clear about which functions are
asynchronous and which are synchronous
(Evgeny Ryabitskiy via Stack)
2009-04-24 22:25:09 +00:00
HBASE-1260 Bytes utility class changes: remove usage of ByteBuffer and
provide additional ByteBuffer primitives (Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-04-27 18:05:34 +00:00
HBASE-1183 New MR splitting algorithm and other new features need a way to
split a key range in N chunks (Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-04-28 08:27:26 +00:00
HBASE-1350 New method in HTable.java to return start and end keys for
regions in a table (Vimal Mathew via Stack)
2009-04-29 23:14:57 +00:00
HBASE-1271 Allow multiple tests to run on one machine
(Evgeny Ryabitskiy via Stack)
2009-04-29 23:44:47 +00:00
HBASE-1112 we will lose data if the table name happens to be the logs' dir
name (Samuel Guo via Stack)
2009-05-05 03:57:26 +00:00
HBASE-889 The current Thrift API does not allow a new scanner to be
created without supplying a column list unlike the other APIs.
(Tim Sell via Stack)
2009-05-05 09:13:05 +00:00
HBASE-1341 HTable pooler
2009-05-06 21:26:09 +00:00
HBASE-1379 re-enable LZO using hadoop-gpl-compression library
(Ryan Rawson via Stack)
2009-05-07 04:48:44 +00:00
HBASE-1383 hbase shell needs to warn on deleting multi-region table
2009-05-07 16:29:40 +00:00
HBASE-1286 Thrift should support next(nbRow) like functionality
(Alex Newman via Stack)
2009-05-08 15:40:11 +00:00
HBASE-1392 change how we build/configure lzocodec (Ryan Rawson via Stack)
2009-05-09 05:38:47 +00:00
HBASE-1397 Better distribution in the PerformanceEvaluation MapReduce
when rows run to the Billions
2009-05-09 05:49:46 +00:00
HBASE-1393 Narrow synchronization in HLog
2009-05-11 17:32:24 +00:00
HBASE-1404 minor edit of regionserver logging messages
2009-05-11 19:48:42 +00:00
HBASE-1405 Threads.shutdown has unnecessary branch
2009-05-12 01:45:12 +00:00
HBASE-1407 Changing internal structure of ImmutableBytesWritable
contructor (Erik Holstad via Stack)
2009-05-13 00:27:51 +00:00
HBASE-1345 Remove distributed mode from MiniZooKeeper (Nitay Joffe via
HBASE-1414 Add server status logging chore to ServerManager
2009-05-13 06:12:02 +00:00
HBASE-1379 Make KeyValue implement Writable
(Erik Holstad and Jon Gray via Stack)
HBASE-1380 Make KeyValue implement HeapSize
(Erik Holstad and Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-05-13 07:06:01 +00:00
HBASE-1413 Fall back to filesystem block size default if HLog blocksize is
not specified
2009-05-13 17:08:10 +00:00
HBASE-1417 Cleanup disorientating RPC message
2009-05-14 18:45:34 +00:00
HBASE-1424 have shell print regioninfo and location on first load if
DEBUG enabled
2009-05-16 19:22:49 +00:00
HBASE-1008 [performance] The replay of logs on server crash takes way too
2009-05-16 06:10:44 +00:00
HBASE-1394 Uploads sometimes fall to 0 requests/second (Binding up on
2009-05-16 19:22:49 +00:00
HBASE-1429 Allow passing of a configuration object to HTablePool
2009-05-17 18:22:40 +00:00
HBASE-1432 LuceneDocumentWrapper is not public
2009-05-18 17:36:33 +00:00
HBASE-1401 close HLog (and open new one) if there hasnt been edits in N
2009-05-19 17:53:14 +00:00
HBASE-1420 add abliity to add and remove (table) indexes on existing
tables (Clint Morgan via Stack)
2009-05-19 23:43:53 +00:00
HBASE-1430 Read the logs in batches during log splitting to avoid OOME
2009-05-20 19:58:38 +00:00
HBASE-1017 Region balancing does not bring newly added node within
acceptable range (Evgeny Ryabitskiy via Stack)
2009-05-28 05:48:52 +00:00
HBASE-1454 HBaseAdmin.getClusterStatus
2009-05-30 21:02:26 +00:00
HBASE-1236 Improve readability of table descriptions in the UI
(Lars George and Alex Newman via Stack)
2009-05-30 21:44:46 +00:00
HBASE-1455 Update DemoClient.py for thrift 1.0 (Tim Sell via Stack)
2009-05-31 16:45:02 +00:00
HBASE-1464 Add hbase.regionserver.logroll.period to hbase-default
2009-05-31 23:39:39 +00:00
HBASE-1192 LRU-style map for the block cache (Jon Gray and Ryan Rawson
via Stack)
2009-06-04 22:49:53 +00:00
HBASE-1466 Binary keys are not first class citizens
(Ryan Rawson via Stack)
2009-06-02 17:52:32 +00:00
HBASE-1445 Add the ability to start a master from any machine
2009-06-02 19:00:47 +00:00
HBASE-1474 Add zk attributes to list of attributes
in master and regionserver UIs
2009-06-02 19:32:24 +00:00
HBASE-1448 Add a node in ZK to tell all masters to shutdown
2009-06-03 05:11:48 +00:00
HBASE-1478 Remove hbase master options from shell (Nitay Joffe via Stack)
2009-06-03 16:46:28 +00:00
HBASE-1462 hclient still seems to depend on master
2009-06-03 20:01:12 +00:00
HBASE-1143 region count erratic in master UI
2009-06-08 02:34:08 +00:00
HBASE-1490 Update ZooKeeper library
HBASE-1489 Basic git ignores for people who use git and eclipse
2009-06-08 21:26:04 +00:00
HBASE-1453 Add HADOOP-4681 to our bundled hadoop, add to 'gettting started'
recommendation that hbase users backport
2009-06-12 05:59:54 +00:00
HBASE-1507 iCMS as default JVM
2009-06-12 06:04:58 +00:00
HBASE-1509 Add explanation to shell "help" command on how to use binarykeys
(Lars George via Stack)
2009-06-15 21:14:34 +00:00
HBASE-1514 hfile inspection tool
2009-06-17 03:48:53 +00:00
HBASE-1329 Visibility into ZooKeeper
2009-06-17 22:01:31 +00:00
HBASE-867 If millions of columns in a column family, hbase scanner won't
come up (Jonathan Gray via Stack)
2009-06-17 22:24:52 +00:00
HBASE-1538 Up zookeeper timeout from 10 seconds to 30 seconds to cut down
on hbase-user traffic
2009-06-17 23:02:18 +00:00
HBASE-1539 prevent aborts due to missing zoo.cfg
2009-06-18 20:47:03 +00:00
HBASE-1488 Fix TestThriftServer and re-enable it
HBASE-1541 Scanning multiple column families in the presence of deleted
families results in bad scans
2009-06-19 05:24:30 +00:00
HBASE-1540 Client delete unit test, define behavior
(Jonathan Gray via Stack)
2009-06-19 21:09:22 +00:00
HBASE-1552 provide version running on cluster via getClusterStatus
2009-06-19 21:40:57 +00:00
HBASE-1550 hbase-daemon.sh stop should provide more information when stop
command fails
2009-06-20 22:03:46 +00:00
HBASE-1515 Address part of config option hbase.regionserver unnecessary
2009-06-22 23:32:11 +00:00
HBASE-1532 UI Visibility into ZooKeeper
2009-06-23 22:42:01 +00:00
HBASE-1572 Zookeeper log4j property set to ERROR on default, same output
when cluster working and not working (Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-06-24 06:02:39 +00:00
HBASE-1576 TIF needs to be able to set scanner caching size for smaller
row tables & performance
2009-06-24 18:19:31 +00:00
HBASE-1577 Move memcache to ConcurrentSkipListMap from
2009-06-24 19:56:51 +00:00
HBASE-1578 Change the name of the in-memory updates from 'memcache' to
'memtable' or....
2009-06-24 20:03:26 +00:00
HBASE-1562 How to handle the setting of 32 bit versus 64 bit machines
(Erik Holstad via Stack)
2009-06-25 19:26:01 +00:00
HBASE-1584 Put add methods should return this for ease of use (Be
consistant with Get) (Clint Morgan via Stack)
2009-07-16 23:13:41 +00:00
HBASE-1581 Run major compaction on .META. when table is dropped or
2009-06-26 19:49:08 +00:00
HBASE-1587 Update ganglia config and doc to account for ganglia 3.1 and
2009-06-29 20:11:27 +00:00
HBASE-1589 Up zk maxClientCnxns from default of 10 to 20 or 30 or so
2009-06-30 17:42:53 +00:00
HBASE-1385 Revamp TableInputFormat, needs updating to match hadoop 0.20.x
AND remove bit where we can make < maps than regions
(Lars George via Stack)
2009-07-03 17:31:23 +00:00
HBASE-1596 Remove WatcherWrapper and have all users of Zookeeper provide a
2009-07-03 19:11:12 +00:00
HBASE-1597 Prevent unnecessary caching of blocks during compactions
(Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-07-03 19:44:06 +00:00
HBASE-1607 Redo MemStore heap sizing to be accurate, testable, and more
like new LruBlockCache (Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-07-03 21:29:21 +00:00
HBASE-1218 Implement in-memory column (Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-07-03 23:33:28 +00:00
HBASE-1606 Remove zoo.cfg, put config options into hbase-site.xml
2009-07-07 16:33:41 +00:00
HBASE-1575 HMaster does not handle ZK session expiration
2009-07-16 23:13:41 +00:00
HBASE-1620 Need to use special StoreScanner constructor for major
compactions (passed sf, no caching, etc) (Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-07-07 23:25:39 +00:00
HBASE-1624 Don't sort Puts if only one in list in HCM#processBatchOfRows
2009-07-09 04:08:20 +00:00
HBASE-1626 Allow emitting Deletes out of new TableReducer
(Lars George via Stack)
2009-07-09 19:04:43 +00:00
HBASE-1551 HBase should manage multiple node ZooKeeper quorum
2009-07-09 23:27:09 +00:00
HBASE-1637 Delete client class methods should return itself like Put, Get,
Scan (Jon Gray via Nitay)
2009-07-16 23:13:41 +00:00
HBASE-1640 Allow passing arguments to jruby script run when run by hbase
2009-07-10 14:58:26 +00:00
HBASE-698 HLog recovery is not performed after master failure
2009-07-10 19:30:39 +00:00
HBASE-1643 ScanDeleteTracker takes comparator but it unused
2009-07-15 22:50:11 +00:00
HBASE-1603 MR failed "RetriesExhaustedException: Trying to contact region
server Some server for region TestTable..." -- deubugging
2009-07-10 23:18:15 +00:00
HBASE-1470 hbase and HADOOP-4379, dhruba's flush/sync
2009-07-16 23:13:41 +00:00
HBASE-1632 Write documentation for configuring/managing ZooKeeper
2009-07-15 22:50:11 +00:00
HBASE-1662 Tool to run major compaction on catalog regions when hbase is
2009-07-16 23:13:41 +00:00
HBASE-1665 expose more load information to the client side
2009-07-17 04:27:11 +00:00
HBASE-1609 We wait on leases to expire before regionserver goes down.
Rather, just let client fail
2009-07-17 19:25:13 +00:00
HBASE-1655 Usability improvements to HTablePool (Ken Weiner via jgray)
2009-07-23 16:20:52 +00:00
HBASE-1688 Improve javadocs in Result and KeyValue
2009-07-24 00:11:17 +00:00
HBASE-1694 Add TOC to 'Getting Started', add references to THBase and
2009-07-24 15:01:09 +00:00
HBASE-1699 Remove hbrep example as it's too out of date
2009-07-24 15:03:08 +00:00
(Tim Sell via Stack)
2009-07-24 22:47:10 +00:00
HBASE-1683 OOME on master splitting logs; stuck, won't go down
2009-07-25 03:01:13 +00:00
HBASE-1704 Better zk error when failed connect
2009-07-27 23:48:22 +00:00
HBASE-1714 Thrift server: prefix scan API
2009-07-29 20:55:10 +00:00
HBASE-1719 hold a reference to the region in stores instead of only the
region info
2009-08-04 05:09:27 +00:00
HBASE-1743 [debug tool] Add regionsInTransition list to ClusterStatus
detailed output
2009-08-17 23:54:47 +00:00
HBASE-1772 Up the default ZK session timeout from 30seconds to 60seconds
2009-05-07 16:29:40 +00:00
2009-05-13 05:36:24 +00:00
HBASE-1412 Change values for delete column and column family in KeyValue
2009-06-17 23:32:20 +00:00
HBASE-1535 Add client ability to perform mutations without the WAL
(Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-06-26 22:16:40 +00:00
HBASE-1460 Concurrent LRU Block Cache (Jon Gray via Stack)
2009-07-09 17:55:50 +00:00
HBASE-1635 PerformanceEvaluation should use scanner prefetching
2009-01-19 21:43:48 +00:00
2009-01-22 00:21:16 +00:00
Release 0.19.0 - 01/21/2009
2008-09-22 21:16:21 +00:00
2008-09-23 05:04:12 +00:00
HBASE-885 TableMap and TableReduce should be interfaces
(Doğacan Güney via Stack)
2008-09-26 22:55:46 +00:00
HBASE-905 Remove V5 migration classes from 0.19.0 (Jean-Daniel Cryans via
Jim Kellerman)
2008-10-08 23:45:30 +00:00
HBASE-852 Cannot scan all families in a row with a LIMIT, STARTROW, etc.
(Izaak Rubin via Stack)
2008-10-27 18:02:55 +00:00
HBASE-953 Enable BLOCKCACHE by default [WAS -> Reevaluate HBASE-288 block
2009-01-12 18:52:22 +00:00
caching work....?] -- Update your hbase-default.xml file!
2008-10-28 23:42:16 +00:00
HBASE-636 java6 as a requirement
2008-11-11 23:09:23 +00:00
HBASE-994 IPC interfaces with different versions can cause problems
2008-11-28 09:00:58 +00:00
HBASE-1028 If key does not exist, return null in getRow rather than an
empty RowResult
2009-01-18 03:18:11 +00:00
HBASE-1134 OOME in HMaster when HBaseRPC is older than 0.19
2008-09-22 21:16:21 +00:00
2008-09-22 21:47:59 +00:00
HBASE-891 HRS.validateValuesLength throws IOE, gets caught in the retries
2008-09-22 22:00:31 +00:00
HBASE-892 Cell iteration is broken (Doğacan Güney via Jim Kellerman)
2008-09-23 22:36:07 +00:00
HBASE-898 RowResult.containsKey(String) doesn't work
(Doğacan Güney via Jim Kellerman)
2008-09-27 21:58:38 +00:00
HBASE-906 [shell] Truncates output
2008-10-03 19:20:50 +00:00
HBASE-912 PE is broken when other tables exist
2008-10-09 00:03:50 +00:00
HBASE-853 [shell] Cannot describe meta tables (Izaak Rubin via Stack)
HBASE-844 Can't pass script to hbase shell
2009-05-16 19:22:49 +00:00
HBASE-837 Add unit tests for ThriftServer.HBaseHandler (Izaak Rubin via
2008-10-09 00:23:22 +00:00
HBASE-913 Classes using log4j directly
2008-10-09 00:34:07 +00:00
HBASE-914 MSG_REPORT_CLOSE has a byte array for a message
2008-10-11 19:04:09 +00:00
HBASE-918 Region balancing during startup makes cluster unstable
2008-10-14 10:38:34 +00:00
HBASE-921 region close and open processed out of order; makes for
disagreement between master and regionserver on region state
2008-10-14 18:26:57 +00:00
HBASE-925 HRS NPE on way out if no master to connect to
2008-10-14 19:45:29 +00:00
HBASE-928 NPE throwing RetriesExhaustedException
2008-10-15 00:07:46 +00:00
HBASE-924 Update hadoop in lib on 0.18 hbase branch to 0.18.1
2008-10-15 17:35:18 +00:00
HBASE-929 Clarify that ttl in HColumnDescriptor is seconds
2008-10-15 21:44:26 +00:00
HBASE-930 RegionServer stuck: HLog: Could not append. Requesting close of
2009-05-16 19:22:49 +00:00
log java.io.IOException: Could not get block locations
2008-10-16 19:28:17 +00:00
HBASE-926 If no master, regionservers should hang out rather than fail on
connection and shut themselves down
2008-10-16 19:45:17 +00:00
HBASE-919 Master and Region Server need to provide root region location if
they are using HTable
2008-10-20 03:06:54 +00:00
With J-D's one line patch, test cases now appear to work and
PerformanceEvaluation works as before.
2008-10-20 17:43:54 +00:00
HBASE-939 NPE in HStoreKey
2008-10-21 16:39:10 +00:00
HBASE-945 Be consistent in use of qualified/unqualified mapfile paths
2008-10-22 18:57:39 +00:00
HBASE-946 Row with 55k deletes timesout scanner lease
2009-05-16 19:22:49 +00:00
HBASE-950 HTable.commit no longer works with existing RowLocks though it's
still in API
2008-10-23 19:43:56 +00:00
HBASE-952 Deadlock in HRegion.batchUpdate
2008-10-24 18:42:56 +00:00
HBASE-954 Don't reassign root region until ProcessServerShutdown has split
the former region server's log
2009-05-16 19:22:49 +00:00
HBASE-957 PerformanceEvaluation tests if table exists by comparing
2008-10-29 18:45:36 +00:00
HBASE-728, HBASE-956, HBASE-955 Address thread naming, which threads are
Chores, vs Threads, make HLog manager the write ahead log and
not extend it to provided optional HLog sync operations.
HBASE-970 Update the copy/rename scripts to go against change API
2008-10-29 20:29:00 +00:00
HBASE-966 HBASE-748 misses some writes
2008-10-30 14:28:49 +00:00
HBASE-971 Fix the failing tests on Hudson
2008-10-30 22:38:14 +00:00
HBASE-973 [doc] In getting started, make it clear that hbase needs to
create its directory in hdfs
2008-10-31 01:31:16 +00:00
HBASE-963 Fix the retries in HTable.flushCommit
2008-10-31 18:16:23 +00:00
HBASE-969 Won't when storefile > 2G.
2008-10-31 23:02:02 +00:00
HBASE-976 HADOOP 0.19.0 RC0 is broke; replace with HEAD of branch-0.19
2008-11-02 01:15:00 +00:00
HBASE-977 Arcane HStoreKey comparator bug
2008-11-03 17:37:20 +00:00
HBASE-979 REST web app is not started automatically
2008-11-04 08:28:49 +00:00
HBASE-980 Undo core of HBASE-975, caching of start and end row
2009-05-16 19:22:49 +00:00
HBASE-982 Deleting a column in MapReduce fails (Doğacan Güney via
2008-11-07 04:44:36 +00:00
HBASE-984 Fix javadoc warnings
2008-11-07 04:51:42 +00:00
HBASE-985 Fix javadoc warnings
2008-11-07 17:24:41 +00:00
HBASE-951 Either shut down master or let it finish cleanup
2009-01-12 18:52:22 +00:00
HBASE-964 Startup stuck "waiting for root region"
2008-11-10 19:03:01 +00:00
HBASE-964, HBASE-678 provide for safe-mode without locking up HBase "waiting
for root region"
2008-11-18 15:49:54 +00:00
HBASE-990 NoSuchElementException in flushSomeRegions; took two attempts.
2008-11-12 20:11:31 +00:00
HBASE-602 HBase Crash when network card has a IPv6 address
2008-11-12 20:44:06 +00:00
HBASE-996 Migration script to up the versions in catalog tables
2008-11-17 02:28:30 +00:00
HBASE-991 Update the mapred package document examples so they work with
2008-11-17 20:37:34 +00:00
HBASE-1003 If cell exceeds TTL but not VERSIONs, will not be removed during
major compaction
2008-11-19 02:01:44 +00:00
HBASE-1005 Regex and string comparison operators for ColumnValueFilter
2008-11-19 06:48:55 +00:00
HBASE-910 Scanner misses columns / rows when the scanner is obtained
2009-01-12 18:52:22 +00:00
during a memcache flush
2008-11-20 02:02:01 +00:00
HBASE-1009 Master stuck in loop wanting to assign but regions are closing
2008-11-21 21:17:24 +00:00
HBASE-1016 Fix example in javadoc overvie
2008-11-24 20:47:58 +00:00
HBASE-1021 hbase metrics FileContext not working
2008-11-24 22:58:36 +00:00
HBASE-1023 Check global flusher
2008-11-28 16:38:42 +00:00
HBASE-1036 HBASE-1028 broke Thrift
2008-12-02 01:33:00 +00:00
HBASE-1037 Some test cases failing on Windows/Cygwin but not UNIX/Linux
2008-12-02 20:29:35 +00:00
HBASE-1041 Migration throwing NPE
2008-12-03 19:47:08 +00:00
HBASE-1042 OOME but we don't abort; two part commit.
2008-12-03 00:47:59 +00:00
HBASE-927 We don't recover if HRS hosting -ROOT-/.META. goes down
2008-12-04 17:55:01 +00:00
HBASE-1029 REST wiki documentation incorrect
2008-12-04 17:55:50 +00:00
(Sishen Freecity via Stack)
2008-12-03 18:19:01 +00:00
HBASE-1043 Removing @Override attributes where they are no longer needed.
2008-12-03 18:20:14 +00:00
(Ryan Smith via Jim Kellerman)
2008-12-03 18:25:48 +00:00
HBASE-927 We don't recover if HRS hosting -ROOT-/.META. goes down -
(fix bug in createTable which caused tests to fail)
2008-12-03 22:39:37 +00:00
HBASE-1039 Compaction fails if bloomfilters are enabled
2008-12-04 20:01:06 +00:00
HBASE-1027 Make global flusher check work with percentages rather than
hard code memory sizes
2008-12-05 05:26:28 +00:00
HBASE-1000 Sleeper.sleep does not go back to sleep when interrupted
and no stop flag given.
2008-12-08 01:43:45 +00:00
HBASE-900 Regionserver memory leak causing OOME during relatively
2008-12-13 01:15:39 +00:00
modest bulk importing; part 1 and part 2
2008-12-10 16:23:42 +00:00
HBASE-1054 Index NPE on scanning (Clint Morgan via Andrew Purtell)
2008-12-11 21:53:35 +00:00
HBASE-1052 Stopping a HRegionServer with unflushed cache causes data loss
from org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DroppedSnapshotException
2008-12-13 00:40:07 +00:00
HBASE-1059 ConcurrentModificationException in notifyChangedReadersObservers
2008-12-14 22:28:30 +00:00
HBASE-1063 "File separator problem on Windows" (Max Lehn via Stack)
2008-12-19 19:06:46 +00:00
HBASE-1068 TestCompaction broken on hudson
HBASE-1067 TestRegionRebalancing broken by running of hdfs shutdown thread
2008-12-20 05:32:22 +00:00
HBASE-1070 Up default index interval in TRUNK and branch
2008-12-21 17:08:44 +00:00
HBASE-1045 Hangup by regionserver causes write to fail
2008-12-22 13:36:04 +00:00
HBASE-1079 Dumb NPE in ServerCallable hides the RetriesExhausted exception
2008-12-22 17:50:02 +00:00
HBASE-782 The DELETE key in the hbase shell deletes the wrong character
(Tim Sell via Stack)
2008-12-24 01:06:54 +00:00
HBASE-543, HBASE-1046, HBase-1051 A region's state is kept in several places
in the master opening the possibility for race conditions
2008-12-30 05:27:49 +00:00
HBASE-1087 DFS failures did not shutdown regionserver
2008-12-26 22:42:35 +00:00
HBASE-1072 Change Thread.join on exit to a timed Thread.join
2008-12-29 23:57:29 +00:00
HBASE-1098 IllegalStateException: Cannot set a region to be closed it it
was not already marked as closing
2008-12-30 05:59:14 +00:00
HBASE-1100 HBASE-1062 broke TestForceSplit
2008-12-30 07:02:24 +00:00
HBASE-1191 shell tools -> close_region does not work for regions that did
not deploy properly on startup
2008-12-30 07:59:26 +00:00
HBASE-1093 NPE in HStore#compact
2008-12-30 18:35:34 +00:00
HBASE-1097 SequenceFile.Reader keeps around buffer whose size is that of
largest item read -> results in lots of dead heap
2009-01-05 21:28:08 +00:00
HBASE-1107 NPE in HStoreScanner.updateReaders
2009-01-05 22:32:37 +00:00
HBASE-1083 Will keep scheduling major compactions if last time one ran, we
2009-01-06 03:22:40 +00:00
HBASE-1101 NPE in HConnectionManager$TableServers.processBatchOfRows
2009-01-07 21:03:20 +00:00
HBASE-1099 Regions assigned while master is splitting logs of recently
crashed server; regionserver tries to execute incomplete log
2009-01-09 01:48:25 +00:00
HBASE-1104, HBASE-1098, HBASE-1096: Doubly-assigned regions redux,
IllegalStateException: Cannot set a region to be closed it it was
not already marked as closing, Does not recover if HRS carrying
-ROOT- goes down
2009-01-10 00:59:30 +00:00
HBASE-1114 Weird NPEs compacting
2009-01-10 01:10:30 +00:00
HBASE-1116 generated web.xml and svn don't play nice together
2009-01-10 22:44:32 +00:00
HBASE-1119 ArrayOutOfBoundsException in HStore.compact
2009-01-13 05:58:51 +00:00
HBASE-1121 Cluster confused about where -ROOT- is
2009-01-13 20:04:59 +00:00
HBASE-1125 IllegalStateException: Cannot set a region to be closed if it was
not already marked as pending close
2009-01-14 18:56:39 +00:00
HBASE-1124 Balancer kicks in way too early
2009-01-16 19:07:42 +00:00
HBASE-1127 OOME running randomRead PE
2009-01-18 22:04:24 +00:00
HBASE-1132 Can't append to HLog, can't roll log, infinite cycle (another
spin on HBASE-930)
2008-12-03 18:19:01 +00:00
2008-09-22 21:16:21 +00:00
2008-09-30 17:20:04 +00:00
HBASE-901 Add a limit to key length, check key and value length on client side
2008-09-22 21:16:21 +00:00
HBASE-890 Alter table operation and also related changes in REST interface
(Sishen Freecity via Stack)
2008-09-22 21:53:38 +00:00
HBASE-894 [shell] Should be able to copy-paste table description to create
new table (Sishen Freecity via Stack)
2008-09-23 04:04:50 +00:00
HBASE-886, HBASE-895 Sort the tables in the web UI, [shell] 'list' command
should emit a sorted list of tables (Krzysztof Szlapinski via Stack)
2008-09-23 05:09:14 +00:00
HBASE-884 Double and float converters for Bytes class
(Doğacan Güney via Stack)
2008-09-30 23:34:05 +00:00
HBASE-908 Add approximate counting to CountingBloomFilter
(Andrzej Bialecki via Stack)
2008-10-15 05:18:31 +00:00
HBASE-920 Make region balancing sloppier
2008-10-21 20:23:23 +00:00
HBASE-902 Add force compaction and force split operations to UI and Admin
2008-10-24 05:19:24 +00:00
HBASE-942 Add convenience methods to RowFilterSet
(Clint Morgan via Stack)
HBASE-943 to ColumnValueFilter: add filterIfColumnMissing property, add
SubString operator (Clint Morgan via Stack)
2008-10-24 17:03:24 +00:00
HBASE-937 Thrift getRow does not support specifying columns
(Doğacan Güney via Stack)
2008-10-28 05:03:13 +00:00
HBASE-959 Be able to get multiple RowResult at one time from client side
(Sishen Freecity via Stack)
2008-10-28 18:51:46 +00:00
HBASE-936 REST Interface: enable get number of rows from scanner interface
(Sishen Freecity via Stack)
2008-10-29 17:41:42 +00:00
HBASE-960 REST interface: more generic column family configure and also
get Rows using offset and limit (Sishen Freecity via Stack)
2008-10-29 18:01:35 +00:00
HBASE-817 Hbase/Shell Truncate
2008-10-29 22:28:29 +00:00
HBASE-949 Add an HBase Manual
2008-10-30 16:43:07 +00:00
HBASE-839 Update hadoop libs in hbase; move hbase TRUNK on to an hadoop
0.19.0 RC
2008-10-31 01:38:50 +00:00
HBASE-785 Remove InfoServer, use HADOOP-3824 StatusHttpServer
instead (requires hadoop 0.19)
2008-11-02 08:36:37 +00:00
HBASE-81 When a scanner lease times out, throw a more "user friendly" exception
2008-11-02 08:56:44 +00:00
HBASE-978 Remove BloomFilterDescriptor. It is no longer used.
2008-11-04 01:28:53 +00:00
HBASE-975 Improve MapFile performance for start and end key
2008-11-07 06:02:59 +00:00
HBASE-961 Delete multiple columns by regular expression
(Samuel Guo via Stack)
2008-11-10 18:56:05 +00:00
HBASE-722 Shutdown and Compactions
2008-11-10 18:57:42 +00:00
HBASE-983 Declare Perl namespace in Hbase.thrift
2008-11-11 06:22:58 +00:00
HBASE-987 We need a Hbase Partitioner for TableMapReduceUtil.initTableReduceJob
MR Jobs (Billy Pearson via Stack)
2009-01-12 18:52:22 +00:00
HBASE-993 Turn off logging of every catalog table row entry on every scan
2008-11-11 22:06:21 +00:00
HBASE-992 Up the versions kept by catalog tables; currently 1. Make it 10?
2008-11-14 00:43:48 +00:00
HBASE-998 Narrow getClosestRowBefore by passing column family
2008-11-14 23:46:53 +00:00
HBASE-999 Up versions on historian and keep history of deleted regions for a
while rather than delete immediately
2008-11-15 00:36:27 +00:00
HBASE-938 Major compaction period is not checked periodically
2008-11-17 23:08:56 +00:00
HBASE-947 [Optimization] Major compaction should remove deletes as well as
the deleted cell
2008-11-18 06:56:30 +00:00
HBASE-675 Report correct server hosting a table split for assignment to
for MR Jobs
2008-11-21 00:14:09 +00:00
HBASE-927 We don't recover if HRS hosting -ROOT-/.META. goes down
2008-11-21 01:27:24 +00:00
HBASE-1013 Add debugging around commit log cleanup
2008-11-21 06:14:35 +00:00
HBASE-972 Update hbase trunk to use released hadoop 0.19.0
2008-11-24 21:17:43 +00:00
HBASE-1022 Add storefile index size to hbase metrics
2008-11-24 22:02:19 +00:00
HBASE-1026 Tests in mapred are failing
2008-11-25 21:50:19 +00:00
HBASE-1020 Regionserver OOME handler should dump vital stats
2008-11-25 23:43:37 +00:00
HBASE-1018 Regionservers should report detailed health to master
2008-11-28 10:37:15 +00:00
HBASE-1034 Remove useless TestToString unit test
2008-12-01 23:30:04 +00:00
HBASE-1030 Bit of polish on HBASE-1018
2008-12-03 01:06:05 +00:00
HBASE-847 new API: HTable.getRow with numVersion specified
(Doğacan Güney via Stack)
2008-12-07 07:23:25 +00:00
HBASE-1048 HLog: Found 0 logs to remove out of total 1450; oldest
outstanding seqnum is 162297053 fr om region -ROOT-,,0
2008-12-13 22:02:04 +00:00
HBASE-1055 Better vm stats on startup
2008-12-16 21:07:15 +00:00
HBASE-1065 Minor logging improvements in the master
2008-12-17 04:47:14 +00:00
HBASE-1053 bring recent rpc changes down from hadoop
2008-12-17 06:47:04 +00:00
HBASE-1056 [migration] enable blockcaching on .META. table
2008-12-19 20:16:32 +00:00
HBASE-1069 Show whether HRegion major compacts or not in INFO level
2008-12-23 23:10:25 +00:00
HBASE-1066 Master should support close/open/reassignment/enable/disable
operations on individual regions
2008-12-26 23:23:04 +00:00
HBASE-1062 Compactions at (re)start on a large table can overwhelm DFS
2008-12-31 09:53:11 +00:00
HBASE-1102 boolean HTable.exists()
2009-01-01 00:36:27 +00:00
HBASE-1105 Remove duplicated code in HCM, add javadoc to RegionState, etc.
2009-01-04 05:07:11 +00:00
HBASE-1106 Expose getClosestRowBefore in HTable
(Michael Gottesman via Stack)
2009-01-06 01:13:48 +00:00
HBASE-1082 Administrative functions for table/region maintenance
2009-01-06 20:21:17 +00:00
HBASE-1090 Atomic Check And Save in HTable (Michael Gottesman via Stack)
2009-01-19 19:46:50 +00:00
HBASE-1137 Add not on xceivers count to overview documentation
2008-11-25 23:43:37 +00:00
2008-09-22 21:16:21 +00:00
2008-09-23 18:10:06 +00:00
HBASE-875 Use MurmurHash instead of JenkinsHash [in bloomfilters]
(Andrzej Bialecki via Stack)
2008-10-29 21:06:29 +00:00
HBASE-625 Metrics support for cluster load history: emissions and graphs
2008-11-17 18:34:07 +00:00
HBASE-883 Secondary indexes (Clint Morgan via Andrew Purtell)
2009-01-12 18:52:22 +00:00
HBASE-728 Support for HLog appends
2008-09-22 21:16:21 +00:00
2008-10-17 22:03:29 +00:00
HBASE-748 Add an efficient way to batch update many rows
2008-09-23 14:51:22 +00:00
HBASE-887 Fix a hotspot in scanners
2008-10-29 21:06:29 +00:00
HBASE-967 [Optimization] Cache cell maximum length (HCD.getMaxValueLength);
its used checking batch size
HBASE-940 Make the TableOutputFormat batching-aware
HBASE-576 Investigate IPC performance
2008-08-12 00:55:22 +00:00
2008-09-21 21:48:56 +00:00
Release 0.18.0 - September 21st, 2008
2008-08-12 00:55:22 +00:00
2008-08-16 22:04:16 +00:00
HBASE-697 Thrift idl needs update/edit to match new 0.2 API (and to fix bugs)
(Tim Sell via Stack)
2008-08-16 22:12:27 +00:00
HBASE-822 Update thrift README and HBase.thrift to use thrift 20080411
2008-09-11 20:12:52 +00:00
Updated all other languages examples (only python went in)
2008-08-16 22:04:16 +00:00
2008-08-12 00:55:22 +00:00
2008-09-10 19:20:17 +00:00
HBASE-881 Fixed bug when Master tries to reassign split or offline regions
from a dead server
2008-09-01 21:46:46 +00:00
HBASE-860 Fixed Bug in IndexTableReduce where it concerns writing lucene
index fields.
2008-08-12 00:55:22 +00:00
HBASE-805 Remove unnecessary getRow overloads in HRS (Jonathan Gray via
Jim Kellerman) (Fix whitespace diffs in HRegionServer)
HBASE-811 HTD is not fully copyable (Andrew Purtell via Jim Kellerman)
HBASE-729 Client region/metadata cache should have a public method for
invalidating entries (Andrew Purtell via Stack)
HBASE-819 Remove DOS-style ^M carriage returns from all code where found
(Jonathan Gray via Jim Kellerman)
2008-08-12 16:21:44 +00:00
HBASE-818 Deadlock running 'flushSomeRegions' (Andrew Purtell via Stack)
2008-08-12 17:30:10 +00:00
HBASE-820 Need mainline to flush when 'Blocking updates' goes up.
2008-08-12 17:23:11 +00:00
(Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
2008-08-12 17:30:10 +00:00
HBASE-821 UnknownScanner happens too often (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
2008-08-12 18:30:33 +00:00
HBASE-813 Add a row counter in the new shell (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
2008-08-12 22:11:52 +00:00
HBASE-824 Bug in Hlog we print array of byes for region name
(Billy Pearson via Stack)
2008-08-13 00:20:34 +00:00
HBASE-825 Master logs showing byte [] in place of string in logging
(Billy Pearson via Stack)
2008-08-13 04:15:58 +00:00
HBASE-808,809 MAX_VERSIONS not respected, and Deletall doesn't and inserts
after delete don't work as expected
(Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
2008-08-14 18:21:53 +00:00
HBASE-831 committing BatchUpdate with no row should complain
2008-08-14 19:06:20 +00:00
(Andrew Purtell via Jim Kellerman)
2008-08-15 19:02:50 +00:00
HBASE-833 Doing an insert with an unknown family throws a NPE in HRS
2008-08-21 21:39:40 +00:00
HBASE-810 Prevent temporary deadlocks when, during a scan with write
operations, the region splits (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Jim
2008-08-25 19:13:29 +00:00
HBASE-843 Deleting and recreating a table in a single process does not work
(Jonathan Gray via Jim Kellerman)
2008-08-28 16:49:51 +00:00
HBASE-849 Speed improvement in JenkinsHash (Andrzej Bialecki via Stack)
2008-08-28 18:20:15 +00:00
HBASE-552 Bloom filter bugs (Andrzej Bialecki via Jim Kellerman)
2008-08-28 21:51:47 +00:00
HBASE-762 deleteFamily takes timestamp, should only take row and family.
Javadoc describes both cases but only implements the timestamp
case. (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Jim Kellerman)
2008-08-28 22:06:11 +00:00
HBASE-768 This message 'java.io.IOException: Install 0.1.x of hbase and run
its migration first' is useless (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Jim
2008-08-29 05:09:21 +00:00
HBASE-826 Delete table followed by recreation results in honked table
2008-08-29 23:36:02 +00:00
HBASE-834 'Major' compactions and upper bound on files we compact at any
one time (Billy Pearson via Stack)
2008-08-29 23:58:10 +00:00
HBASE-836 Update thrift examples to work with changed IDL (HBASE-697)
(Toby White via Stack)
2008-08-30 01:32:09 +00:00
HBASE-854 hbase-841 broke build on hudson? - makes sure that proxies are
closed. (Andrew Purtell via Jim Kellerman)
2008-08-31 03:35:33 +00:00
HBASE-855 compaction can return less versions then we should in some cases
(Billy Pearson via Stack)
2008-08-31 05:12:55 +00:00
HBASE-832 Problem with row keys beginnig with characters < than ',' and
the region location cache
2008-09-03 18:17:19 +00:00
HBASE-864 Deadlock in regionserver
2008-09-04 22:11:18 +00:00
HBASE-865 Fix javadoc warnings (Rong-En Fan via Jim Kellerman)
2008-09-05 23:57:40 +00:00
HBASE-872 Getting exceptions in shell when creating/disabling tables
2008-09-08 00:14:10 +00:00
HBASE-868 Incrementing binary rows cause strange behavior once table
splits (Jonathan Gray via Stack)
2008-09-10 17:47:20 +00:00
HBASE-877 HCM is unable to find table with multiple regions which contains
binary (Jonathan Gray via Stack)
2008-08-12 00:55:22 +00:00
HBASE-801 When a table haven't disable, shell could response in a "user
friendly" way.
HBASE-816 TableMap should survive USE (Andrew Purtell via Stack)
2008-08-12 04:14:24 +00:00
HBASE-812 Compaction needs little better skip algo (Daniel Leffel via Stack)
2008-08-12 19:16:24 +00:00
HBASE-806 Change HbaseMapWritable and RowResult to implement SortedMap
instead of Map (Jonathan Gray via Stack)
2008-08-17 22:53:25 +00:00
HBASE-795 More Table operation in TableHandler for REST interface: part 1
(Sishen Freecity via Stack)
HBASE-795 More Table operation in TableHandler for REST interface: part 2
2008-08-12 22:08:04 +00:00
(Sishen Freecity via Stack)
2008-08-15 18:27:37 +00:00
HBASE-830 Debugging HCM.locateRegionInMeta is painful
2008-08-21 22:27:26 +00:00
HBASE-784 Base hbase-0.3.0 on hadoop-0.18
2008-08-26 18:20:25 +00:00
HBASE-841 Consolidate multiple overloaded methods in HRegionInterface,
HRegionServer (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Jim Kellerman)
2008-08-31 04:48:57 +00:00
HBASE-840 More options on the row query in REST interface
(Sishen Freecity via Stack)
2008-09-06 00:50:58 +00:00
HBASE-874 deleting a table kills client rpc; no subsequent communication if
shell or thrift server, etc. (Jonathan Gray via Jim Kellerman)
2008-09-08 00:14:10 +00:00
HBASE-871 Major compaction periodicity should be specifyable at the column
family level, not cluster wide (Jonathan Gray via Stack)
2008-09-09 20:36:49 +00:00
HBASE-465 Fix javadoc for all public declarations
2008-09-11 17:04:39 +00:00
HBASE-882 The BatchUpdate class provides, put(col, cell) and delete(col)
but no get() (Ryan Smith via Stack and Jim Kellerman)
2008-08-12 00:55:22 +00:00
2008-08-12 18:44:50 +00:00
HBASE-787 Postgresql to HBase table replication example (Tim Sell via Stack)
2008-08-13 00:07:29 +00:00
HBASE-798 Provide Client API to explicitly lock and unlock rows (Jonathan
Gray via Jim Kellerman)
2008-08-13 02:33:09 +00:00
HBASE-798 Add missing classes: UnknownRowLockException and RowLock which
were present in previous versions of the patches for this issue,
but not in the version that was committed. Also fix a number of
compilation problems that were introduced by patch.
2008-08-17 22:03:42 +00:00
HBASE-669 MultiRegion transactions with Optimistic Concurrency Control
(Clint Morgan via Stack)
2008-08-28 19:27:44 +00:00
HBASE-842 Remove methods that have Text as a parameter and were deprecated
in 0.2.1 (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Jim Kellerman)
2008-08-12 18:43:38 +00:00
2008-08-12 00:55:22 +00:00
Release 0.2.0 - August 8, 2008.
HBASE-584 Names in the filter interface are confusing (Clint Morgan via
Jim Kellerman) (API change for filters)
HBASE-601 Just remove deprecated methods in HTable; 0.2 is not backward
compatible anyways
HBASE-82 Row keys should be array of bytes
HBASE-76 Purge servers of Text (Done as part of HBASE-82 commit).
HBASE-487 Replace hql w/ a hbase-friendly jirb or jython shell
Part 1: purge of hql and added raw jirb in its place.
HBASE-521 Improve client scanner interface
HBASE-288 Add in-memory caching of data. Required update of hadoop to
0.17.0-dev.2008-02-07_12-01-58. (Tom White via Stack)
HBASE-696 Make bloomfilter true/false and self-sizing
HBASE-720 clean up inconsistencies around deletes (Izaak Rubin via Stack)
HBASE-796 Deprecates Text methods from HTable
(Michael Gottesman via Stack)
HBASE-574 HBase does not load hadoop native libs (Rong-En Fan via Stack)
HBASE-598 Loggging, no .log file; all goes into .out
HBASE-622 Remove StaticTestEnvironment and put a log4j.properties in src/test
HBASE-624 Master will shut down if number of active region servers is zero
even if shutdown was not requested
HBASE-629 Split reports incorrect elapsed time
HBASE-623 Migration script for hbase-82
HBASE-630 Default hbase.rootdir is garbage
HBASE-589 Remove references to deprecated methods in Hadoop once
hadoop-0.17.0 is released
HBASE-638 Purge \r from src
HBASE-644 DroppedSnapshotException but RegionServer doesn't restart
HBASE-641 Improve master split logging
HBASE-642 Splitting log in a hostile environment -- bad hdfs -- we drop
write-ahead-log edits
HBASE-646 EOFException opening HStoreFile info file (spin on HBASE-645and 550)
HBASE-648 If mapfile index is empty, run repair
HBASE-640 TestMigrate failing on hudson
HBASE-651 Table.commit should throw NoSuchColumnFamilyException if column
family doesn't exist
HBASE-649 API polluted with default and protected access data members and methods
HBASE-650 Add String versions of get, scanner, put in HTable
HBASE-656 Do not retry exceptions such as unknown scanner or illegal argument
HBASE-659 HLog#cacheFlushLock not cleared; hangs a region
HBASE-663 Incorrect sequence number for cache flush
HBASE-655 Need programmatic way to add column family: need programmatic way
to enable/disable table
HBASE-654 API HTable.getMetadata().addFamily shouldn't be exposed to user
HBASE-666 UnmodifyableHRegionInfo gives the wrong encoded name
HBASE-668 HBASE-533 broke build
HBASE-670 Historian deadlocks if regionserver is at global memory boundary
and is hosting .META.
HBASE-665 Server side scanner doesn't honor stop row
HBASE-662 UI in table.jsp gives META locations, not the table's regions
location (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-676 Bytes.getInt returns a long (Clint Morgan via Stack)
HBASE-680 Config parameter hbase.io.index.interval should be
hbase.index.interval, according to HBaseMapFile.HbaseWriter
(LN via Stack)
HBASE-682 Unnecessary iteration in HMemcache.internalGet? got much better
reading performance after break it (LN via Stack)
HBASE-686 MemcacheScanner didn't return the first row(if it exists),
because HScannerInterface's output incorrect (LN via Jim Kellerman)
HBASE-691 get* and getScanner are different in how they treat column parameter
HBASE-694 HStore.rowAtOrBeforeFromMapFile() fails to locate the row if # of mapfiles >= 2
(Rong-En Fan via Bryan)
HBASE-652 dropping table fails silently if table isn't disabled
HBASE-683 can not get svn revision # at build time if locale is not english
(Rong-En Fan via Stack)
HBASE-699 Fix TestMigrate up on Hudson
HBASE-615 Region balancer oscillates during cluster startup
HBASE-613 Timestamp-anchored scanning fails to find all records
HBASE-681 NPE in Memcache
HBASE-701 Showing bytes in log when should be String
HBASE-702 deleteall doesn't
HBASE-704 update new shell docs and commands on help menu
HBASE-709 Deadlock while rolling WAL-log while finishing flush
HBASE-710 If clocks are way off, then we can have daughter split come
before rather than after its parent in .META.
HBASE-714 Showing bytes in log when should be string (2)
HBASE-627 Disable table doesn't work reliably
HBASE-716 TestGet2.testGetClosestBefore fails with hadoop-0.17.1
HBASE-715 Base HBase 0.2 on Hadoop 0.17.1
HBASE-718 hbase shell help info
HBASE-717 alter table broke with new shell returns InvalidColumnNameException
HBASE-573 HBase does not read hadoop-*.xml for dfs configuration after
moving out hadoop/contrib
HBASE-11 Unexpected exits corrupt DFS
HBASE-12 When hbase regionserver restarts, it says "impossible state for
HBASE-575 master dies with stack overflow error if rootdir isn't qualified
HBASE-582 HBase 554 forgot to clear results on each iteration caused by a filter
(Clint Morgan via Stack)
HBASE-532 Odd interaction between HRegion.get, HRegion.deleteAll and compactions
HBASE-10 HRegionServer hangs upon exit due to DFSClient Exception
HBASE-595 RowFilterInterface.rowProcessed() is called *before* fhe final
filtering decision is made (Clint Morgan via Stack)
HBASE-586 HRegion runs HStore memcache snapshotting -- fix it so only HStore
knows about workings of memcache
HBASE-588 Still a 'hole' in scanners, even after HBASE-532
HBASE-604 Don't allow CLASSPATH from environment pollute the hbase CLASSPATH
HBASE-608 HRegionServer::getThisIP() checks hadoop config var for dns interface name
(Jim R. Wilson via Stack)
HBASE-609 Master doesn't see regionserver edits because of clock skew
HBASE-607 MultiRegionTable.makeMultiRegionTable is not deterministic enough
for regression tests
HBASE-405 TIF and TOF use log4j directly rather than apache commons-logging
HBASE-618 We always compact if 2 files, regardless of the compaction threshold setting
HBASE-619 Fix 'logs' link in UI
HBASE-478 offlining of table does not run reliably
HBASE-453 undeclared throwable exception from HTable.get
HBASE-620 testmergetool failing in branch and trunk since hbase-618 went in
HBASE-550 EOF trying to read reconstruction log stops region deployment
HBASE-551 Master stuck splitting server logs in shutdown loop; on each
iteration, edits are aggregated up into the millions
HBASE-505 Region assignments should never time out so long as the region
server reports that it is processing the open request
HBASE-561 HBase package does not include LICENSE.txt nor build.xml
HBASE-563 TestRowFilterAfterWrite erroneously sets master address to
| rather than relying on conf
HBASE-507 Use Callable pattern to sleep between retries
HBASE-564 Don't do a cache flush if there are zero entries in the cache.
HBASE-554 filters generate StackOverflowException
HBASE-567 Reused BatchUpdate instances accumulate BatchOperations
HBASE-577 NPE getting scanner
HBASE-19 CountingBloomFilter can overflow its storage
(Stu Hood and Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HBASE-28 thrift put/mutateRow methods need to throw IllegalArgument
exceptions (Dave Simpson via Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HBASE-2 hlog numbers should wrap around when they reach 999
(Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HBASE-421 TestRegionServerExit broken
HBASE-426 hbase can't find remote filesystem
HBASE-437 Clear Command should use system.out (Edward Yoon via Stack)
HBASE-434, HBASE-435 TestTableIndex and TestTableMapReduce failed in Hudson builds
HBASE-446 Fully qualified hbase.rootdir doesn't work
HBASE-438 XMLOutputter state should be initialized. (Edward Yoon via Stack)
HBASE-8 Delete table does not remove the table directory in the FS
HBASE-428 Under continuous upload of rows, WrongRegionExceptions are thrown
that reach the client even after retries
HBASE-460 TestMigrate broken when HBase moved to subproject
HBASE-462 Update migration tool
HBASE-473 When a table is deleted, master sends multiple close messages to
the region server
HBASE-490 Doubly-assigned .META.; master uses one and clients another
HBASE-492 hbase TRUNK does not build against hadoop TRUNK
HBASE-496 impossible state for createLease writes 400k lines in about 15mins
HBASE-472 Passing on edits, we dump all to log
HBASE-495 No server address listed in .META.
HBASE-433 HBASE-251 Region server should delete restore log after successful
restore, Stuck replaying the edits of crashed machine.
HBASE-27 hregioninfo cell empty in meta table
HBASE-501 Empty region server address in info:server entry and a
startcode of -1 in .META.
HBASE-516 HStoreFile.finalKey does not update the final key if it is not
the top region of a split region
HBASE-525 HTable.getRow(Text) does not work (Clint Morgan via Bryan Duxbury)
HBASE-524 Problems with getFull
HBASE-528 table 'does not exist' when it does
HBASE-531 Merge tool won't merge two overlapping regions (port HBASE-483 to
HBASE-537 Wait for hdfs to exit safe mode
HBASE-476 RegexpRowFilter behaves incorectly when there are multiple store
files (Clint Morgan via Jim Kellerman)
HBASE-527 RegexpRowFilter does not work when there are columns from
multiple families (Clint Morgan via Jim Kellerman)
HBASE-534 Double-assignment at SPLIT-time
HBASE-712 midKey found compacting is the first, not necessarily the optimal
HBASE-719 Find out why users have network problems in HBase and not in Hadoop
and HConnectionManager (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-703 Invalid regions listed by regionserver.jsp (Izaak Rubin via Stack)
HBASE-674 Memcache size unreliable
HBASE-726 Unit tests won't run because of a typo (Sebastien Rainville via Stack)
HBASE-727 Client caught in an infinite loop when trying to connect to cached
server locations (Izaak Rubin via Stack)
HBASE-732 shell formatting error with the describe command
(Izaak Rubin via Stack)
HBASE-731 delete, deletefc in HBase shell do not work correctly
(Izaak Rubin via Stack)
HBASE-734 scan '.META.', {LIMIT => 10} crashes (Izaak Rubin via Stack)
HBASE-736 Should have HTable.deleteAll(String row) and HTable.deleteAll(Text row)
(Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-740 ThriftServer getting table names incorrectly (Tim Sell via Stack)
HBASE-742 Rename getMetainfo in HTable as getTableDescriptor
HBASE-739 HBaseAdmin.createTable() using old HTableDescription doesn't work
(Izaak Rubin via Stack)
HBASE-744 BloomFilter serialization/deserialization broken
HBASE-742 Column length limit is not enforced (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-737 Scanner: every cell in a row has the same timestamp
HBASE-700 hbase.io.index.interval need be configuratable in column family
(Andrew Purtell via Stack)
HBASE-62 Allow user add arbitrary key/value pairs to table and column
descriptors (Andrew Purtell via Stack)
HBASE-34 Set memcache flush size per column (Andrew Purtell via Stack)
HBASE-42 Set region split size on table creation (Andrew Purtell via Stack)
HBASE-43 Add a read-only attribute to columns (Andrew Purtell via Stack)
HBASE-424 Should be able to enable/disable .META. table
HBASE-679 Regionserver addresses are still not right in the new tables page
HBASE-758 Throwing IOE read-only when should be throwing NSRE
HBASE-743 bin/hbase migrate upgrade fails when redo logs exists
HBASE-754 The JRuby shell documentation is wrong in "get" and "put"
(Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-756 In HBase shell, the put command doesn't process the timestamp
(Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-757 REST mangles table names (Sishen via Stack)
HBASE-706 On OOME, regionserver sticks around and doesn't go down with cluster
(Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-759 TestMetaUtils failing on hudson
HBASE-761 IOE: Stream closed exception all over logs
HBASE-763 ClassCastException from RowResult.get(String)
(Andrew Purtell via Stack)
HBASE-764 The name of column request has padding zero using REST interface
(Sishen Freecity via Stack)
HBASE-750 NPE caused by StoreFileScanner.updateReaders
HBASE-769 TestMasterAdmin fails throwing RegionOfflineException when we're
expecting IllegalStateException
HBASE-766 FileNotFoundException trying to load HStoreFile 'data'
HBASE-770 Update HBaseRPC to match hadoop 0.17 RPC
HBASE-780 Can't scan '.META.' from new shell
HBASE-424 Should be able to enable/disable .META. table
HBASE-771 Names legal in 0.1 are not in 0.2; breaks migration
HBASE-788 Div by zero in Master.jsp (Clint Morgan via Jim Kellerman)
HBASE-791 RowCount doesn't work (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-751 dfs exception and regionserver stuck during heavy write load
HBASE-793 HTable.getStartKeys() ignores table names when matching columns
(Andrew Purtell and Dru Jensen via Stack)
HBASE-790 During import, single region blocks requests for >10 minutes,
thread dumps, throws out pending requests, and continues
(Jonathan Gray via Stack)
HBASE-559 MR example job to count table rows
HBASE-596 DemoClient.py (Ivan Begtin via Stack)
HBASE-581 Allow adding filters to TableInputFormat (At same time, ensure TIF
is subclassable) (David Alves via Stack)
HBASE-603 When an exception bubbles out of getRegionServerWithRetries, wrap
the exception with a RetriesExhaustedException
HBASE-600 Filters have excessive DEBUG logging
HBASE-611 regionserver should do basic health check before reporting
alls-well to the master
HBASE-614 Retiring regions is not used; exploit or remove
HBASE-538 Improve exceptions that come out on client-side
HBASE-569 DemoClient.php (Jim R. Wilson via Stack)
HBASE-522 Where new Text(string) might be used in client side method calls,
add an overload that takes String (Done as part of HBASE-82)
HBASE-570 Remove HQL unit test (Done as part of HBASE-82 commit).
HBASE-626 Use Visitor pattern in MetaRegion to reduce code clones in HTable
and HConnectionManager (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-621 Make MAX_VERSIONS work like TTL: In scans and gets, check
MAX_VERSIONs setting and return that many only rather than wait on
compaction (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-504 Allow HMsg's carry a payload: e.g. exception that happened over
on the remote side.
HBASE-583 RangeRowFilter/ColumnValueFilter to allow choice of rows based on
a (lexicographic) comparison to column's values
(Clint Morgan via Stack)
HBASE-579 Add hadoop 0.17.x
HBASE-660 [Migration] addColumn/deleteColumn functionality in MetaUtils
HBASE-632 HTable.getMetadata is very inefficient
HBASE-671 New UI page displaying all regions in a table should be sorted
HBASE-672 Sort regions in the regionserver UI
HBASE-677 Make HTable, HRegion, HRegionServer, HStore, and HColumnDescriptor
subclassable (Clint Morgan via Stack)
HBASE-682 Regularize toString
HBASE-672 Sort regions in the regionserver UI
HBASE-469 Streamline HStore startup and compactions
HBASE-544 Purge startUpdate from internal code and test cases
HBASE-557 HTable.getRow() should receive RowResult objects
HBASE-452 "region offline" should throw IOException, not IllegalStateException
HBASE-541 Update hadoop jars.
HBASE-523 package-level javadoc should have example client
HBASE-415 Rewrite leases to use DelayedBlockingQueue instead of polling
HBASE-35 Make BatchUpdate public in the API
HBASE-409 Add build path to svn:ignore list (Edward Yoon via Stack)
HBASE-408 Add .classpath and .project to svn:ignore list
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HBASE-410 Speed up the test suite (make test timeout 5 instead of 15 mins).
HBASE-281 Shell should allow deletions in .META. and -ROOT- tables
(Edward Yoon & Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HBASE-56 Unnecessary HQLClient Object creation in a shell loop
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HBASE-3 rest server: configure number of threads for jetty
(Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HBASE-416 Add apache-style logging to REST server and add setting log
level, etc.
HBASE-406 Remove HTable and HConnection close methods
(Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HBASE-418 Move HMaster and related classes into master package
(Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HBASE-410 Speed up the test suite - Apparently test timeout was too
aggressive for Hudson. TestLogRolling timed out even though it
was operating properly. Change test timeout to 10 minutes.
HBASE-436 website: http://hadoop.apache.org/hbase
HBASE-417 Factor TableOperation and subclasses into separate files from
HMaster (Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HBASE-440 Add optional log roll interval so that log files are garbage
HBASE-407 Keep HRegionLocation information in LRU structure
HBASE-444 hbase is very slow at determining table is not present
HBASE-438 XMLOutputter state should be initialized.
HBASE-414 Move client classes into client package
HBASE-79 When HBase needs to be migrated, it should display a message on
stdout, not just in the logs
HBASE-461 Simplify leases.
HBASE-419 Move RegionServer and related classes into regionserver package
HBASE-457 Factor Master into Master, RegionManager, and ServerManager
HBASE-464 HBASE-419 introduced javadoc errors
HBASE-468 Move HStoreKey back to o.a.h.h
HBASE-442 Move internal classes out of HRegionServer
HBASE-466 Move HMasterInterface, HRegionInterface, and
HMasterRegionInterface into o.a.h.h.ipc
HBASE-479 Speed up TestLogRolling
HBASE-480 Tool to manually merge two regions
HBASE-477 Add support for an HBASE_CLASSPATH
HBASE-443 Move internal classes out of HStore
HBASE-515 At least double default timeouts between regionserver and master
HBASE-529 RegionServer needs to recover if datanode goes down
HBASE-456 Clearly state which ports need to be opened in order to run HBase
HBASE-536 Remove MiniDFS startup from MiniHBaseCluster
HBASE-521 Improve client scanner interface
HBASE-562 Move Exceptions to subpackages (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-631 HTable.getRow() for only a column family
(Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-731 Add a meta refresh tag to the Web ui for master and region server
(Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-735 hbase shell doesn't trap CTRL-C signal (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-730 On startup, rinse STARTCODE and SERVER from .META.
(Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-738 overview.html in need of updating (Izaak Rubin via Stack)
HBASE-745 scaling of one regionserver, improving memory and cpu usage (partial)
(LN via Stack)
HBASE-746 Batching row mutations via thrift (Tim Sell via Stack)
HBASE-772 Up default lease period from 60 to 120 seconds
HBASE-779 Test changing hbase.hregion.memcache.block.multiplier to 2
HBASE-783 For single row, single family retrieval, getRow() works half
as fast as getScanner().next() (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-789 add clover coverage report targets (Rong-en Fan via Stack)
HBASE-47 Option to set TTL for columns in hbase
(Andrew Purtell via Bryan Duxbury and Stack)
HBASE-23 UI listing regions should be sorted by address and show additional
region state (Jean-Daniel Cryans via Stack)
HBASE-639 Add HBaseAdmin.getTableDescriptor function
HBASE-533 Region Historian
HBASE-487 Replace hql w/ a hbase-friendly jirb or jython shell
HBASE-548 Tool to online single region
HBASE-71 Master should rebalance region assignments periodically
HBASE-512 Add configuration for global aggregate memcache size
HBASE-40 Add a method of getting multiple (but not all) cells for a row
at once
HBASE-506 When an exception has to escape ServerCallable due to exhausted
retries, show all the exceptions that lead to this situation
HBASE-747 Add a simple way to do batch updates of many rows (Jean-Daniel
Cryans via JimK)
HBASE-733 Enhance Cell so that it can contain multiple values at multiple
HBASE-511 Do exponential backoff in clients on NSRE, WRE, ISE, etc.
(Andrew Purtell via Jim Kellerman)
HBASE-430 Performance: Scanners and getRow return maps with duplicate data
Release 0.1.3 - 07/25/2008
HBASE-644 DroppedSnapshotException but RegionServer doesn't restart
HBASE-645 EOFException opening region (HBASE-550 redux)
HBASE-641 Improve master split logging
HBASE-642 Splitting log in a hostile environment -- bad hdfs -- we drop
write-ahead-log edits
HBASE-646 EOFException opening HStoreFile info file (spin on HBASE-645 and 550)
HBASE-648 If mapfile index is empty, run repair
HBASE-659 HLog#cacheFlushLock not cleared; hangs a region
HBASE-663 Incorrect sequence number for cache flush
HBASE-652 Dropping table fails silently if table isn't disabled
HBASE-674 Memcache size unreliable
HBASE-665 server side scanner doesn't honor stop row
HBASE-681 NPE in Memcache (Clint Morgan via Jim Kellerman)
HBASE-680 config parameter hbase.io.index.interval should be
hbase.index.interval, accroding to HBaseMapFile.HbaseWriter
(LN via Stack)
HBASE-684 unnecessary iteration in HMemcache.internalGet? got much better
reading performance after break it (LN via Stack)
HBASE-686 MemcacheScanner didn't return the first row(if it exists),
because HScannerInterface's output incorrect (LN via Jim Kellerman)
HBASE-613 Timestamp-anchored scanning fails to find all records
HBASE-709 Deadlock while rolling WAL-log while finishing flush
HBASE-707 High-load import of data into single table/family never triggers split
HBASE-710 If clocks are way off, then we can have daughter split come
before rather than after its parent in .META.
Release 0.1.2 - 05/13/2008
HBASE-577 NPE getting scanner
HBASE-574 HBase does not load hadoop native libs (Rong-En Fan via Stack).
HBASE-11 Unexpected exits corrupt DFS - best we can do until we have at
least a subset of HADOOP-1700
HBASE-573 HBase does not read hadoop-*.xml for dfs configuration after
moving out hadoop/contrib
HBASE-12 when hbase regionserver restarts, it says "impossible state for
HBASE-575 master dies with stack overflow error if rootdir isn't qualified
HBASE-500 Regionserver stuck on exit
HBASE-582 HBase 554 forgot to clear results on each iteration caused by a filter
(Clint Morgan via Stack)
HBASE-532 Odd interaction between HRegion.get, HRegion.deleteAll and compactions
HBASE-590 HBase migration tool does not get correct FileSystem or root
directory if configuration is not correct
HBASE-595 RowFilterInterface.rowProcessed() is called *before* fhe final
filtering decision is made (Clint Morgan via Stack)
HBASE-586 HRegion runs HStore memcache snapshotting -- fix it so only HStore
knows about workings of memcache
HBASE-572 Backport HBASE-512 to 0.1 branch
HBASE-588 Still a 'hole' in scanners, even after HBASE-532
HBASE-604 Don't allow CLASSPATH from environment pollute the hbase CLASSPATH
HBASE-608 HRegionServer::getThisIP() checks hadoop config var for dns interface name
(Jim R. Wilson via Stack)
HBASE-609 Master doesn't see regionserver edits because of clock skew
HBASE-607 MultiRegionTable.makeMultiRegionTable is not deterministic enough
for regression tests
HBASE-478 offlining of table does not run reliably
HBASE-618 We always compact if 2 files, regardless of the compaction threshold setting
HBASE-619 Fix 'logs' link in UI
HBASE-620 testmergetool failing in branch and trunk since hbase-618 went in
HBASE-559 MR example job to count table rows
HBASE-578 Upgrade branch to 0.16.3 hadoop.
HBASE-596 DemoClient.py (Ivan Begtin via Stack)
Release 0.1.1 - 04/11/2008
HBASE-550 EOF trying to read reconstruction log stops region deployment
HBASE-551 Master stuck splitting server logs in shutdown loop; on each
iteration, edits are aggregated up into the millions
HBASE-505 Region assignments should never time out so long as the region
server reports that it is processing the open request
HBASE-552 Fix bloom filter bugs (Andrzej Bialecki via Jim Kellerman)
HBASE-507 Add sleep between retries
HBASE-555 Only one Worker in HRS; on startup, if assigned tens of regions,
havoc of reassignments because open processing is done in series
HBASE-547 UI shows hadoop version, not hbase version
HBASE-561 HBase package does not include LICENSE.txt nor build.xml
HBASE-556 Add 0.16.2 to hbase branch -- if it works
HBASE-563 TestRowFilterAfterWrite erroneously sets master address to
| rather than relying on conf
HBASE-554 filters generate StackOverflowException (Clint Morgan via
Jim Kellerman)
HBASE-567 Reused BatchUpdate instances accumulate BatchOperations
HBASE-548 Tool to online single region
Release 0.1.0
HADOOP-2750 Deprecated methods startBatchUpdate, commitBatch, abortBatch,
and renewLease have been removed from HTable (Bryan Duxbury via
Jim Kellerman)
HADOOP-2786 Move hbase out of hadoop core
HBASE-403 Fix build after move of hbase in svn
HBASE-494 Up IPC version on 0.1 branch so we cannot mistakenly connect
with a hbase from 0.16.0
HBASE-506 When an exception has to escape ServerCallable due to exhausted retries,
show all the exceptions that lead to this situation
HADOOP-2731 Under load, regions become extremely large and eventually cause
region servers to become unresponsive
HADOOP-2693 NPE in getClosestRowBefore (Bryan Duxbury & Stack)
HADOOP-2599 Some minor improvements to changes in HADOOP-2443
(Bryan Duxbury & Stack)
HADOOP-2773 Master marks region offline when it is recovering from a region
server death
HBASE-425 Fix doc. so it accomodates new hbase untethered context
HBase-421 TestRegionServerExit broken
HBASE-426 hbase can't find remote filesystem
HBASE-446 Fully qualified hbase.rootdir doesn't work
HBASE-428 Under continuous upload of rows, WrongRegionExceptions are
thrown that reach the client even after retries
HBASE-490 Doubly-assigned .META.; master uses one and clients another
HBASE-496 impossible state for createLease writes 400k lines in about 15mins
HBASE-472 Passing on edits, we dump all to log
HBASE-79 When HBase needs to be migrated, it should display a message on
stdout, not just in the logs
HBASE-495 No server address listed in .META.
HBASE-433 HBASE-251 Region server should delete restore log after successful
restore, Stuck replaying the edits of crashed machine.
HBASE-27 hregioninfo cell empty in meta table
HBASE-501 Empty region server address in info:server entry and a
startcode of -1 in .META.
HBASE-516 HStoreFile.finalKey does not update the final key if it is not
the top region of a split region
HBASE-524 Problems with getFull
HBASE-514 table 'does not exist' when it does
HBASE-537 Wait for hdfs to exit safe mode
HBASE-534 Double-assignment at SPLIT-time
HADOOP-2555 Refactor the HTable#get and HTable#getRow methods to avoid
repetition of retry-on-failure logic (thanks to Peter Dolan and
Bryan Duxbury)
HBASE-281 Shell should allow deletions in .META. and -ROOT- tables
HBASE-480 Tool to manually merge two regions
HBASE-477 Add support for an HBASE_CLASSPATH
HBASE-515 At least double default timeouts between regionserver and master
HBASE-482 package-level javadoc should have example client or at least
point at the FAQ
HBASE-497 RegionServer needs to recover if datanode goes down
HBASE-456 Clearly state which ports need to be opened in order to run HBase
HBASE-483 Merge tool won't merge two overlapping regions
HBASE-476 RegexpRowFilter behaves incorectly when there are multiple store
files (Clint Morgan via Jim Kellerman)
HBASE-527 RegexpRowFilter does not work when there are columns from
multiple families (Clint Morgan via Jim Kellerman)
Release 0.16.0
2008/02/04 HBase is now a subproject of Hadoop. The first HBase release as
a subproject will be release 0.1.0 which will be equivalent to
the version of HBase included in Hadoop 0.16.0. In order to
accomplish this, the HBase portion of HBASE-288 (formerly
HADOOP-1398) has been backed out. Once 0.1.0 is frozen (depending
mostly on changes to infrastructure due to becoming a sub project
instead of a contrib project), this patch will re-appear on HBase
HADOOP-2056 A table with row keys containing colon fails to split regions
HADOOP-2079 Fix generated HLog, HRegion names
HADOOP-2495 Minor performance improvements: Slim-down BatchOperation, etc.
HADOOP-2506 Remove the algebra package
HADOOP-2519 Performance improvements: Customized RPC serialization
HADOOP-2478 Restructure how HBase lays out files in the file system (phase 1)
(test input data)
HADOOP-2478 Restructure how HBase lays out files in the file system (phase 2)
Includes migration tool org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Migrate
HADOOP-2558 org.onelab.filter.BloomFilter class uses 8X the memory it should
be using
HADOOP-2061 Add new Base64 dialects
HADOOP-2084 Add a LocalHBaseCluster
HADOOP-2068 RESTful interface (Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2316 Run REST servlet outside of master
(Bryan Duxbury & Stack)
HADOOP-1550 No means of deleting a'row' (Bryan Duxbuery via Stack)
HADOOP-2384 Delete all members of a column family on a specific row
(Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2395 Implement "ALTER TABLE ... CHANGE column" operation
(Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2240 Truncate for hbase (Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2389 Provide multiple language bindings for HBase (Thrift)
(David Simpson via Stack)
HADOOP-2479 Save on number of Text object creations
HADOOP-2485 Make mapfile index interval configurable (Set default to 32
instead of 128)
HADOOP-2553 Don't make Long objects calculating hbase type hash codes
HADOOP-2377 Holding open MapFile.Readers is expensive, so use less of them
HADOOP-2407 Keeping MapFile.Reader open is expensive: Part 2
HADOOP-2533 Performance: Scanning, just creating MapWritable in next
consumes >20% CPU
HADOOP-2443 Keep lazy cache of regions in client rather than an
'authoritative' list (Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2600 Performance: HStore.getRowKeyAtOrBefore should use
MapFile.Reader#getClosest (before)
(Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2059 In tests, exceptions in min dfs shutdown should not fail test
(e.g. nightly #272)
HADOOP-2064 TestSplit assertion and NPE failures (Patch build #952 and #953)
HADOOP-2124 Use of `hostname` does not work on Cygwin in some cases
HADOOP-2083 TestTableIndex failed in #970 and #956
HADOOP-2109 Fixed race condition in processing server lease timeout.
HADOOP-2137 hql.jsp : The character 0x19 is not valid
HADOOP-2109 Fix another race condition in processing dead servers,
Fix error online meta regions: was using region name and not
startKey as key for map.put. Change TestRegionServerExit to
always kill the region server for the META region. This makes
the test more deterministic and getting META reassigned was
HADOOP-2155 Method expecting HBaseConfiguration throws NPE when given Configuration
HADOOP-2156 BufferUnderflowException for un-named HTableDescriptors
HADOOP-2161 getRow() is orders of magnitudes slower than get(), even on rows
with one column (Clint Morgan and Stack)
HADOOP-2040 Hudson hangs AFTER test has finished
HADOOP-2274 Excess synchronization introduced by HADOOP-2139 negatively
impacts performance
HADOOP-2196 Fix how hbase sits in hadoop 'package' product
HADOOP-2276 Address regression caused by HADOOP-2274, fix HADOOP-2173 (When
the master times out a region servers lease, the region server
may not restart)
HADOOP-2253 getRow can return HBASE::DELETEVAL cells
(Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2295 Fix assigning a region to multiple servers
HADOOP-2234 TableInputFormat erroneously aggregates map values
HADOOP-2308 null regioninfo breaks meta scanner
HADOOP-2304 Abbreviated symbol parsing error of dir path in jar command
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2320 Committed TestGet2 is managled (breaks build).
HADOOP-2322 getRow(row, TS) client interface not properly connected
HADOOP-2309 ConcurrentModificationException doing get of all region start keys
HADOOP-2321 TestScanner2 does not release resources which sometimes cause the
test to time out
HADOOP-2315 REST servlet doesn't treat / characters in row key correctly
(Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2332 Meta table data selection in Hbase Shell
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2347 REST servlet not thread safe but run in a threaded manner
(Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2365 Result of HashFunction.hash() contains all identical values
HADOOP-2362 Leaking hdfs file handle on region split
HADOOP-2338 Fix NullPointerException in master server.
HADOOP-2380 REST servlet throws NPE when any value node has an empty string
(Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2350 Scanner api returns null row names, or skips row names if
different column families do not have entries for some rows
HADOOP-2283 AlreadyBeingCreatedException (Was: Stuck replay of failed
regionserver edits)
HADOOP-2392 TestRegionServerExit has new failure mode since HADOOP-2338
HADOOP-2324 Fix assertion failures in TestTableMapReduce
HADOOP-2396 NPE in HMaster.cancelLease
HADOOP-2397 The only time that a meta scanner should try to recover a log is
when the master is starting
HADOOP-2417 Fix critical shutdown problem introduced by HADOOP-2338
HADOOP-2418 Fix assertion failures in TestTableMapReduce, TestTableIndex,
and TestTableJoinMapReduce
HADOOP-2414 Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in bloom filters.
HADOOP-2430 Master will not shut down if there are no active region servers
HADOOP-2199 Add tools for going from hregion filename to region name in logs
HADOOP-2441 Fix build failures in TestHBaseCluster
HADOOP-2451 End key is incorrectly assigned in many region splits
HADOOP-2455 Error in Help-string of CREATE command (Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2465 When split parent regions are cleaned up, not all the columns are
HADOOP-2468 TestRegionServerExit failed in Hadoop-Nightly #338
HADOOP-2467 scanner truncates resultset when > 1 column families
HADOOP-2503 REST Insert / Select encoding issue (Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2505 formatter classes missing apache license
HADOOP-2504 REST servlet method for deleting a scanner was not properly
mapped (Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2507 REST servlet does not properly base64 row keys and column names
(Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2530 Missing type in new hbase custom RPC serializer
HADOOP-2490 Failure in nightly #346 (Added debugging of hudson failures).
HADOOP-2558 fixes for build up on hudson (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
HADOOP-2500 Unreadable region kills region servers
HADOOP-2579 Initializing a new HTable object against a nonexistent table
throws a NoServerForRegionException instead of a
TableNotFoundException when a different table has been created
previously (Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2587 Splits blocked by compactions cause region to be offline for
duration of compaction.
HADOOP-2592 Scanning, a region can let out a row that its not supposed
to have
HADOOP-2493 hbase will split on row when the start and end row is the
same cause data loss (Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2629 Shell digests garbage without complaint
HADOOP-2619 Compaction errors after a region splits
HADOOP-2621 Memcache flush flushing every 60 secs with out considering
the max memcache size
HADOOP-2584 Web UI displays an IOException instead of the Tables
HADOOP-2650 Remove Writables.clone and use WritableUtils.clone from
hadoop instead
HADOOP-2668 Documentation and improved logging so fact that hbase now
requires migration comes as less of a surprise
HADOOP-2686 Removed tables stick around in .META.
HADOOP-2688 IllegalArgumentException processing a shutdown stops
server going down and results in millions of lines of output
HADOOP-2706 HBase Shell crash
HADOOP-2712 under load, regions won't split
HADOOP-2675 Options not passed to rest/thrift
HADOOP-2722 Prevent unintentional thread exit in region server and master
HADOOP-2718 Copy Constructor HBaseConfiguration(Configuration) will override
hbase configurations if argumant is not an instance of
HADOOP-2753 Back out 2718; programmatic config works but hbase*xml conf
is overridden
HADOOP-2718 Copy Constructor HBaseConfiguration(Configuration) will override
hbase configurations if argumant is not an instance of
HBaseConfiguration (Put it back again).
HADOOP-2631 2443 breaks HTable.getStartKeys when there is more than one
table or table you are enumerating isn't the first table
Delete empty file: src/contrib/hbase/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/mapred/
TableOutputCollector.java per Nigel Daley
HADOOP-2401 Add convenience put method that takes writable
(Johan Oskarsson via Stack)
HADOOP-2074 Simple switch to enable DEBUG level-logging in hbase
HADOOP-2088 Make hbase runnable in $HADOOP_HOME/build(/contrib/hbase)
HADOOP-2126 Use Bob Jenkins' hash for bloom filters
HADOOP-2157 Make Scanners implement Iterable
HADOOP-2176 Htable.deleteAll documentation is ambiguous
HADOOP-2139 (phase 1) Increase parallelism in region servers.
HADOOP-2267 [Hbase Shell] Change the prompt's title from 'hbase' to 'hql'.
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2139 (phase 2) Make region server more event driven
HADOOP-2289 Useless efforts of looking for the non-existant table in select
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2257 Show a total of all requests and regions on the web ui
(Paul Saab via Stack)
HADOOP-2261 HTable.abort no longer throws exception if there is no active update.
HADOOP-2287 Make hbase unit tests take less time to complete.
HADOOP-2262 Retry n times instead of n**2 times.
HADOOP-1608 Relational Algrebra Operators
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2198 HTable should have method to return table metadata
HADOOP-2296 hbase shell: phantom columns show up from select command
HADOOP-2297 System.exit() Handling in hbase shell jar command
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2224 Add HTable.getRow(ROW, ts)
(Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2339 Delete command with no WHERE clause
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2299 Support inclusive scans (Bryan Duxbury via Stack)
HADOOP-2333 Client side retries happen at the wrong level
HADOOP-2357 Compaction cleanup; less deleting + prevent possible file leaks
HADOOP-2392 TestRegionServerExit has new failure mode since HADOOP-2338
HADOOP-2370 Allow column families with an unlimited number of versions
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2047 Add an '--master=X' and '--html' command-line parameters to shell
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2351 If select command returns no result, it doesn't need to show the
header information (Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2285 Add being able to shutdown regionservers (Dennis Kubes via Stack)
HADOOP-2458 HStoreFile.writeSplitInfo should just call
HADOOP-2471 Add reading/writing MapFile to PerformanceEvaluation suite
HADOOP-2522 Separate MapFile benchmark from PerformanceEvaluation
(Tom White via Stack)
HADOOP-2502 Insert/Select timestamp, Timestamp data type in HQL
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2450 Show version (and svn revision) in hbase web ui
HADOOP-2472 Range selection using filter (Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2548 Make TableMap and TableReduce generic
(Frederik Hedberg via Stack)
HADOOP-2557 Shell count function (Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2589 Change an classes/package name from Shell to hql
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-2545 hbase rest server should be started with hbase-daemon.sh
HADOOP-2525 Same 2 lines repeated 11 million times in HMaster log upon
HMaster shutdown
HADOOP-2616 hbase not spliting when the total size of region reaches max
region size * 1.5
HADOOP-2643 Make migration tool smarter.
Release 0.15.1
Branch 0.15
HADOOP-1931 Hbase scripts take --ARG=ARG_VALUE when should be like hadoop
and do ---ARG ARG_VALUE
HADOOP-1768 FS command using Hadoop FsShell operations
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-1784 Delete: Fix scanners and gets so they work properly in presence
of deletes. Added a deleteAll to remove all cells equal to or
older than passed timestamp. Fixed compaction so deleted cells
do not make it out into compacted output. Ensure also that
versions > column max are dropped compacting.
HADOOP-1720 Addition of HQL (Hbase Query Language) support in Hbase Shell.
The old shell syntax has been replaced by HQL, a small SQL-like
set of operators, for creating, altering, dropping, inserting,
deleting, and selecting, etc., data in hbase.
(Inchul Song and Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-1913 Build a Lucene index on an HBase table
(Ning Li via Stack)
HADOOP-1957 Web UI with report on cluster state and basic browsing of tables
HADOOP-1527 Region server won't start because logdir exists
HADOOP-1723 If master asks region server to shut down, by-pass return of
shutdown message
HADOOP-1729 Recent renaming or META tables breaks hbase shell
HADOOP-1730 unexpected null value causes META scanner to exit (silently)
HADOOP-1747 On a cluster, on restart, regions multiply assigned
HADOOP-1776 Fix for sporadic compaction failures closing and moving
compaction result
HADOOP-1780 Regions are still being doubly assigned
HADOOP-1797 Fix NPEs in MetaScanner constructor
HADOOP-1799 Incorrect classpath in binary version of Hadoop
HADOOP-1805 Region server hang on exit
HADOOP-1785 TableInputFormat.TableRecordReader.next has a bug
(Ning Li via Stack)
HADOOP-1800 output should default utf8 encoding
HADOOP-1801 When hdfs is yanked out from under hbase, hbase should go down gracefully
HADOOP-1813 OOME makes zombie of region server
HADOOP-1814 TestCleanRegionServerExit fails too often on Hudson
HADOOP-1820 Regionserver creates hlogs without bound
(reverted 2007/09/25) (Fixed 2007/09/30)
HADOOP-1821 Replace all String.getBytes() with String.getBytes("UTF-8")
HADOOP-1832 listTables() returns duplicate tables
HADOOP-1834 Scanners ignore timestamp passed on creation
HADOOP-1847 Many HBase tests do not fail well.
HADOOP-1847 Many HBase tests do not fail well. (phase 2)
HADOOP-1870 Once file system failure has been detected, don't check it again
and get on with shutting down the hbase cluster.
HADOOP-1888 NullPointerException in HMemcacheScanner (reprise)
HADOOP-1903 Possible data loss if Exception happens between snapshot and
flush to disk.
HADOOP-1920 Wrapper scripts broken when hadoop in one location and hbase in
HADOOP-1923, HADOOP-1924 a) tests fail sporadically because set up and tear
down is inconsistent b) TestDFSAbort failed in nightly #242
HADOOP-1929 Add hbase-default.xml to hbase jar
HADOOP-1941 StopRowFilter throws NPE when passed null row
HADOOP-1966 Make HBase unit tests more reliable in the Hudson environment.
HADOOP-1975 HBase tests failing with java.lang.NumberFormatException
HADOOP-1990 Regression test instability affects nightly and patch builds
HADOOP-1996 TestHStoreFile fails on windows if run multiple times
HADOOP-1937 When the master times out a region server's lease, it is too
aggressive in reclaiming the server's log.
HADOOP-2004 webapp hql formatting bugs
HADOOP_2011 Make hbase daemon scripts take args in same order as hadoop
daemon scripts
HADOOP-2017 TestRegionServerAbort failure in patch build #903 and
nightly #266
HADOOP-2029 TestLogRolling fails too often in patch and nightlies
HADOOP-2038 TestCleanRegionExit failed in patch build #927
HADOOP-1737 Make HColumnDescriptor data publically members settable
HADOOP-1746 Clean up findbugs warnings
HADOOP-1757 Bloomfilters: single argument constructor, use enum for bloom
filter types
HADOOP-1760 Use new MapWritable and SortedMapWritable classes from
HADOOP-1793 (Phase 1) Remove TestHClient (Phase2) remove HClient.
HADOOP-1794 Remove deprecated APIs
HADOOP-1802 Startup scripts should wait until hdfs as cleared 'safe mode'
HADOOP-1833 bin/stop_hbase.sh returns before it completes
(Izaak Rubin via Stack)
HADOOP-1835 Updated Documentation for HBase setup/installation
(Izaak Rubin via Stack)
HADOOP-1868 Make default configuration more responsive
HADOOP-1884 Remove useless debugging log messages from hbase.mapred
HADOOP-1856 Add Jar command to hbase shell using Hadoop RunJar util
(Edward Yoon via Stack)
HADOOP-1928 Have master pass the regionserver the filesystem to use
HADOOP-1789 Output formatting
HADOOP-1960 If a region server cannot talk to the master before its lease
times out, it should shut itself down
HADOOP-2035 Add logo to webapps
Below are the list of changes before 2007-08-18
1. HADOOP-1384. HBase omnibus patch. (jimk, Vuk Ercegovac, and Michael Stack)
2. HADOOP-1402. Fix javadoc warnings in hbase contrib. (Michael Stack)
3. HADOOP-1404. HBase command-line shutdown failing (Michael Stack)
4. HADOOP-1397. Replace custom hbase locking with
java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock (Michael Stack)
5. HADOOP-1403. HBase reliability - make master and region server more fault
6. HADOOP-1418. HBase miscellaneous: unit test for HClient, client to do
'Performance Evaluation', etc.
7. HADOOP-1420, HADOOP-1423. Findbugs changes, remove reference to removed
class HLocking.
8. HADOOP-1424. TestHBaseCluster fails with IllegalMonitorStateException. Fix
regression introduced by HADOOP-1397.
9. HADOOP-1426. Make hbase scripts executable + add test classes to CLASSPATH.
10. HADOOP-1430. HBase shutdown leaves regionservers up.
11. HADOOP-1392. Part1: includes create/delete table; enable/disable table;
add/remove column.
12. HADOOP-1392. Part2: includes table compaction by merging adjacent regions
that have shrunk in size.
13. HADOOP-1445 Support updates across region splits and compactions
14. HADOOP-1460 On shutdown IOException with complaint 'Cannot cancel lease
that is not held'
15. HADOOP-1421 Failover detection, split log files.
For the files modified, also clean up javadoc, class, field and method
visibility (HADOOP-1466)
16. HADOOP-1479 Fix NPE in HStore#get if store file only has keys < passed key.
17. HADOOP-1476 Distributed version of 'Performance Evaluation' script
18. HADOOP-1469 Asychronous table creation
19. HADOOP-1415 Integrate BSD licensed bloom filter implementation.
20. HADOOP-1465 Add cluster stop/start scripts for hbase
21. HADOOP-1415 Provide configurable per-column bloom filters - part 2.
22. HADOOP-1498. Replace boxed types with primitives in many places.
23. HADOOP-1509. Made methods/inner classes in HRegionServer and HClient protected
instead of private for easier extension. Also made HRegion and HRegionInfo public too.
Added an hbase-default.xml property for specifying what HRegionInterface extension to use
for proxy server connection. (James Kennedy via Jim Kellerman)
24. HADOOP-1534. [hbase] Memcache scanner fails if start key not present
25. HADOOP-1537. Catch exceptions in testCleanRegionServerExit so we can see
what is failing.
26. HADOOP-1543 [hbase] Add HClient.tableExists
27. HADOOP-1519 [hbase] map/reduce interface for HBase. (Vuk Ercegovac and
Jim Kellerman)
28. HADOOP-1523 Hung region server waiting on write locks
29. HADOOP-1560 NPE in MiniHBaseCluster on Windows
30. HADOOP-1531 Add RowFilter to HRegion.HScanner
Adds a row filtering interface and two implemenentations: A page scanner,
and a regex row/column-data matcher. (James Kennedy via Stack)
31. HADOOP-1566 Key-making utility
32. HADOOP-1415 Provide configurable per-column bloom filters.
HADOOP-1466 Clean up visibility and javadoc issues in HBase.
33. HADOOP-1538 Provide capability for client specified time stamps in HBase
HADOOP-1466 Clean up visibility and javadoc issues in HBase.
34. HADOOP-1589 Exception handling in HBase is broken over client server connections
35. HADOOP-1375 a simple parser for hbase (Edward Yoon via Stack)
36. HADOOP-1600 Update license in HBase code
37. HADOOP-1589 Exception handling in HBase is broken over client server
38. HADOOP-1574 Concurrent creates of a table named 'X' all succeed
39. HADOOP-1581 Un-openable tablename bug
40. HADOOP-1607 [shell] Clear screen command (Edward Yoon via Stack)
41. HADOOP-1614 [hbase] HClient does not protect itself from simultaneous updates
42. HADOOP-1468 Add HBase batch update to reduce RPC overhead
43. HADOOP-1616 Sporadic TestTable failures
44. HADOOP-1615 Replacing thread notification-based queue with
java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue in HMaster, HRegionServer
45. HADOOP-1606 Updated implementation of RowFilterSet, RowFilterInterface
(Izaak Rubin via Stack)
46. HADOOP-1579 Add new WhileMatchRowFilter and StopRowFilter filters
(Izaak Rubin via Stack)
47. HADOOP-1637 Fix to HScanner to Support Filters, Add Filter Tests to
TestScanner2 (Izaak Rubin via Stack)
48. HADOOP-1516 HClient fails to readjust when ROOT or META redeployed on new
region server
49. HADOOP-1646 RegionServer OOME's under sustained, substantial loading by
10 concurrent clients
50. HADOOP-1468 Add HBase batch update to reduce RPC overhead (restrict batches
to a single row at a time)
51. HADOOP-1528 HClient for multiple tables (phase 1) (James Kennedy & JimK)
52. HADOOP-1528 HClient for multiple tables (phase 2) all HBase client side code
(except TestHClient and HBaseShell) have been converted to use the new client
side objects (HTable/HBaseAdmin/HConnection) instead of HClient.
53. HADOOP-1528 HClient for multiple tables - expose close table function
54. HADOOP-1466 Clean up warnings, visibility and javadoc issues in HBase.
55. HADOOP-1662 Make region splits faster
56. HADOOP-1678 On region split, master should designate which host should
serve daughter splits. Phase 1: Master balances load for new regions and
when a region server fails.
57. HADOOP-1678 On region split, master should designate which host should
serve daughter splits. Phase 2: Master assigns children of split region
instead of HRegionServer serving both children.
58. HADOOP-1710 All updates should be batch updates
59. HADOOP-1711 HTable API should use interfaces instead of concrete classes as
method parameters and return values
60. HADOOP-1644 Compactions should not block updates
60. HADOOP-1672 HBase Shell should use new client classes
(Edward Yoon via Stack).
61. HADOOP-1709 Make HRegionInterface more like that of HTable
HADOOP-1725 Client find of table regions should not include offlined, split parents