- fetch models inside services
- validate `user_id` in contracts
- use policy objects
- extract more logic to actions
- write specs for services and action
Previously for reviewables that could be claimed, we positioned
the "you can claim / you must claim" message and button underneath
the "Is there something wrong with this post?" message but _before_
the reviewable action buttons like Yes/No/Ignore. This was a confusing
This commit fixes the issue, and also makes it so if claiming is
required and the reviewable has not been claimed, we don't show
the "Is there something wrong with this post?" which was showing
with no buttons.
Followup 5a8e7c5f29b21fe3465dd0db48026075e6c4b274
The admin report results need to be side by side
with the filter for the report, which sits on the
right. The previous commit made it stacked.
Adds support for `input-date` field when calling
`fill_in` on a FormKit field. Capybara supports passing
a Date object to `fill_in(with: value)` for date inputs,
so there is nothing fancy that needs to be done to support this.
Followup 0323b366f3023843468d1024135bbb1c7c6f0483
This was happening because another spec was adding a
report using the plugin API, but there was nothing
resetting that, so later in the reports controller
when we did Report.singleton_methods, we ended up
with another report with no translation, causing another
* DEV: update pull request template with more details of what is expected in a PR
Added information:
- We expected the pr to have a title that is descriptive of the changes
- Good commit messages and prefixes
- If the pull request had UX/UI changes to include screenshots
- If changing flaky tests to include the reason for the change
* Update .github/pull_request_template.md
Co-authored-by: David Taylor <david@taylorhq.com>
Co-authored-by: David Taylor <david@taylorhq.com>
For people with corepack enabled, this causes problems when trying to `yarn install` in plugin directories.
Perhaps that can be improved in future by adding `packageManager` config in each plugin's own `package.json`, but that won't happen overnight. Removing the config for now to stop the bleeding.
The user option 'hide_profile_and_presence' is necessary to figure out
if the user status has to be displayed or not. In order to avoid N+1s
generated by `include_status?` method, both `user_status` and
`user_option` relations have to be included.
`track_sql_queries` only returned queries that were executed by
ActiveRecord. All queries executed through DB.exec, DB.query and others
were not returned.
Currently, when the custom flag has the same name as the system flag (which is disabled) then it is not displayed. To fix the problem, `custom_` prefix as `name_key` is used to distinguish between the system and the custom flag.
I considered writing a migration to fix existing custom flags name key. However, at the end of migration I would need to run rails code to reset cache `Flag.reset_flag_settings!`. I decided to skip that step as it is a very edge case. If someone has the same flag name as the system flag, then all they have to do is edit the flag and click save.
In addition, I made 2 small fixes:
- edit flag title was missing translation;
- flag form UI was not showing that description is the required field.
The Report model spec was directly adding methods
to the Report class, which was causing errors in the
admin reports controller because it would look for
a translation of the report name (e.g. report_timeout_test)
like so `I18n.t("reports.#{type}.title")`, then get an
error because the translation did not exist.
This is fixed by using `Report.stubs` instead, which is
cleaned up after every test.
We were running into errors running `ember build` on machines with high
CPU counts. It was then noted that `thread-loader`, which embroider uses, defaults to spinning
up x workers where x is number of physical CPU cores - 1. That is
probably too much so we set out to find out an optimial count to set for
the `JOBS` env which embroider will use to set the number of
`thread-loader` workers.
I first built an image using the following Dockerfile.
FROM discourse/base:release
RUN cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -EH -u discourse bundle exec rake plugin:install_all_official
RUN cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -EH -u discourse bundle exec rake assets:precompile:prereqs
I then ran the following command on my M3 Max Macbook Pro that has 14
phyisal CPU cores.
for j in 1 2 4 8 14; do echo "JOBS=$j"; time docker run --rm -it -e JOBS=$j test:latest /bin/bash -c "su discourse -c 'cd /var/www/discourse && bundle exec rake assets:precompile:build'"; done
These are the results I got:
JOBS=1 0.04s user 0.03s system 0% cpu 1:01.92 total
JOBS=2 0.04s user 0.02s system 0% cpu 42.605 total
JOBS=4 0.04s user 0.02s system 0% cpu 37.012 total
JOBS=8 0.04s user 0.02s system 0% cpu 35.199 total
JOBs=14 0.04s user 0.02s system 0% cpu 37.941 total
We think JOBS=2 is a good default when the `JOBS` env has not been set.
Anything above just consumes more resources for little benefit.
We're seeing a problem where some recurring automations end up in a state where they don't have any `pending_automations` records scheduled which effectively makes the recurring automation dead. We need to add some debugging to figure out what might be causing this problem.
Internal topic: t/138045.
These fields are often used when serializing topics which may contain
multiple polls. On average, serializing a poll took 2+N queries where N
is the number of options. This change reduces the number of queries to
3, one for each field (Poll#voters_count, PollOption#voters_count and
This commit adds a new `about_page_hidden_groups` setting to exclude members of specific groups from the admin and moderator lists on the /about page.
Internal topic: t/137717.
On occasion we get an error popup on desktop due to the channel not being found.
This change means that we only check the cached channels in ChatChannelsManager for the matching channel id, but we skip doing manual lookup which results in ajax popup when it fails.