The `AsyncBulkByScrollActionTests` were brittle because they used the
current time. That was a mistake. This removes the current time from
the test, instead adding it to the parameters passed in to the
appropriate methods. This means that we take the current time slightly
earlier in all cases, but that shouldn't make a difference.
Example failure:
Some systems like GCE rely on a plaintext file containing credentials.
Rather than extract the information out of that credentials file and
store each peace individually in the keystore, it is cleaner to just
store the entire file.
This commit adds support to the keystore wrapper for secure file
settings. These are settings that contain an entire file that would
normally be stored on the local filesystem. Retrieving the file returns
an input stream to the file contents. This also adds a `add-file`
command to the keystore cli.
In order to support both strings and files as values for settings, the
metadata format of the keystore has also been updated (with backcompat)
to keep a map of setting name to type.
We are still carrying some legacy code that deals with lucene indices
that don't have checksums. Yet, we do not support these indices
for a while now, in fact since version 5.0 such an index is not supported
anymore. This commit removes all the special handling and leniency involved.
Now that we have incremental reduce functions for topN and aggregations
we can set the default for `` to unlimited.
This still allows users to restrict these settings while by default we executed
across all shards matching the search requests index pattern.
The getProperty method is an internal method needed to run pipeline aggregations and retrieve info by path from the aggs tree. It is not needed in the MultiBucketsAggregation.Bucket interface, which is returned to users running aggregations from the transport client. The method is moved to the InternalMultiBucketAggregation class as that's where it belongs.
The `getProperty` method is an internal method needed to run pipeline aggregations and retrieve info by path from the aggs tree. It is not needed in the `Aggregations` interface, which is returned to users running aggregations from the transport client. Furthermore, the method is currenty unused by pipeline aggs too, as only InternalAggregation#getProperty is used. It can then be removed
We deprecated this method in the past because we thought it was a temporary thing that could go away over time. We radically trimmed down the usages of a context while parsing when we got rid of the ParseFieldMatcher, but the usages that are left are legit and we will hardly get rid of them. Also, working on aggs parsing we will need a context to carry around the aggregation name that gets parsed through XContentParser#namedObject .
After two nodes are being stopped and two more are joining the cluster, we first have to wait on the cluster to consist of the right nodes before
waiting on green status, otherwise we might get a green status for a cluster with dead nodes.
_field_stats has evolved quite a lot to become a multi purpose API capable of retrieving the field capabilities and the min/max value for a field.
In the mean time a more focused API called `_field_caps` has been added, this enpoint is a good replacement for _field_stats since he can
retrieve the field capabilities by just looking at the field mapping (no lookup in the index structures).
Also the recent improvement made to range queries makes the _field_stats API obsolete since this queries are now rewritten per shard based on the min/max found for the field.
This means that a range query that does not match any document in a shard can return quickly and can be cached efficiently.
For these reasons this change deprecates _field_stats. The deprecation should happen in 5.4 but we won't remove this API in 6.x yet which is why
this PR is made directly to 6.0.
The rest tests have also been adapted to not throw an error while this change is backported to 5.4.
This commit adds support for incremental top N reduction if the number of
expected shards in the search request is high enough. The changes here
also clean up more code in SearchPhaseController to make the separation
between values that are the same on each search result and values that
are per response. The reduced search phase result doesn't hold an arbitrary
result to obtain values like `from`, `size` or sort values which is now
cleanly encapsulated.
The refactoring in #23711 hardcoded version logic for replica to assume monotonic versions. Sadly that's wrong for `FORCE` and `VERSION_GTE`. Instead we should use the methods in VersionType to detect conflicts.
Note - once replicas use sequence numbers for out of order delivery, this logic goes away.
This commit upgrades the Log4j dependencies from version 2.7 to version
2.8.2. This release includes a fix for a case where Log4j could lose
exceptions in the presence of a security manager.
Relates #23995
The ExtrasFS filesystem creates extra directories when creating temp
directories during tests to ensure that Lucene does not care about extra
files. These extra files get in our way in the plugins service tests
because some of these tests are counting only on certain directories
existing. This commit suppresses the ExtrasFS filesystem for the plugins
service tests, and fixes a test that was passing for the wrong reason
(because of the existence of an extra directory from ExtrasFS).
This commit removes some leniency from the plugin service which skips
hidden files in the plugins directory. We really want to ensure the
integrity of the plugin folder, so hasta la vista leniency.
Relates #23982
This commit removes the "legacy" feature of secure settings, which setup
a parallel setting that was a fallback in the insecure
elasticsearch.yml. This was previously used to allow the new secure
setting name to be that of the old setting name, but is now not in use
due to other refactorings. It is much cleaner to just have all secure
settings use new setting names. If in the future we want to reuse the
previous setting name, once support for the insecure settings have been
removed, we can then rename the secure setting. This also adds a test
for the behavior.
This test was sporadically failing for the following reason:
- 4 nodes (nodes 0, 1, 2, and 3) running with `minimum_master_nodes` set to 3
- we stop 2 nodes (node 0 and 3)
- wait for cluster block to be in place on all nodes
- start 2 nodes (node 4 and node 5) and do a `prepareHealth().setWaitForNodes("4")`
- then do a search request
The search request runs into the `ClusterBlockException` as the `prepareHealth().setWaitForNodes("4")` check succeeds on a cluster state that has
nodes 1, 2, 3, and 4, i.e., only one of the two new nodes has joined the cluster and only one of the two dead nodes was removed by the master
(removing the dead nodes only happens after there are again `minimum_master_nodes` nodes in the cluster).
This commit fixes the issue by reusing a method from InternalTestCluster that checks that the right nodes have rejoined the cluster.
The test assumes that two nodes leaving the cluster results in two cluster state updates on the master, which is invalidated by cluster state
Shuffling xContent breaks the order of the highlighter fields in the
internal list if the highlighter doesn't use the array syntax. In other tests we
avoid shuffling this json level, but since this is done in the base test for
aggregations we should ensure the highlight builder uses the array syntax here.
The `getProperty` method is an internal method needed to run pipeline aggregations and retrieve info by path from the aggs tree. It is not needed in the `Aggregation` interface, which is returned to users running aggregations from the transport client. The method is moved to the InternalAggregation class as that's where it belongs.
ESTestCase has methods to shuffle xContent keys given a builder or a parser. Shuffling wasn't actually doing what was expected but rather reordering the keys in their natural ordering, hence the output was always the same at every run. Corrected that and added tests, also fixed a couple of tests that were affected by this fix.
If a snapshot is taken on multiple indices, and some of them are "good"
indices that don't contain any corruption or failures, and some of them
are "bad" indices that contain missing shards or corrupted shards, and
if the snapshot request is set to partial=false (meaning don't take a
snapshot if there are any failures), then the good indices will not be
snapshotted either. Previously, when getting the status of such a
snapshot, a 500 error would be thrown, because the snap-*.dat blob for
the shards in the good index could not be found.
This commit fixes the problem by reporting shards of good indices as
failed due to a failed snapshot, instead of throwing the
This change disables graph analysis of token streams containing a shingle or a cjk filters that produce shingle or ngram of different size. The graph analysis is disabled for phrase and boolean queries.
This commit modifies the BulkProcessor to be decoupled from the
client implementation. Instead it just takes a
BiConsumer<BulkRequest, ActionListener<BulkResponse>> that executes
the BulkRequest.
When executing an index operation on the primary shard,
`TransportShardBulkAction` first parses the document, sees if there are any
mapping updates that needs to be applied, and then updates the mapping on the
master node. It then re-parses the document to make sure that the mappings have
been applied and propagated.
This adds a check that skips the second parsing of the document in the event
there was not a mapping update applied in the first case.
Fixes a performance regression introduced in #23665
Today we have several code paths to merge top docs based on the number of
search results returned from the shards. If there is a only a single shard
holding any hits we go a different code path with quite some complexity while
if there are more than one the code is basically duplicated to safe the
creation of a dense array of top docs which can be large if there are many results.
This commit removes the need of the dense array and in-turn the justification for
the optimization. This commit introduces a single code path to merge top docs.
The InternalEngine Index/Delete methods (plus satellites like version loading from Lucene) have accumulated some cruft over the years making it hard to clearly the code flows for various use cases (primary indexing/recovery/replicas etc). This PR refactors those methods for better readability. The methods are broken up into smaller sub methods, albeit at the price of less code I reused.
To support the refactoring I have considerably beefed up the versioning tests.
This PR is a spin-off from #23543 , which made it clear this is needed.
The purpose of this validation is to make sure that the master doesn't step down
due to a change in master nodes, which also means that there is no way to revert
an accidental change. Since we validate using the current cluster state (and
not the one from which the settings come from) we have to be careful and only
validate if the local node is already a master. Doing so all the time causes
subtle issues. For example, a node that joins a cluster has no nodes in its
current cluster state. When it receives a cluster state from the master with
a dynamic minimum master nodes setting int it, we must make sure we don't reject it.
SingleNodeDiscoveryIT uses a hardcoded port for the purpose of binding
two nodes within the limited port range that an unconfigured unicast zen
ping hosts list would try to discover another node on. This commit at
least removes this hardcoding for the first node to come up, although
still tries to bind the second node to the limited port range after the
first node has bound.
This commit makes closing a ReleasableBytesStreamOutput release the underlying BigArray so
that we can use try-with-resources with these streams and avoid leaking memory by not returning
the BigArray. As part of this change, the ReleasableBytesStreamOutput adds protection to only release the BigArray once.
In order to make some of the changes cleaner, the ReleasableBytesStream interface has been
removed. The BytesStream interface is changed to a abstract class so that we can use it as a
useable return type for a new method, Streams#flushOnCloseStream. This new method wraps a
given stream and overrides the close method so that the stream is simply flushed and not closed.
This behavior is used in the TcpTransport when compression is used with a
ReleasableBytesStreamOutput as we need to close the compressed stream to ensure all of the data
is written from this stream. Closing the compressed stream will try to close the underlying stream
but we only want to flush so that all of the written bytes are available.
Additionally, an error message method added in the BytesRestResponse did not use a builder
provided by the channel and instead created its own JSON builder. This changes that method to use the channel builder and in turn the bytes stream output that is managed by the channel.
This commit renames the random ASCII helper methods in ESTestCase. This
is because this method ultimately uses the random ASCII methods from
randomized runner, but these methods actually only produce random
strings generated from [a-zA-Z].
Relates #23886
This commit adds a description for a parameter that was added to
BootstrapChecks#enforceLimits(BoundTransportAddress, String) without the
Javadocs having been updated.
While there are use-cases where a single-node is in production, there
are also use-cases for starting a single-node that binds transport to an
external interface where the node is not in production (for example, for
testing the transport client against a node started in a Docker
container). It's tricky to balance the desire to always enforce the
bootstrap checks when a node might be in production with the need for
the community to perform testing in situations that would trip the
bootstrap checks. This commit enables some flexibility for these
users. By setting the discovery type to "single-node", we disable the
bootstrap checks independently of how transport is bound. While this
sounds like a hole in the bootstrap checks, the bootstrap checks can
already be avoided in the single-node use-case by binding only HTTP but
not transport. For users that are genuinely in production on a
single-node use-case with transport bound to an external use-case, they
can set the system property "es.enable.bootstrap.checks" to force
running the bootstrap checks. It would be a mistake for them not to do
Relates #23598
This change adds a setting property that sets the value of a setting as final.
Updating a final setting is prohibited in any context, for instance an index setting
marked as final must be set at index creation and will refuse any update even if the index is closed.
This change also marks the setting `index.number_of_shards` as Final and the special casing for refusing the updates on this setting has been removed.
This commit adds a single node discovery type. With this discovery type,
a node will elect itself as master and never form a cluster with another
Relates #23595
When terminating an executor service or a thread pool, we first
shutdown. Then, we do a timed await termination. If the await
termination fails because there are still tasks running, we then
shutdown now. However, this method does not wait for actively executing
tasks to terminate, so we should again wait for termination of these
tasks before returning. This commit does that.
Relates #23889