v4.0.0 (Vue version changes only) - 02 August 2022

  • Updated Vue version to 3.0.0.
  • Update packages of Vue3 version and removed unnecessary.
  • Used bootstrap-vue-3 package.

v3.3.0 - 24 Nov 2021

  • Updated Bootstrap version to ^5.1.3.
  • Added Placeholder Page.
  • Added New Variants in components pages.
  • Editable datatable added in tables.
  • Fixed minor issues.

v3.2.0 - 20 Sep 2021

  • Updated Bootstrap version to ^5.1.1.
  • Fixed minor issues.

v3.0.1 - 8 July 2021

  • Updated Bootstrap version to ^5.0.1.
  • Rightbar layout and style changes.
  • Added drawer page in UI Elements.
  • Filter options working on Dashabord in Email Sent chart widget.
  • Filter options working on Dashabord Saas in Earning chart and Top Selling Product Data widgets.
  • Filter options working on Dashabord Crypto in Wallet Balance widget.
  • Filter options working on Dashabord Blog in Visitors widget.
  • Advanced table page added datatable using vuex store.
  • Fixed minor issues.

v3.0.0 - 22 February 2021

  • Updated Bootstrap version to ^5.0.0-beta2.
  • Bootstrap 5 regarding class changes in all pages.
  • Added Default popup modal on the dashboard page.
  • Horizontal layout responsive changes.
  • Added new customer form on the eCommerce customer page.
  • Added new task form on the Task page.
  • Added new user in Contacts users-grid page.
  • Authentication configures in the second layout pages.
  • Maintenance page changes.
  • Coming soon page added.
  • Sidebar scroll base on active page.
  • Updated Material Design and Boxicon Icons.
  • Updated UI colors page.
  • RTL style updated.

v2.2.3 - 23 December 2020

  • Added Figma and Adobe XD files.

v2.2.2 - 17 December 2020

  • Added Blog Dashboard Page.
  • Added Email Templates.
  • Added File Manager Page.
  • Added New Auth pages.
  • Added Blog List, Blog Grid, Blog Details pages.
  • Minor Fixes of RTL SCSS.

v2.2.1 - 26 November 2020

  • Upgraded Bootstrap version to v4.5.3.
  • API integrated in Login, Register & Forgot-password pages in Vuejs version.
  • Added new Scrollable layout.
  • Added loader on dashboard widget.
  • API integrated for Create product & listing products.
  • Advanced table working with API.
  • Minor style and other bug fixies.
  • Scroll to bottom effect added in chat, sidebar as per active menu.

v2.2.0 - 19 August 2020

  • Updated all Vuejs change into the Laravel + Vuejs version.
  • Rightsidebar layout options added.
  • Calendar page updated with edit event functionalities.
  • The product list page completed with dynamic binding.
  • Product Detail page dynamic binding and routing.
  • Email page routing, email read page binding and Email sidebar binding.
  • Other minor fixes (Icons, ICO landing, Timeline ).
  • Added new buttons variants.
  • Added new form layouts page and new elements.
  • Added soicial buttons on login and signup page.
  • Lightbox, Leaflet maps, Image Cropper pages added.
  • Form advanced page hotel picker, touchspin added.
  • Topbar language dropdown activation added.

v2.1.0 - 25 May 2020

  • Added fake-backend authentication support in Vuejs version. ( You can use any one firebase or fake-backend ).
  • Upgraded Bootstrap version to v4.5.0.
  • Updated Sketch files.
  • Added Starter-kit.
  • Minor bug fixes.

v2.0.1 - 03 May 2020

  • Added multi language support with i18n ( JSON object ) in Vuejs version only.

v2.0.0 - 27 April 2020

  • Added Laravel + Vuejs version .
  • Minor bug fixes ( Ecommerce - [ checkout, customer, product details and shops], forms - [ elements ], icons - [fontawesome, material design, boxicons], Dashboard, invoice details, timeline, create the project, dropdowns, grid, typography.
  • Minor design fixes for LTR and RTL both versions.
  • Added Saas & Crypto Dashboards pages.
  • Added crypto pages ( Wallet, Buy/Sell, Exchange, Lending, Orders, KYC Application, ICO Landing ).
  • Chat page added.
  • E-Charts page added.
  • Change in horizontal layout. (page render does not redirect to vertical layout).
  • Added Sketch ( Design ) files of new pages.

v1.1.0 - 30 Jan 2020

  • Added firebase authentication functionality and removed fake backend.
  • We have updated the radio button with right aligns in the form-elements page.
  • Added horizontal menus in the header in the horizontal layout so the user can switch to vertical layout.
  • Added index.js for vue-meta, auth required and routes.

v1.0.0 - 05 Jan 2020

  • Initial released