RTL Version


In order to have rtl mode enabled, add below lines in resources/sass/app.scss.

@import "bootstrap";
@import "variables";

@import "custom/rtl/bootstrap-rtl";
@import "custom/rtl/components-rtl";
@import "custom/rtl/float-rtl";
@import "custom/rtl/general-rtl";
@import "custom/rtl/pages-rtl";
@import "custom/rtl/plugins-rtl";
@import "custom/rtl/spacing-rtl";
@import "custom/rtl/structure-rtl";
@import "custom/rtl/text-rtl";
Also you need to add below code in mounted() in file src/router/layouts/main.vue
mounted() {
    document.querySelector("html").setAttribute('dir', 'rtl');


In order to have rtl mode enabled, add below lines in /resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php.

$css_file = "css/app-rtl.css";
Also you need to add below code in mounted() in file resources/js/layouts/main.vue.
mounted() {
    document.querySelector("html").setAttribute('dir', 'rtl');
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