- temporarily keeps the old sources under packages/tsc-wrapped
until the build scripts are changed to use compiler-cli everywhere.
- removes the compiler options `disableTransformerPipeline` that was introduced
in a previous beta of Angular 5, i.e. the transformer based compiler
is now always enabled.
PR Close#18966
BREAKING CHANGE: the compiler option `enableLegacyTemplate` is now disabled by default as the `<template>` element has been deprecated since v4. Use `<ng-template>` instead. The option `enableLegacyTemplate` and the `<template>` element will both be removed in Angular v6.
PR Close#18756
* Remove now unnecessary portions of build.
* Add a compilePackageES5 method to build ES5 from sources
* Rework all package.json and rollup config files to new format
* Remove "extends" from tsconfig-build.json files and fixup compilation roots
PR Close#18541
With this change ngc now accepts a `-w` or a `--watch`
command-line option that will automatically perform a
recompile whenever any source files change on disk.
PR Close#18818
With this commit the compiler will "lower" expressions into exported
variables for values the compiler does not need to know statically
in order to be able to generate a factory. For example:
providers: [{provider: 'token', useValue: calculated()}]
produced an error as the expression `calculated()` is not supported
by the compiler because `calculated` is not a
[known function](https://angular.io/guide/metadata#annotationsdecorators)
With this commit this is rewritten, during emit of the .js file, into
something like:
export var ɵ0 = calculated();
provdiers: [{provider: 'token', useValue: ɵ0}]
The compiler then will now generate a reference to the exported `ɵ0`
instead of failing to evaluate `calculated()`.
PR Close#18905
With this change ngc now accepts a `-w` or a `--watch`
command-line option that will automatically perform a
recompile whenever any source files change on disk.
PR Close#18818
With this commit the compiler will "lower" expressions into exported
variables for values the compiler does not need to know statically
in order to be able to generate a factory. For example:
providers: [{provider: 'token', useValue: calculated()}]
produced an error as the expression `calculated()` is not supported
by the compiler because `calculated` is not a
[known function](https://angular.io/guide/metadata#annotationsdecorators)
With this commit this is rewritten, during emit of the .js file, into
something like:
export var ɵ0 = calculated();
provdiers: [{provider: 'token', useValue: ɵ0}]
The compiler then will now generate a reference to the exported `ɵ0`
instead of failing to evaluate `calculated()`.
PR Close#18905
This is needed as the typescript no longer elides type reexports
in the generated code when using transformers.
A nice side effect is that this make summaries shorter and produces
less reexports as we rollup reexports.
PR Close#18788
Previously, we only did this when setting the `generateCodeForLibraries: false`.
This is needed so that libraries compiled with `generateCodeForLibraries: true` can be used as dependencies of other compilation units.
PR Close#18788
After this, neither @angular/compiler nor @angular/comnpiler-cli depend
on @angular/core.
This add a duplication of some interfaces and enums which is stored
in @angular/compiler/src/core.ts
- `@angular/platform-server` now additionally depends on
`@angular/platform-browser-dynamic` as a peer dependency.
PR Close#18683
This change allows users to specify multiple exportAs names for a
directive by giving a comma-delimited list inside the string.
The primary motivation for this change is to allow these names to be
changed in a backwards compatible way.
This also allows to customize the filePaths in `.ngsummary.json` file
via the new methods `toSummaryFileName` and `fromSummaryFileName`
on the `CompilerHost`.
This change allows ReflectiveInjector to be tree shaken resulting
in not needed Reflect polyfil and smaller bundles.
Code savings for HelloWorld using Closure:
Reflective: bundle.js: 105,864(34,190 gzip)
Static: bundle.js: 154,889(33,555 gzip)
645( 2%)
`platformXXXX()` no longer accepts providers which depend on reflection.
Specifically the method signature when from `Provider[]` to
{provide: ClassA, useClass: SubClassA}
{provide: MyClass, deps: [Dep1,...]},
{provide: ClassA, useClass: SubClassA, deps: [Dep1,...]}
NOTE: This only applies to platform creation and providers for the JIT
compiler. It does not apply to `@Compotent` or `@NgModule` provides
Benchpress note: Previously Benchpress also supported reflective
provides, which now require static providers.
- `ReflectiveInjector` is now deprecated as it will be remove. Use
`Injector.create` as a replacement.
The static reflectory check for macro function recursion was too
agressive and disallowed calling a function with argument that also
calls the same function. For example, it disallowed nested animation
Fixes: #17467
In previous version of tsickle abstract class methods were materialized.
The change resulted in 6Kb savings in angular.io bundle.
This change also required the removal of `@private` and `@return` type
annotation as it is explicitly dissalowed by tsickle.
NOTE: removed casts in front of `makeDecorator` due to:
14938 Jul 19 13:16 0.b19e913fbdd6507d346b.chunk.js
1535 Jul 19 13:16 inline.d8e019ea3cfdd86c2bd0.bundle.js
589178 Jul 19 13:16 main.54c97bcb6f254776b678.bundle.js
34333 Jul 19 13:16 polyfills.4a3c9ca9481d53803157.bundle.js
14938 Jul 18 16:55 0.b19e913fbdd6507d346b.chunk.js
1535 Jul 18 16:55 inline.0c83abb44fad9a2768a7.bundle.js
582786 Jul 18 16:55 main.ea290db71b051813e156.bundle.js
34333 Jul 18 16:55 polyfills.4a3c9ca9481d53803157.bundle.js
main savings: 589178 - 582786 = 6,392
PR Close#18236