* #BAEL-1838 code samples. Renamed LambdaKotlinTest to have the build succeed.
* #BAEL-1838 code samples w/inheritance.
* #BAEL-1838 renamed logger helper function to getLogger to avoid confusion.
* #BAEL-1838 renamed logger helper function to getLogger to avoid confusion.
* Micronaut server
* More server stuff; create client and test
* Rename directory, new concerete client example
* Remove hello-world directory from micronaut
* Update MavenWrapperDownloader.java
* Server Sent Events example using Spring Webflux and React
* spring security custom AuthenticationFailureHandler
* refactor
* moved SSE to branch
* remove pom properties
* moved AuthenticationFailureHandler example to spring-security-mvc-login
* [BAEL-7621] - Fixed integration test of spring-hibernate-5 module by introducing H2 database
* [BAEL-7645] - Fixed integration test of spring-jpa module through H2 inmemory DB
* BAEL-1814 Guide to Spring Webflux
-Added files for Employee reactive application
-Updated pom.xml for Spring Security
* BAEL-1814 Guide to Spring Webflux
-Added EmployeeControllerTest
-Updated method name in EmployeeController and corrected secured url in EmployeeWebSecurityConfig
* BAEL-1814 Guide to spring webflux
-Fixed security config, now only specific url prompts for authentication and not all endpoints
-Removed @WithMockUser as it is not needed now
* BAEL-1814 Guide To Webflux
-Feedback incorporation
* BAEL-1814 Spring Webflux Guide
-Formatted coded for EmployeeWebSocketHandler.
* Update and rename EmployeeControllerTest.java to EmployeeControllerUnitTest.java
* BAEL-1814 Guide to spring webflux
-Fixed EmployeeControllerUnitTest.java