redirect_warning:"We were unable to verify that the link you selected was actually posted to the forum. If you wish to proceed anyway, select the link below."
ember_selector_error:"Sorry – using #ember or .ember-view CSS selectors is not permitted, because these names are dynamically generated at runtime and will change over time, eventually resulting in broken CSS. Try a different selector."
screenshot_invalid_type:"The theme screenshots must be in one of the following formats: %{accepted_formats}. The screenshot %{file_name} has an invalid format."
screenshot_invalid_size:"The theme screenshots must be less than %{max_size}. The screenshot %{file_name} is too large."
screenshot_invalid_dimensions:"The theme screenshots must be maximum %{max_width}x%{max_height}. The screenshot %{file_name} exceeds this. Its dimensions are %{width}x%{height}."
invalid_filename:"Invalid filename for migration file: %{filename}. Filenames must begin with 4 digits followed by a hyphen and then a name that only contains alphanumeric characters with hyphens."
one:"Migration name is too long. It shouldn't exceed %{count} character."
other:"Migration name is too long. It shouldn't exceed %{count} characters."
too_many_pending_migrations:"There are too many pending migrations in this theme. Themes are not allowed to introduce more than 100 migrations in a single update"
out_of_sequence:"Migration '%{name}' is out of sequence. The last migration for this theme had version number %{current} which is higher than the new migration"
syntax_error:"Failed to run migration '%{name}' because it has a syntax error: %{error}"
exceeded_memory_limit:"Migration '%{name}' failed because it exceeded the memory limit"
timed_out:"Migration '%{name}' timed out"
no_exported_function:"Migration '%{name}' doesn't export a function to perform the migration"
default_export_not_a_function:"Migration '%{name}' has a default export that's not a function. The default export must be the function that performs the migration"
no_returned_value:"Migration '%{name}' didn't return any value (or returned null or undefined). It must return a Map object"
wrong_return_type:"Migration '%{name}' returned an unknown data type. It must return a Map object"
runtime_error:"Migration '%{name}' encountered the following runtime error: %{error}"
unknown_setting_returned_by_migration:"Migrations '%{name}' returned a setting '%{setting_name}' which is not declared in the theme's settings.yml file"
empty_email_error:"Happens when the raw mail we received was blank."
no_message_id_error:"Happens when the mail has no 'Message-Id' header."
auto_generated_email_error:"Happens when the 'precedence' header is set to: list, junk, bulk or auto_reply, or when any other header contains: auto-submitted, auto-replied or auto-generated."
s3_bucket_reused:"You cannot use the same bucket for 's3_upload_bucket' and 's3_backup_bucket'. Choose a different bucket or use a different path for each bucket."
local_login_cannot_be_disabled_if_second_factor_enforced:"You cannot disable local login if 2FA is enforced. Disable enforced 2FA before disabling local logins."
cannot_enable_s3_uploads_when_s3_enabled_globally:"You cannot enable S3 uploads because S3 uploads are already globally enabled, and enabling this site-level could cause critical issues with uploads"
slow_down_crawler_user_agent_must_be_at_least_3_characters:"User agents must be at least 3 characters long to avoid accidentally rate-limiting legitimate users."
strip_image_metadata_cannot_be_disabled_if_composer_media_optimization_image_enabled:"You cannot disable strip image metadata if 'composer media optimization image enabled' is enabled. Disable 'composer media optimization image enabled' before disabling strip image metadata."
conflicting_google_user_id:'The Google Account ID for this account has changed; staff intervention is required for security reasons. Please contact staff and point them to <br><a href=""></a>'
invalid_address:"Sorry, we were unable to generate a preview for this web page, because the server '%{hostname}' could not be found. Instead of a preview, only a link will appear in your post. :cry:"
error_response:"Sorry, we were unable to generate a preview for this web page, because the web server returned an error code of %{status_code}. Instead of a preview, only a link will appear in your post. :cry:"
one:"Sorry, we were unable to generate a preview for this web page, because the following oEmbed / OpenGraph tag could not be found: %{missing_attributes}"
other:"Sorry, we were unable to generate a preview for this web page, because the following oEmbed / OpenGraph tags could not be found: %{missing_attributes}"
<p>This invitation to <a href="%{base_url}">%{site_name}</a> can no longer be redeemed. Please ask the person who invited you to send you a new invitation.</p>
confirm_email:"<p>You’re almost done! We sent an activation mail to your email address. Please follow the instructions in the mail to activate your account.</p><p>If it doesn’t arrive, check your spam folder.</p>"
cannot_edit_on_slow_mode:"This topic is in slow mode. To encourage thoughtful, considered discussion, editing old posts in this topic is not currently allowed during slow mode."
trust_level_1:"Members with more trust, who have shown initial engagement by reading and can now access more functions. All members of this group are also members of the trust_level_0 group."
trust_level_2:"Active members who have consistently contributed overtime and gained full citizenship privileges. All members of this group are also members of the trust_level_1 and trust_level_0 groups."
trust_level_3:"Highly engaged, long-term contributors, who form the backbone of the community and have gained limited moderation privileges. All members of this group are also members of the trust_level_2, trust_level_1 and trust_level_0 groups."
trust_level_4:"Manually promoted members, recognized by their exemplary contributions and entrusted with additional moderation privileges. All members of this group are also members of the trust_level_3, trust_level_2, trust_level_1 and trust_level_0 groups."
dont_feed_the_trolls:This post has already been flagged for moderator attention. Are you sure you wish to reply to it? Replies to negative content tend to encourage more negative behavior.
The last reply to this topic was **%{time_ago}**. Your reply will bump the topic to the top of its list and notify anyone previously involved in the conversation.
:speaking_head:**Introduceyourself** by adding your picture and information about yourself and your interests to [your profile](%{base_path}/my/preferences/account). What is one thing you’d like to be asked about?
:open_book:**Getto know the community** by [browsing discussions](%{base_path}/latest) that are already happening here. When you find a post interesting, informative, or entertaining, use the :heart: to show your appreciation or support!
:handshake:**Contribute**by commenting, sharing your own perspective, asking questions, or offering feedback in the discussion. Before replying or starting new topics, please review the [Community Guidelines](%{base_path}/faq).
replace_paragraph:"(Replace this first paragraph with a brief description of your new category. This guidance will appear in the category selection area, so try to keep it below 200 characters.)"
post_template:"%{replace_paragraph}\n\nUse the following paragraphs for a longer description, or to establish category guidelines or rules:\n\n- Why should people use this category? What is it for?\n\n- How exactly is this different than the other categories we already have?\n\n- What should topics in this category generally contain?\n\n- Do we need this category? Can we merge with another category, or subcategory?\n"
permission_conflict:"Any group that is allowed to access a subcategory must also be allowed to access the parent category. The following groups have access to one of the subcategories, but no access to parent category: %{group_names}."
change_failed_explanation:"You attempted to demote %{user_name} to '%{new_trust_level}'. However their trust level is already '%{current_trust_level}'. %{user_name} will remain at '%{current_trust_level}' - if you wish to demote user lock trust level first"
first_day_replies_per_day:"We appreciate your enthusiasm, keep it up! That said, for the safety of our community, you’ve reached the maximum number of replies a new user can create on their first day. Please wait %{time_left} and you’ll be able to create more replies."
first_day_topics_per_day:"We appreciate your enthusiasm! That said, for the safety of our community, you’ve reached the maximum number of topics a new user can create on their first day. Please wait %{time_left} and you’ll be able to create more new topics."
create_topic:"You’re creating topics a bit too quickly. Please wait %{time_left} before trying again."
create_post:"You’re replying a bit too quickly. Please wait %{time_left} before trying again."
delete_post:"You’re deleting posts a bit too quickly. Please wait %{time_left} before trying again."
public_group_membership:"You’re joining/leaving groups a bit too frequently. Please wait %{time_left} before trying again."
topics_per_day:"You’ve reached the maximum new topics allowed per day. You can create more new topics in %{time_left}."
pms_per_day:"You’ve reached the maximum messages allowed per day. You can create more new messages in %{time_left}."
create_like:"Wow! You’ve been sharing a lot of love! You’ve reached the maximum number of likes within a 24 hour period, but as you gain trust levels, you’ll earn more daily likes. You’ll be able to like posts again in %{time_left}."
no_token:'Oops! The link you used no longer works. You can <a href="%{base_url}/login">Log In</a> now. If you forgot your password, you can <a href="%{base_url}/password-reset">request a link</a> to reset it.'
invalid_token:'Oops! The link you used no longer works. You can <a href="%{base_url}/login">Log In</a> now. If you forgot your password, you can <a href="%{base_url}/password-reset">request a link</a> to reset it.'
already_done:"Sorry, this account confirmation link is no longer valid. Perhaps your account is already active?"
approval_required:"A moderator must manually approve your new account before you can access this forum. You'll get an email when your account is approved!"
description:'This post contains content that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, to be hateful conduct or a violation of <a href="%{base_path}/guidelines">our community guidelines</a>.'
description:"You have reached the maximum number of allowed drafts. Please delete some of [your drafts](%{base_url}/my/activity/drafts) and try again."
description:'This topic contains content that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, to be hateful conduct or a violation of <a href="%{base_path}/guidelines">our community guidelines</a>.'
description:'This topic requires general staff attention based on the <a href="%{base_path}/guidelines">guidelines</a>, <a href="%{tos_url}">TOS</a>, or for another reason not listed above.'
different_user_description:"You are currently logged in as a different user than the one we emailed. Please log out, or enter anonymous mode, and try again."
user_not_found_description:"Sorry, we couldn't find a user for this subscription. You are probably attempting to unsubscribe an account that no longer exists."
description:List of moderator activity including flags reviewed, reading time, topics created, posts created, personal messages created, and revisions.
description:"Legacy report showing pageviews for logged in users, anonymous users and crawlers. This has been superseded by the 'Site traffic' report."
description_legacy:"Pageviews for logged in users, anonymous users and crawlers."
description:"Pageviews for logged in users, anonymous users, known crawlers and other. This experimental report ensures logged-in/anon requests are coming from real browsers before counting them. Historical data for this report is unavailable, for historical data see the 'Legacy Consolidated Pageviews' report."
description_legacy:"Pageviews for logged in users, anonymous users, known crawlers and other. This experimental report ensures logged-in/anon requests are coming from real browsers before counting them. Historical data for this report is unavailable, for historical data see the ‘Consolidated Pageviews' report."
description:"Number of members that logged in in the last day divided by number of members that logged in in the last month – returns a % which indicates community 'stickiness'. Aim for >20%."
twitter_login:'Twitter login appears to not be working at the moment. Check the credentials in <a href="%{base_path}/admin/site_settings/category/login?filter=twitter">the Site Settings</a>.'
group_email_credentials:'There was an issue with the email credentials for the group <a href="%{base_path}/g/%{group_name}/manage/email">%{group_full_name}</a>. No emails will be sent from the group inbox until this problem is addressed. %{error}'
rails_env:"Your server is running in %{env} mode."
host_names:"Your config/database.yml file is using the default localhost hostname. Update it to use your site's hostname."
sidekiq:'Sidekiq is not running. Many tasks, like sending emails, are executed asynchronously by Sidekiq. Please ensure at least one Sidekiq process is running. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn about Sidekiq here</a>.'
queue_size:"The number of queued jobs is %{queue_size}, which is high. This could indicate a problem with the Sidekiq process(es), or you may need to add more Sidekiq workers."
ram:"Your server is running with less than 1 GB of total memory. At least 1 GB of memory is recommended."
google_oauth2_config:'The server is configured to allow signup and login with Google OAuth2 (enable_google_oauth2_logins), but the client id and client secret values are not set. Go to <a href="%{base_path}/admin/site_settings">the Site Settings</a> and update the settings. <a href="" target="_blank">See this guide to learn more</a>.'
facebook_config:'The server is configured to allow signup and login with Facebook (enable_facebook_logins), but the app id and app secret values are not set. Go to <a href="%{base_path}/admin/site_settings">the Site Settings</a> and update the settings. <a href="" target="_blank">See this guide to learn more</a>.'
twitter_config:'The server is configured to allow signup and login with Twitter (enable_twitter_logins), but the key and secret values are not set. Go to <a href="%{base_path}/admin/site_settings">the Site Settings</a> and update the settings. <a href="" target="_blank">See this guide to learn more</a>.'
github_config:'The server is configured to allow signup and login with GitHub (enable_github_logins), but the client id and secret values are not set. Go to <a href="%{base_path}/admin/site_settings">the Site Settings</a> and update the settings. <a href="" target="_blank">See this guide to learn more</a>.'
s3_upload_config: 'The server is configured to upload files to S3, but at least one the following setting is not set:s3_access_key_id, s3_secret_access_key, s3_use_iam_profile, or s3_upload_bucket. Go to <a href="%{base_path}/admin/site_settings">the Site Settings</a> and update the settings. <a href="" target="_blank">See "How to set up image uploads to S3?" to learn more</a>.'
s3_backup_config: 'The server is configured to upload backups to S3, but at least one the following setting is not set:s3_access_key_id, s3_secret_access_key, s3_use_iam_profile, or s3_backup_bucket. Go to <a href="%{base_path}/admin/site_settings">the Site Settings</a> and update the settings. <a href="" target="_blank">See "How to set up image uploads to S3?" to learn more</a>.'
s3_cdn:'The server is configured to upload files to S3, but there is no S3 CDN configured. This can lead to expensive S3 costs and slower site performance. <a href="" target="_blank">See "Using Object Storage for Uploads" to learn more</a>.'
image_magick:'The server is configured to create thumbnails of large images, but ImageMagick is not installed. Install ImageMagick using your favorite package manager or <a href="" target="_blank">download the latest release</a>.'
failing_emails:'There are %{num_failed_jobs} email jobs that failed. Check your app.yml and ensure that the mail server settings are correct. <a href="%{base_path}/sidekiq/retries" target="_blank">See the failed jobs in Sidekiq</a>.'
subfolder_ends_in_slash:"Your subfolder setup is incorrect; the DISCOURSE_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT ends in a slash."
translation_overrides:"Some of your translation overrides are out of date. Please check your <a href='%{base_path}/admin/customize/site_texts?outdated=true'>text customizations</a>."
one:"Email polling has generated an error in the past 24 hours. Look at <a href='%{base_path}/logs' target='_blank'>the logs</a> for more details."
other:"Email polling has generated %{count} errors in the past 24 hours. Look at <a href='%{base_path}/logs' target='_blank'>the logs</a> for more details."
missing_mailgun_api_key:"The server is configured to send emails via Mailgun but you haven't provided an API key used to verify the webhook messages."
bad_favicon_url:"The favicon is failing to load. Check your favicon setting in <a href='%{base_path}/admin/site_settings'>Site Settings</a>."
poll_pop3_timeout:"Connection to the POP3 server is timing out. Incoming email could not be retrieved. Please check your <a href='%{base_path}/admin/site_settings/category/email'>POP3 settings</a> and service provider."
poll_pop3_auth_error:"Connection to the POP3 server is failing with an authentication error. Please check your <a href='%{base_path}/admin/site_settings/category/email'>POP3 settings</a>."
force_https:"Your website is using SSL. But `<a href='%{base_path}/admin/site_settings/category/all_results?filter=force_https'>force_https</a>` is not yet enabled in your site settings."
watched_words:"The regular expression for %{action} watched words is invalid. Please check your <a href='%{base_path}/admin/customize/watched_words'>Watched Word settings</a>, or disable the 'watched words regular expressions' site setting."
google_analytics_version:"Your Discourse is currently using Google Analytics 3, which will no longer be supported after July 2023. <a href=''>Upgrade to Google Analytics 4</a> now to continue receiving valuable insights and analytics for your website's performance."
category_style_deprecated:"Your Discourse is currently using a deprecated category style which will be removed before the final beta release of Discourse 3.2. Please refer to <a href=''>Moving to a Single Category Style Site Setting</a> for instructions on how to keep your selected category style."
maxmind_db_configuration:'The server has been configured to use MaxMind databases for reverse IP lookups but a valid MaxMind account ID has not been configured which may result in MaxMind databases failing to download in the future. <a href="" target="_blank">See this guide to learn more</a>.'
admin_sidebar_deprecation:"The old admin layout is deprecated in favour of the new <a href=''>sidebar layout</a> and will be removed in the next release. You can <a href='%{base_path}/admin/config/navigation?filter=admin%20sidebar'>configure</a> the new sidebar layout now to opt in before that."
default_locale:"The default language of this Discourse instance. You can replace the text of system generated categories and topics at <a href='%{base_path}/admin/customize/site_texts' target='_blank'>Customize / Text</a>."
topic_featured_link_enabled:"Allows users to associate a feature link with their topics. When turned on, topics can have a highlighted link attached, which is publicly visible and can be edited if the user has sufficient permissions. The feature link can enhance a topic's comprehensibility by providing related additional content."
search_ignore_accents:"Accent marks in search queries are disregarded if this setting is enabled, allowing users to find results even if they don't input the correct accents."
allow_uncategorized_topics:"Allow topics to be created without a category. WARNING: If there are any uncategorized topics, you must recategorize them before turning this off."
allow_duplicate_topic_titles_category:"Allow topics with identical, duplicate titles if the category is different. allow_duplicate_topic_titles must be disabled."
contact_email:"Email address of key contact responsible for this site. Used for critical notifications, and also displayed on <a href='%{base_path}/about' target='_blank'>/about</a>. Visible to anonymous users on public sites."
contact_url:"Contact URL for this site. When present, replaces email address on <a href='%{base_path}/about' target='_blank'>/about</a> and visible to anonymous users on public sites."
download_remote_images_to_local:"Convert remote (hotlinked) images to local images by downloading them; This preserves content even if the images are removed from the remote site in future."
block_hotlinked_media:"Prevent users from introducing remote (hotlinked) media in their posts. Remote media which is not downloaded via 'download_remote_images_to_local' will be replaced with a placeholder link."
block_hotlinked_media_exceptions:"A list of base URLs which are exempt from the block_hotlinked_media setting. Include the protocol (e.g."
editing_grace_period_max_diff:"Maximum number of character changes allowed in editing grace period, if more changed store another post revision (trust level 0 and 1)"
editing_grace_period_max_diff_high_trust:"Maximum number of character changes allowed in editing grace period, if more changed store another post revision (trust level 2 and up)"
delete_removed_posts_after:"Posts removed by the author will be automatically deleted after (n) hours. If set to 0, posts will be deleted immediately."
notify_users_after_responses_deleted_on_flagged_post:"When a post is flagged and then removed, all users that responded to the post and had their responses removed will be notified."
responsive_post_image_sizes:"Resize lightbox preview images to allow for high DPI screens of the following pixel ratios. Remove all values to disable responsive images."
fixed_category_positions:"If checked, you will be able to arrange categories into a fixed order. If unchecked, categories are listed in order of activity."
add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content: 'Add rel nofollow to all submitted user content, except for internal links (including parent domains). If you change this, you must rebake all posts with:"rake posts:rebake"'
exclude_rel_nofollow_domains:"A list of domains where nofollow should not be added to links. will automatically allow as well. As a minimum, you should add the domain of this site to help web crawlers find all content. If other parts of your website are at other domains, add those too."
default_subcategory_on_read_only_category:"Enables 'New Topic' button and selects a default subcategory to post on categories where the user is not allowed to create a new topic."
block_onebox_on_redirect:"Prevent oneboxing for URLs that lead to a redirecting page. This configuration stops the creation of a visual card (onebox) for any URL that redirects to a different destination, ensuring that direct, non-redirecting URLs are prioritized for oneboxing."
force_custom_user_agent_hosts:"Hosts for which to use the custom onebox user agent on all requests. (Especially useful for hosts that limit access by user agent)."
max_oneboxes_per_post:"Set the maximum number of oneboxes that can be included in a single post. Oneboxes provide a preview of linked content within the post."
github_onebox_access_tokens:"A mapping of a GitHub organisation or user to a GitHub access token which is used to generate GitHub oneboxes for private repos, commits, pull requests, issues, and file contents. Without this, only public GitHub URLs will be oneboxed."
logo:"The logo image at the top left of your site. Use a wide rectangular image with a height of 120 and an aspect ratio greater than 3:1. If left blank, the site title text will be shown."
logo_small:"The small logo image at the top left of your site, seen when scrolling down. Use a square 120 × 120 image. If left blank, a home glyph will be shown."
digest_logo:"The alternate logo image used at the top of your site's email summary. Use a wide rectangle image. Don't use an SVG image. If left blank, the image from the `logo` setting will be used."
mobile_logo:"The logo used on mobile version of your site. Use a wide rectangular image with a height of 120 and an aspect ratio greater than 3:1. If left blank, the image from the `logo` setting will be used."
manifest_screenshots:"Screenshots that showcase your instance features and functionality on its install prompt page. All images should be local uploads and of the same dimensions."
favicon:"A favicon for your site, see <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. To work correctly over a CDN it must be a png. Will be resized to 32x32. If left blank, large_icon will be used."
apple_touch_icon:"Icon used for Apple touch devices. A transparent background is not reccomended. Will be automatically resized to 180x180. If left blank, large_icon will be used."
twitter_summary_large_image:"Twitter card 'summary large image' (should be at least 280 in width, and at least 150 in height, cannot be .svg). If left blank, regular card metadata is generated using the opengraph_image, as long as that is not also a .svg"
notification_email:"The from: email address used when sending all essential system emails. The domain specified here must have SPF, DKIM and reverse PTR records set correctly for email to arrive."
email_subject:"Customizable subject format for standard emails. See <a href='' target='_blank'></a>"
detailed_404:"Provides more details to users about why they can’t access a particular topic. Note: This is less secure because users will know if a URL links to a valid topic."
enforce_second_factor:"Require users to enable two-factor authentication before they can access the Discourse UI. This setting does not affect API or 'DiscourseConnect provider' authentication. If enforce_second_factor_on_external_auth is enabled, users will not be able to log in with external authentication providers after they set up two-factor authentication."
enforce_second_factor_on_external_auth:"Require users to use two-factor authentication at all times. When enabled this will prevent users logging in with external authentication methods like social logins if they have two-factor authentication enabled. When disabled users will only need to confirm their two-factor authentication when logging in with a username and password. Also see the `enforce_second_factor` setting."
force_https:"Force your site to use HTTPS only. WARNING: do NOT enable this until you verify HTTPS is fully set up and working absolutely everywhere! Did you check your CDN, all social logins, and any external logos / dependencies to make sure they are all HTTPS compatible, too?"
summary_posts_required:"Minimum posts in a topic before 'Summarize This Topic' is enabled. Changes to this setting will be applied retroactively within a week."
summary_likes_required:"Minimum likes in a topic before 'Summarize This Topic' is enabled. Changes to this setting will be applied retroactively within a week."
enable_personal_messages:"DEPRECATED, use the 'personal message enabled groups' setting instead. Allow trust level 1 (configurable via min trust to send messages) users to create messages and reply to messages. Note that staff can always send messages no matter what."
personal_message_enabled_groups:"Allow users in these groups to CREATE personal messages. IMPORTANT: 1) all users can REPLY to messages. 2) Admins and mods can CREATE messages to any user. 3) Trust level groups include higher levels; choose trust_level_1 to allow TL1, TL2, TL3, TL4 but not allow TL0. 4) Group interaction settings override this setting for messaging specific groups."
enable_chunked_encoding:"Enable chunked encoding responses by the server. This feature works on most setups however some proxies may buffer, causing responses to be delayed"
long_polling_base_url:"Base URL used for long polling (when a CDN is serving dynamic content, be sure to set this to origin pull) eg:"
num_users_to_silence_new_user:"If a new user's posts exceed the hide_post_sensitivity setting, and has spam flags from this many different users, hide all their posts and prevent future posting. 0 to disable."
num_tl3_flags_to_silence_new_user:"If a new user's posts get this many flags from num_tl3_users_to_silence_new_user different trust level 3 users, hide all their posts and prevent future posting. 0 to disable."
num_tl3_users_to_silence_new_user:"If a new user's posts get num_tl3_flags_to_silence_new_user flags from this many different trust level 3 users, hide all their posts and prevent future posting. 0 to disable."
notify_mods_when_user_silenced:"If a user is automatically silenced, send a message to all moderators."
flag_sockpuppets:"If a new user replies to a topic from the same IP address as the user who started the topic, flag both of their posts as potential spam."
enable_markdown_typographer:"Use typography rules to improve readability of text: replace straight quotes ' with curly quotes ’, (tm) with symbol, -- with emdash –, etc"
enable_markdown_linkify:"Automatically treat text that looks like a link as a link: and will be automatically linked"
must_approve_users: 'All new users must wait for moderator or admin approval before being allowed to log in. (Note:enabling this setting also removes the "arrive at topic" invite option)'
review_every_post:"Send every new post to the review queue for moderation. Posts are still published immediately and are visible to all users. WARNING! Not recommended for high-traffic sites due to the potential volume of posts needing review."
pending_users_reminder_delay_minutes:"Notify moderators if new users have been waiting for approval for longer than this many minutes. Set to -1 to disable notifications."
ga_universal_auto_link_domains:"Enable Google Universal Analytics cross-domain tracking. Outgoing links to these domains will have the client id added to them. See <a href='' target='_blank'>Google's Cross-Domain Tracking guide.</a>"
gtm_container_id:"Google Tag Manager container id. eg: GTM-ABCD12E. <br/>Note: To use GTM when the Content Security Policy (CSP) is enabled, see the documentation on meta: <a href='' target='_blank'>Use nonces in Google Tag Manager scripts</a>."
enable_escaped_fragments:"Fall back to Google's Ajax-Crawling API if no webcrawler is detected. See <a href='' target='_blank'></a>"
cors_origins:"Allowed origins for cross-origin requests (CORS). Each origin must include http:// or https://. The DISCOURSE_ENABLE_CORS env variable must be set to true to enable CORS."
allowed_crawler_user_agents:"User agents of web crawlers that should be allowed to access the site. WARNING! SETTING THIS WILL DISALLOW ALL CRAWLERS NOT LISTED HERE!"
blocked_crawler_user_agents:"Unique case insensitive word in the user agent string identifying web crawlers that should not be allowed to access the site. Does not apply if allowlist is defined."
slow_down_crawler_user_agents:'User agents of web crawlers that should be rate limited as configured in the "slow down crawler rate" setting. Each value must be at least 3 characters long.'
slow_down_crawler_rate:"If slow_down_crawler_user_agents is specified this rate will apply to all the crawlers (number of seconds delay between requests)"
content_security_policy:"Enable Content-Security-Policy (CSP). CSP is an additional layer of security that helps to prevent certain types of attacks, including Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection."
content_security_policy_frame_ancestors:"Restrict who can embed this site in iframes via CSP. Control allowed hosts on <a href='%{base_path}/admin/customize/embedding'>Embedding</a>"
content_security_policy_script_src:"Additional allowlisted script sources. The current host and CDN are included by default. See <a href='' target='_blank'>Mitigate XSS Attacks with Content Security Policy.</a> (CSP). Other host sources are ignored as strict-dynamic is enabled."
invalidate_inactive_admin_email_after_days:"Admin accounts that have not visited the site in this number of days will need to re-validate their email address before logging in. Set to 0 to disable."
suppress_secured_categories_from_admin:"Suppress private topics and PMs in some parts of UI for admins. Content will still be visible in some places. This is not a security feature: admins can always access all content on the site."
include_secure_categories_in_tag_counts:"When enabled, count of topics for a tag will include topics that are in read restricted categories for all users. When disabled, normal users are only shown a count of topics for a tag where all the topics are in public categories."
post_menu:"Configure the visibility and order of default post menu items. Additional items added by plugins or themes are managed separately and won’t appear in this list."
post_menu_hidden_items:"The menu items to hide by default in the post menu unless an expansion ellipsis is clicked on. Additional items added by plugins or themes are managed separately and won’t appear in this list."
remove_full_quote:"Automatically remove quotation if (a) it appears at the start of a post, (b) it is of an entire post, and (c) it is from the immediately preceding post. For details, see <a href='' target='_blank'>Removal of full quotes from direct replies</a>"
redirect_users_to_top_page:"Automatically redirect new and long absent users to the top page. Only applies when 'top' is present in the 'top menu' site setting."
enable_badges:"Enable the badge system, which is a form of gamification to reinforce positive user actions. See <a href='' _target='blank'>What are Badges?</a> on Discourse Meta for more information."
allow_index_in_robots_txt:"Specify in robots.txt that this site is allowed to be indexed by web search engines. You can <a href='%{base_path}/admin/customize/robots'>override your robots.txt here.</a> <b>WARNING</b>: Misconfigured rules could prevent your site from being crawled as expected."
blocked_email_domains:"A pipe-delimited list of email domains that users are not allowed to register accounts with. Subdomains are automatically handled for the specified domains. Wildcard symbols * and ? are not supported. Example:|"
allowed_email_domains:"A pipe-delimited list of email domains that users MUST register accounts with. Subdomains are automatically handled for the specified domains. Wildcard symbols * and ? are not supported. WARNING: Users with email domains other than those listed will not be allowed!"
auto_approve_email_domains:"Users with email addresses from this list of domains will be automatically approved. Subdomains are automatically handled for the specified domains. Wildcard symbols * and ? are not supported."
hide_email_address_taken:"Don't inform users that an account exists with a given email address during signup or during forgot password flow. Require full email for 'forgotten password' requests."
version_checks:"Ping the Discourse Hub for version updates and show new version messages on the <a href='%{base_path}/admin' target='_blank'>/admin</a> dashboard"
include_in_discourse_discover:"Let CDCK, Inc. (“Discourse”) feature this community on the <a href='' target='_blank'>Discover page</a> and in Discourse marketing materials. By doing so, you will share the data required for your site to be included in the service. Please note that the promotion of communities is at Discourse’s discretion."
min_username_length:"Minimum username length in characters. WARNING: if any existing users or groups have names shorter than this, your site will break!"
max_username_length:"Maximum username length in characters. WARNING: if any existing users or groups have names longer than this, your site will break!"
allowed_unicode_username_characters:"Regular expression to allow only some Unicode characters within usernames. ASCII letters and numbers will always be allowed and don't need to be included in the allowlist."
min_password_length:"Defines the least number of characters required for user passwords on the site. A value that's too low might compromise security by making it easier for unauthorized parties to guess passwords, while a value that's too high might make it more difficult for users to remember their passwords."
min_admin_password_length:"Specify the minimum length of the password for Admin users. It ensures that all admin passwords meet a certain length requirement for enhanced security. This setting is essential to protect the Admin account from potential unauthorized access."
auth_skip_create_confirm:When signing up via external auth, skip the create account popup. Best used alongside auth_overrides_email, auth_overrides_username and auth_overrides_name.
auth_immediately:"Automatically redirect to the external login system without user interaction. This only takes effect when login_required is true, and there is only one external authentication method"
enable_discourse_connect:"Enable sign on via DiscourseConnect (formerly 'Discourse SSO') (WARNING: USERS' EMAIL ADDRESSES *MUST* BE VALIDATED BY THE EXTERNAL SITE!)"
verbose_discourse_connect_logging:"Log verbose DiscourseConnect related diagnostics to <a href='%{base_path}/logs' target='_blank'>/logs</a>"
enable_discourse_connect_provider:"Implement DiscourseConnect (formerly 'Discourse SSO') provider protocol at the /session/sso_provider endpoint, requires discourse_connect_provider_secrets to be set"
discourse_connect_secret:"Secret string used to cryptographically authenticate DiscourseConnect information, be sure it is 10 characters or longer"
discourse_connect_provider_secrets:"A list of domain-secret pairs that are using DiscourseConnect. Make sure DiscourseConnect secret is 10 characters or longer. Wildcard symbol * can be used to match any domain or only a part of it (e.g. *"
discourse_connect_overrides_bio:"Overrides user bio in user profile and prevents user from changing it"
discourse_connect_overrides_groups:"Synchronize all manual group membership with groups specified in the groups attribute (WARNING: if you do not specify groups all manual group membership will be cleared for user)"
auth_overrides_email:"Overrides local email with external site email on every login, and prevent local changes. Applies to all authentication providers. (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to normalization of local emails)"
auth_overrides_username:"Overrides local username with external site username on every login, and prevent local changes. Applies to all authentication providers. (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to differences in username length/requirements)"
auth_overrides_name:"Overrides local full name with external site full name on every login, and prevent local changes. Applies to all authentication providers."
discourse_connect_overrides_avatar:"Overrides user avatar with value from DiscourseConnect payload. If enabled, users will not be allowed to upload avatars on Discourse."
discourse_connect_overrides_location:"Overrides user location with value from DiscourseConnect payload and prevent local changes."
discourse_connect_overrides_website:"Overrides user website with value from DiscourseConnect payload and prevent local changes."
discourse_connect_overrides_profile_background:"Overrides user profile background with value from DiscourseConnect payload."
discourse_connect_overrides_card_background:"Overrides user card background with value from DiscourseConnect payload."
discourse_connect_allowed_redirect_domains:"Restrict to these domains for return_paths provided by DiscourseConnect (by default return path must be on current site). Use * to allow any domain for return path. Subdomain wildcards (`*`) are not allowed."
enable_local_logins:"Enable local username and password login based accounts. WARNING: if disabled, you may be unable to log in if you have not previously configured at least one alternate login method."
enable_google_oauth2_logins:"Enable Google Oauth2 authentication. This is the method of authentication that Google currently supports. Requires key and secret. See <a href='' target='_blank'>Configuring Google login for Discourse</a>."
google_oauth2_prompt:"An optional space-delimited list of string values that specifies whether the authorization server prompts the user for reauthentication and consent. See <a href='' target='_blank'></a> for the possible values."
google_oauth2_hd:"An optional Google Apps Hosted domain that the sign-in will be limited to. See <a href='' target='_blank'></a> for more details."
google_oauth2_hd_groups:"Retrieve users' Google groups on the hosted domain on authentication. Retrieved Google groups can be used to grant automatic Discourse group membership (see group settings). For more information see"
google_oauth2_hd_groups_service_account_admin_email:"An email address belonging to a Google Workspace administrator account. Will be used with the service account credentials to fetch group information."
google_oauth2_hd_groups_service_account_json:"JSON formatted key information for the Service Account. Will be used to fetch group information."
twitter_consumer_key:"Consumer key for Twitter authentication, registered at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>"
twitter_consumer_secret:"Consumer secret for Twitter authentication, registered at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>"
enable_facebook_logins:"Enable Facebook authentication, requires facebook_app_id and facebook_app_secret. See <a href='' target='_blank'>Configuring Facebook login for Discourse</a>."
facebook_app_id:"App id for Facebook authentication and sharing, registered at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>"
facebook_app_secret:"App secret for Facebook authentication, registered at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>"
enable_github_logins:"Enable GitHub authentication, requires github_client_id and github_client_secret. See <a href='' target='_blank'>Configuring GitHub login for Discourse</a>."
github_client_id:"Client id for GitHub authentication, registered at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>"
github_client_secret:"Client secret for GitHub authentication, registered at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>"
discord_secret:"Discord Client Secret Key Used for authenticating and enabling Discord related features on the site, such as Discord logins. This secret key corresponds to the Discord application created for the website, and is necessary for securely communicating with the Discord API."
discord_trusted_guilds:'Only allow members of these Discord guilds to log in via Discord. Use the numeric ID for the guild. For more information, check the instructions <a href="">here</a>. Leave blank to allow any guild.'
enable_linkedin_oidc_logins:"Enable LinkedIn authentication, requires linkedin_client_id and linkedin_client_secret."
linkedin_oidc_client_id:"Client ID for LinkedIn authentication, registered at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>"
linkedin_oidc_client_secret:"Client secret for LinkedIn authentication, registered at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>"
backup_frequency:"Specifies the interval, in days, at which automatic backups of the site are created. If set to 7, for example, a new backup will be generated every week. The activation of this setting is contingent upon `automatic_backups_enabled`."
s3_endpoint:"The endpoint can be modified to backup to an S3 compatible service like DigitalOcean Spaces or Minio. WARNING: Leave blank if using AWS S3."
s3_configure_tombstone_policy:"Enable automatic deletion policy for tombstone uploads. IMPORTANT: If disabled, no space will be reclaimed after uploads are deleted."
s3_use_acls:"AWS recommends not using ACLs on S3 buckets; if you are following this advice, uncheck this option. This must be enabled if you are using secure uploads."
enable_direct_s3_uploads:"Allows for direct multipart uploads to Amazon S3, see for more details."
backup_location:"Location where backups are stored. IMPORTANT: S3 requires valid S3 credentials entered in Files settings. When changing this to S3 from Local, you must run the `s3:ensure_cors_rules` rake task."
include_thumbnails_in_backups:"Include generated thumbnails in backups. Disabling this will make backups smaller, but requires a rebake of all posts after a restore."
top_topics_formula_log_views_multiplier:"value of log views multiplier (n) in top topics formula: `log(views_count) * (n) + op_likes_count * 0.5 + LEAST(likes_count / posts_count, 3) + 10 + log(posts_count)`"
top_topics_formula_first_post_likes_multiplier:"value of first post likes multiplier (n) in top topics formula: `log(views_count) * 2 + op_likes_count * (n) + LEAST(likes_count / posts_count, 3) + 10 + log(posts_count)`"
top_topics_formula_least_likes_per_post_multiplier:"value of least likes per post multiplier (n) in top topics formula: `log(views_count) * 2 + op_likes_count * 0.5 + LEAST(likes_count / posts_count, (n)) + 10 + log(posts_count)`"
alert_admins_if_errors_per_minute:"Number of errors per minute in order to trigger an admin alert. A value of 0 disables this feature. NOTE: requires restart."
alert_admins_if_errors_per_hour:"Number of errors per hour in order to trigger an admin alert. A value of 0 disables this feature. NOTE: requires restart."
categories_topics:"Number of topics to show in /categories page. If set to 0, it will automatically try to find a value to keep the two columns symmetrical (categories and topics)."
clean_up_uploads:"Remove orphan unreferenced uploads to prevent illegal hosting. WARNING: you may want to back up of your /uploads directory before enabling this setting."
purge_unactivated_users_grace_period_days:"Grace period (in days) before a user who has not activated their account is deleted. Set to 0 to never purge unactivated users."
s3_use_iam_profile:'Use an <a href="">AWS EC2 instance profile</a> to grant access to the S3 bucket. NOTE: enabling this requires Discourse to be running in an appropriately-configured EC2 instance, and overrides the "s3 access key id" and "s3 secret access key" settings.'
s3_cdn_url:"The CDN URL to use for all s3 assets (for example: WARNING: after changing this setting you must rebake all old posts."
external_system_avatars_enabled:"Enables the use of an external service for generating system avatars. When this setting is enabled, user avatars, instead of being produced within the Discourse system, are generated and provided by an external service defined by the `external_system_avatars_url` setting."
selectable_avatars_mode:"Allow users to select an avatar from the selectable_avatars list and limit custom avatar uploads to the selected trust level."
selectable_avatars:"Specify a collection of avatars from which users can select their profile picture. The choice will appear during user profile creation or when updating the profile avatar."
strip_image_metadata:"Enable this setting to remove all the additional information from the images uploaded on the site. This includes data such as the camera model, location, creation date etc. This can be useful for privacy reasons, as it prevents users from unintentionally sharing sensitive information."
composer_media_optimization_image_resize_dimensions_threshold:"Minimum image width to trigger client-side resize"
composer_media_optimization_image_resize_width_target:"Images with widths larger than `composer_media_optimization_image_dimensions_resize_threshold` will be resized to this width. Must be >= than `composer_media_optimization_image_dimensions_resize_threshold`."
tl3_time_period:"Trust Level 3 requirements time period (in days)"
tl3_requires_days_visited:"Minimum number of days that a user needs to have visited the site in the last (tl3 time period) days to qualify for promotion to trust level 3. Set higher than tl3 time period to disable promotions to tl3. (0 or higher)"
tl3_requires_topics_replied_to:"Minimum number of topics a user needs to have replied to in the last (tl3 time period) days to qualify for promotion to trust level 3. (0 or higher)"
tl3_requires_topics_viewed:"The percentage of topics created in the last (tl3 time period) days that a user needs to have viewed to qualify for promotion to trust level 3. (0 to 100)"
tl3_requires_posts_read:"The percentage of posts created in the last (tl3 time period) days that a user needs to have viewed to qualify for promotion to trust level 3. (0 to 100)"
tl3_requires_max_flagged:"User must not have had more than x posts flagged by x different users in the last (tl3 time period) days to qualify for promotion to trust level 3, where x is this setting's value. (0 or higher)"
tl3_requires_likes_given:"The minimum number of likes that must be given in the last (tl3 time period) days to qualify for promotion to trust level 3."
tl3_requires_likes_received:"The minimum number of likes that must be received in the last (tl3 time period) days to qualify for promotion to trust level 3."
tl4_delete_posts_and_topics:"Allow TL4 users to delete posts and topics created by other users. TL4 users will also be able to see deleted topics and posts."
delete_all_posts_and_topics_allowed_groups:"Groups allowed to delete posts and topics created by other users. These groups will also be able to see deleted topics and posts."
min_trust_to_send_messages:"DEPRECATED, use the 'personal message enabled groups' setting instead. The minimum trust level required to create new personal messages."
send_email_messages_allowed_groups:"Groups that are allowed to send personal messages via email. Admins and moderators can always send personal messages via email."
embedded_media_post_allowed_groups:"The users in these groups are allowed to embed media items in a post. Admins and moderators can always embed media items."
profile_background_allowed_groups:"Groups that are allowed to upload a profile background. Admins and moderators can always upload a profile background."
user_card_background_allowed_groups:"Groups that are allowed to upload a user card background. Admins and moderators can always upload a user card background."
max_users_notified_per_group_mention:"Maximum number of users that may receive a notification if a group is mentioned (if threshold is met no notifications will be raised)"
here_mention:"Name used for a @mention to allow privileged users to notify up to 'max_here_mentioned' people participating in the topic. Must not be an existing username."
personal_email_time_window_seconds:"Wait (n) seconds before sending any personal message notification emails, to give users a chance to edit and finalize their messages."
max_consecutive_replies:"Number of posts in a row a user can make in a topic before being prevented from adding another reply. This limit does not apply to the topic owner, site staff, or category moderators."
title_fancy_entities:"Convert common ASCII characters to fancy HTML entities in topic titles, ala SmartyPants <a href='' target='_blank'></a>"
desktop_category_page_style:"This setting determines the visual layout of the /categories page on desktop. It includes options such as displaying subcategories with featured topics, showing the latest topics, or presenting top topics. The chosen style will influence how users interact and navigate through categories on the site."
max_image_size_kb:"The maximum image upload size. This must be configured in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache or proxy as well. Images larger than this and smaller than client_max_body_size will be resized to fit on upload."
max_attachment_size_kb:"The maximum attachment files upload size. This must be configured in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache or proxy as well."
authorized_extensions:"A list of file extensions allowed for upload"
authorized_extensions_for_staff:"A list of file extensions allowed for upload for staff users in addition to the list defined in the `authorized_extensions` site setting."
theme_authorized_extensions:"A list of file extensions allowed for theme uploads"
display_eu_visitor_stats:"Show number of global and EU visitors on the /about page. It may take a few minutes for the stats to appear after turning on this setting."
newuser_spam_host_threshold:"How many times a new user can post a link to the same host within their `newuser_spam_host_threshold` posts before being considered spam."
allowed_spam_host_domains:"A list of domains excluded from spam host testing. New users will never be restricted from creating posts with links to these domains."
max_new_accounts_per_registration_ip:"If there are already (n) trust level 0 accounts from this IP (and none is a staff member or at TL2 or higher), stop accepting new signups from that IP. Set to 0 to disable the limit."
min_first_post_typing_time:"Minimum amount of time in milliseconds a user must type during first post, if threshold is not met post will automatically enter the needs approval queue. Set to 0 to disable (not recommended)"
auto_silence_first_post_regex:"Case insensitive regex that if passed will cause first post by user to be silenced and sent to approval queue. Example: raging|a[bc]a , will cause all posts containing raging or aba or aca to be silenced on first. Only applies to first post. DEPRECATED: Use Silence Watched Words instead."
reply_by_email_enabled:"Activate the feature that permits users to respond to topics directly through email, instead of requiring them to log into the website. See <a href='' target='_blank'>the guide on Meta</a> for more information."
reply_by_email_address:"Template for reply by email incoming email address, for example: %%{reply_key} or replies+%%{reply_key}"
alternative_reply_by_email_addresses:"List of alternative templates for reply by email incoming email addresses. Example: %%{reply_key}|replies+%%{reply_key}"
disable_emails:"Prevent Discourse from sending any kind of emails. Select 'yes' to disable emails for all users. Select 'non-staff' to disable emails for non-staff users only."
short_email_length:"Define the maximum length, in bytes, for an email to be classified as 'short' for image suppression. If an email's size does not exceed this setting, any images (such as avatars and emojis) within the email will be stripped out."
sendgrid_verification_key:"Sendgrid verification key used to verify webhook messages."
mailjet_webhook_token:"Token used to verify webhook payload. It must be passed as the 't' query parameter of the webhook, for example:"
mandrill_authentication_key:"Mandrill authentication key used to verify webhook messages."
postmark_webhook_token:"Token used to verify webhook payload. It must be passed as the 't' query parameter of the webhook, for example:"
sparkpost_webhook_token:"Token used to verify webhook payload. It must be passed as the 't' query parameter of the webhook, for example:"
forwarded_emails_behaviour:"How to treat a forwarded email to Discourse. <a href='' target='_blank'>Learn more</a>"
require_change_email_confirmation:"Require non-staff users to confirm their old email address before changing it. Does not apply to staff users, they always need to confirm their old email address."
pop3_polling_enabled:"Activate POP3 polling to receive email replies. Upon activation, the system will check a specified POP3 mailbox for emails and handle them as topic replies. See the <a href='' target='_blank'>guide on Meta</a> for more information."
email_in:"Allow users to post new topics via email. After enabling this setting, you will be able to configure incoming email addresses for groups and categories."
email_in_authserv_id:"The identifier of the service doing authentication checks on incoming emails. See <a href=''></a> for instructions on how to configure this."
email_in_spam_header:"Selects the specific email header to use for identifying spam. This option can be X-Spam-Flag, X-Spam-Status, or X-SES-Spam-Verdict, and the email is tagged as spam based on the header's value. For instance, if the chosen setting is X-Spam-Flag, an email with this header value set to YES would be classified as spam."
email_site_title:"The title of the site used as the sender of emails from the site. Default to 'title' if not set. If your 'title' contains characters that are not allowed in email sender strings, use this setting."
find_related_post_with_key:"Only use the 'reply key' to find the replied-to post. WARNING: disabling this allows user impersonation based on email address."
delete_all_posts_max:"The maximum number of posts that can be deleted at once with the Delete All Posts button. If a user has more than this many posts, the posts cannot all be deleted at once and the user can't be deleted."
delete_user_self_max_post_count:"The maximum number of posts a user can have while allowing self-service account deletion. Set to -1 to disable self-service account deletion."
disable_digest_emails:"Turns off summary emails for every user on the site. All users will stop receiving emails highlighting popular topics and other content summaries from your site."
email_accent_bg_color:"The accent color to be used as the background of some elements in HTML emails. Enter a color name ('red') or hex value ('#FF0000')."
group_in_subject:"Set %%{optional_pm} in email subject to name of first group in PM, see: <a href='' target='_blank'>Customize subject format for standard emails</a>"
allow_anonymous_posting:"Enable the option for users to switch to anonymous mode for posting. When activated, users can opt for their identities to be hidden when creating posts or topics throughout the site. See also `allow_anonymous_likes`."
allow_anonymous_likes:"Enable this setting to allow users who are browsing your site anonymously to like posts. When activated, users can opt for their identities to be hidden when liking posts or topics throughout the site. See also `allow_anonymous_posting`."
anonymous_account_duration_minutes:"To protect anonymity create a new anonymous account every N minutes for each user. Example: if set to 600, as soon as 600 minutes elapse from last post AND user switches to anon, a new anonymous account is created."
hide_new_user_profiles:"Hide trust level 1 or lower user profiles from the public and trust level 1 users until they post for the first time. This feature is disabled unconditionally on must_approve_users and invite_only sites."
clean_up_inactive_users_after_days:"Number of days before an inactive user (trust level 0 without any posts) is removed. To disable clean up set to 0."
max_notifications_per_user:"Maximum amount of notifications per user, if this number is exceeded old notifications will be deleted. Enforced weekly. Set to 0 to disable"
enable_mobile_theme:"Mobile devices use a mobile-friendly theme, with the ability to switch to the full site. Disable this if you want to use a custom stylesheet that is fully responsive."
permalink_normalizations:"Apply the following regex before matching permalinks, for example: /(topic.*)\\?.*/\\1 will strip query strings from topic routes. Format is regex+string use \\1 etc. to access captures"
notification_consolidation_threshold:"Number of liked or membership request notifications received before the notifications are consolidated into a single one. Set to 0 to disable."
likes_notification_consolidation_window_mins:"Duration in minutes where liked notifications are consolidated into a single notification once the threshold has been reached. The threshold can be configured via `SiteSetting.notification_consolidation_threshold`."
linked_notification_consolidation_window_mins:"Duration in minutes where linked notifications are consolidated into a single notification once the threshold has been reached. The threshold can be configured via `SiteSetting.notification_consolidation_threshold`."
topic_page_title_includes_category:"Topic page <a href='' target='_blank'>title tag</a> includes the category name."
app_association_android:"Contents of <a href='%{base_path}/.well-known/assetlinks.json'>.well-known/assetlinks.json</a> endpoint, used for Google's Digital Asset Links API."
app_association_ios:"Contents of <a href='%{base_path}/apple-app-site-association'>apple-app-site-association</a> endpoint, used to create Universal Links between this site and iOS apps."
share_anonymized_statistics:"Enable sharing of anonymized usage statistics with CDCK, Inc. (“Discourse”). When this setting is enabled, data concerning the usage of the site is collected and shared in anonymized form, ensuring no personal information is disclosed."
auto_handle_queued_age:"Automatically handle records that are waiting to be reviewed after this many days. Flags will be ignored. Queued posts and users will be rejected. Set to 0 to disable this feature."
penalty_step_hours:"Default penalties for silencing or suspending users in hours. First offense defaults to the first value, second offense defaults to the second value, etc."
svg_icon_subset:"Add additional FontAwesome icons that you would like to include in your assets. Use prefix 'fa-' for solid icons, 'far-' for regular icons and 'fab-' for brand icons."
short_progress_text_threshold:"After the number of posts in a topic goes above this number, the progress bar will only show the current post number. If you change the progress bar's width, you may need to change this value."
default_code_lang:"Default programming language syntax highlighting applied to markdown code blocks (auto, text, ruby, python etc.). This value must also be present in the `highlighted languages` site setting."
warn_reviving_old_topic_age:"When someone starts replying to a topic where the last reply is older than this many days, a warning will be displayed. Disable by setting to 0."
autohighlight_all_code:"Apply syntax highlighting to HTML-authored <code> blocks, even if they didn't specify a language. To configure markdown-authored code blocks, use the 'default code lang' setting."
highlighted_languages:"Included syntax highlighting rules. (Warning: including too many languages may impact performance) see: <a href='' target='_blank'></a> for a demo"
embed_topics_list:"Enable the embedding of topic lists in HTML format. This setting allows you to incorporate lists of topics from your forum into other websites in a compatible and easy-to-use manner."
embed_truncate:"Shorten the contents of posts that are embedded from external sources. This setting ensures that only the initial part of content is displayed when a post from an external URL is embedded on your site. If you prefer to display full content from the external posts, you can disable this setting."
notify_about_reviewable_item_after:"If there are reviewable items that haven’t been handled after this many hours, send a personal message to moderators. Set to 0 to disable."
delete_merged_stub_topics_after_days:"Number of days to wait before automatically deleting fully merged stub topics. Set to -1 to never delete. Set to 0 to immediately delete."
bootstrap_mode_min_users:'Minimum number of users required to disable bootstrap mode and remove Getting Started button (set to 0 to disable, can take up to 24 hours). See <a target="_blank" href="">the bootstrap mode topic on Meta</a> for details.'
secure_uploads:'Limits access to ALL uploads (images, video, audio, text, pdfs, zips, and others). If "login required” is enabled, only logged-in users can access uploads. Otherwise, access will be limited only for media uploads in personal messages and private categories. WARNING: This setting is complex and requires deep administrative understanding. See <a target="_blank" href="">the secure uploads topic on Meta</a> for details.'
secure_uploads_allow_embed_images_in_emails:"Allows embedding secure images that would normally be redacted in emails, if their size is smaller than the 'secure uploads max email embed image size kb' setting."
secure_uploads_max_email_embed_image_size_kb:"The size cutoff for secure images that will be embedded in emails if the 'secure uploads allow embed in emails' setting is enabled. Without that setting enabled, this setting has no effect."
enable_emoji:"Enable the display and use of emojis in your Discourse instance. If disabled, emojis will not be rendered and users will not be able to access or use them in text fields."
approve_unless_allowed_groups:"Posts created by users not in these groups must be approved. Posts created by admins and moderators are always approved."
approve_new_topics_unless_allowed_groups:"New topics created by users not in these groups must be approved. Topics created by admins and moderators are always approved."
notify_about_queued_posts_after:"If there are posts that have been waiting to be reviewed for more than this many hours, send a notification to all moderators. Set to 0 to disable these notifications."
reviewable_revision_reasons:"List of reasons that can be selected when rejecting a reviewable queued post with a revision. Other is always available as well, which allows for a custom reason to be entered."
watched_words_regular_expressions:"Allows the use of regular expressions for filtering words. If enabled, this feature groups sensitive words by their case-sensitivity. It then compiles all selected words into a single regular expression, adding word boundaries for regular watched words. Consequently, this regex-based filtering method adds an extra layer of control over content moderation by supporting more sophisticated word patterns. The setting also allows to easily substitute the original text with the replacement of choice."
skip_review_media_groups:"Users who are not in any of these groups will have their posts sent to staff for review if the post contains embedded media. Posts created by admins and moderators are always allowed."
default_other_like_notification_frequency:"Sets the frequency at which users receive notifications for likes by default. Users who have not customized their notification settings will follow this default behavior."
mute_all_categories_by_default:"Set the default notification level of all the categories to muted. Require users opt-in to categories for them to appear in 'latest' and 'categories' pages. If you wish to amend the defaults for anonymous users set 'default_categories_' settings."
default_text_size:"Specifies the default font size for all text elements on the site. This size can be subsequently adjusted by each user according to their preference."
default_title_count_mode:"Select the default mode for the count of page titles displayed on the site. This will apply across all the pages unless individually overridden."
allowed_user_api_auth_redirects:"Allowed URL for authentication redirect for user API keys. Wildcard symbol * can be used to match any part of it (e.g.*)."
tagging_enabled:"Enable tags on topics? See the <a href=''>Admin guide to tags on Meta</a> for more information."
tag_style:"Define the visual appearance of tag badges on the site. This setting allows you to customize how tags are visually represented across all areas of the site, enhancing layout consistency and user accessibility."
governing_law:"Specify the jurisdiction that governs the legal aspects of the site, including Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. This is typically the country or state where the company operating the site is registered or conducts business."
city_for_disputes:"Specify the city that will be used as the jurisdiction for resolving any disputes related to the use of this forum. This information is typically included in legal documents such as the forum's Terms of Service."
shared_drafts_category:"Enable the Shared Drafts feature by designating a category for topic drafts. Topics in this category will be suppressed from topic lists for staff users."
push_notifications_prompt:"Show a user consent banner for push notifications. This setting triggers a prompt asking users for permission to send them push notifications. It only appears when push notifications are not already enabled, are supported by the user's device, and the user has either made a post or is using a Progressive Web App (PWA). The prompt will not be shown again if the user has already dismissed it or granted/denied permission."
enable_desktop_push_notifications:"Activate push notifications for the desktop interface. This feature enables real-time alerts from the site directly to your desktop, enhancing engagement and ensuring users are always updated. However, the effectiveness of this feature relies on browser support for push notifications."
push_notification_time_window_mins:"Wait (n) minutes before sending push notification. Helps prevent push notifications from being sent to an active online user."
short_title:"The short title will be used on the user's home screen, launcher, or other places where space may be limited. It should be limited to 12 characters."
gravatar_name:"Specify the name of the Gravatar service provider. This name is typically used to identify the source providing Gravatar avatars to the site."
gravatar_base_url:"Specify the URL for accessing the Gravatar provider's API. This setting is critical for converting email addresses into Gravatar URLs where avatar images are stored."
gravatar_login_url:"URL relative to `gravatar_base_url`, which provides the user with the login to the Gravatar service."
use_email_for_username_and_name_suggestions:"Use the first part of email addresses for username and name suggestions. Note that this makes it easier for the public to guess full user email addresses (because a large proportion of people share common services like ``)."
suggest_weekends_in_date_pickers:"Include weekends (Saturday and Sunday) in date picker suggestions (disable this if you use Discourse only on weekdays, Monday through Friday)."
experimental_new_new_view_groups:'Enable a new topics list that combines unread and new topics and make the "Everything" link in the sidebar link to it.'
enable_experimental_lightbox:"Replace the default image lightbox with the revamped design."
glimmer_topic_list_mode:"Control whether the new 'glimmer' topic-list implementation is used. 'auto' will enable automatically once all your themes and plugins are ready. See <a href=''>the Meta topic</a> for more information."
glimmer_post_menu_mode:"Control whether the new 'glimmer' post menu implementation is used. 'auto' will enable automatically once all your themes and plugins are ready. This implementation is under active development, and is not intended for production use. Do not develop themes/plugins against it until the implementation is finalized and announced."
glimmer_post_menu_groups:"Enable the new 'glimmer' post menu implementation in 'auto' mode for the specified user groups. This implementation is under active development, and is not intended for production use. Do not develop themes/plugins against it until the implementation is finalized and announced."
experimental_form_templates:"Enable the form templates feature. Manage the templates at <a href='%{base_path}/admin/customize/form-templates'>Customize / Templates</a>."
admin_sidebar_enabled_groups:"Enable sidebar navigation for the admin UI for the specified groups, which replaces the top-level admin navigation buttons."
page_loading_indicator:"Configure the loading indicator which appears during page navigations within Discourse. 'Spinner' is a full page indicator. 'Slider' shows a narrow bar at the top of the screen."
view_raw_email_allowed_groups:"Groups which can view the raw email content of a post if it was created by an incoming email. This includes email headers and other technical information."
invalid_csp_script_src:"Value must be either 'unsafe-eval' or 'wasm-unsafe-eval', or in the form '<hash algorithm>-<base64 value>' where supported hash algorithms are sha256, sha384 or sha512. Ensure that your input is wrapped in single quotation marks."
linkedin_oidc_credentials:"You must configure LinkedIn OIDC credentials ('linkedin_oidc_client_id' and 'linkedin_oidc_client_secret') before enabling this setting."
invalid_search_ranking_weights:"Value is invalid for search_ranking_weights site setting. Example: '{0.1,0.2,0.3,1.0}'. Note that maximum value for each weight is 1.0."
activate_email:"<p>You’re almost done! We sent an activation mail to <b>%{email}</b>. Please follow the instructions in the mail to activate your account.</p><p>If it doesn’t arrive, check your spam folder.</p>"
authenticator_error_no_valid_email:"No email addresses associated with %{account} are allowed. You may need to configure your account with a different email address."
email_too_long:"The email you provided is too long. Mailbox names must be no more than 254 characters, and domain names must be no more than 253 characters."
- See what's new in the [release notes]( or view the [raw GitHub changelog](
- See what's new in the [release notes]( or view the [raw GitHub changelog](
off_topic:"Your post was flagged as **off-topic**: the community feels it is not a good fit for the topic, as currently defined by the title and the first post."
inappropriate:"Your post was flagged as **inappropriate**: the community feels it is offensive, abusive, to be hateful conduct or a violation of [our community guidelines](%{base_path}/guidelines)."
spam:"Your post was flagged as **spam**: the community feels it is an advertisement, something that is overly promotional in nature instead of being useful or relevant to the topic as expected."
notify_moderators:"Your post was flagged **for moderator attention**: the community feels something about the post requires manual intervention by a staff member."
off_topic:"The post was flagged as **off-topic**: the community feels it is not a good fit for the topic, as currently defined by the title and the first post."
inappropriate:"The post was flagged as **inappropriate**: the community feels it is offensive, abusive, to be hateful conduct or a violation of [our community guidelines](%{base_path}/guidelines)."
spam:"The post was flagged as **spam**: the community feels it is an advertisement, something that is overly promotional in nature instead of being useful or relevant to the topic as expected."
notify_moderators:"The post was flagged **for moderator attention**: the community feels something about the post requires manual intervention by a staff member."
This post was hidden due to flags from the community, so please consider how you might revise your post to reflect their feedback. **You can edit your post after %{edit_delay} minutes, and it will be automatically unhidden.**
The community flagged this post and now it is hidden. **Because this post has been hidden more than once, your post will now remain hidden until it is handled by a staff member.**
For a few quick tips on getting started as a new user, [check out this blog post](
As you participate here, we’ll get to know you, and temporary new user limitations will be lifted. Over time you’ll gain [trust levels]( that include special abilities to help us manage our community together.
Hey there. We see you’ve been busy reading, which is fantastic, so we’ve promoted you up a [trust level!](
We’re really glad you’re spending time with us and we’d love to know more about you. Take a moment to [fill out your profile](%{base_url}/my/preferences/profile), or feel free to [start a new topic](%{base_url}/categories).
With great power comes great responsibility. If you’re new to moderating, please refer to the [Moderation Guide](
As an experienced user, you might appreciate [this list of handy tips and tricks](
Your account does not have the required trust level to post new topics to this email address. If you believe this is an error, [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about).
Your reply was sent from a different email address than the one we expected, so we're not sure if this is the same person. Try sending from another email address, or [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about).
Your account does not have the privileges to post new topics in that category. If you believe this is an error, [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about).
The category you sent this email to only allows replies from users with valid accounts and known email addresses. If you believe this is an error, [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about).
subject_template:"[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Post too short"
We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work.
To promote more in depth conversations, very short replies are not allowed. Can you please reply with at least %{count} characters? Alternatively, you can like a post via email by replying with "+1".
- Do you use more than one email address? Did you reply from a different email address than the one you originally used? Email replies require that you use the same email address when replying.
- Did your email software properly use the Reply-To: email address when replying? Unfortunately, some email software incorrectly sends replies to the From:address, which won’t work.
- Was the Message-ID header in the email modified? The Message-ID must be consistent and unchanged.
Need more help? Reach out to us via the Contact Us details at %{base_url}/about
The topic you are replying to no longer exists -- perhaps it was deleted? If you believe this is an error, [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about).
The topic you are replying to is currently closed and no longer accepting replies. If you believe this is an error, [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about).
Your email was marked as "auto generated", which means it was automatically created by a computer instead of being typed by a human; we can't accept those kinds of emails. If you believe this is an error, [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about).
There was an unrecognized error while processing your email and it wasn't posted. You should try again, or [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about).
Can you make sure [your email address](%{base_url}/my/preferences/email) is valid and working? You may also wish to add our email address to your address book / contact list to improve deliverability.
This is an automated message from %{site_name} to inform you that @%{username} has been ignored by %{ignores_threshold} users. This could indicate a problem is developing in your community.
You might want to [review recent posts](%{base_url}/u/%{username}/summary) from this user, and potentially other users in the [ignored and muted user report](%{base_url}/admin/reports/top_ignored_users).
This is an automated message from %{site_name} to let you know that your posts have been temporarily hidden because they were flagged by the community.
As a precautionary measure, your new account has been silenced and will be unable to create replies or topics until a staff member can review your account. We apologize for the inconvenience.
As a precautionary measure, your new account has been silenced from creating new replies or topics until a staff member can review your account. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please do continue to browse, but you won't be able to reply or create topics until a [staff member](%{base_url}/about) reviews your most recent posts. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please [review the flags](%{base_url}/review). If %{username} was incorrectly silenced from posting, click the unsilence button on [the admin page for this user](%{user_url}).
The new user [%{username}](%{user_url}) tried to create multiple posts with links to %{domains}, but those posts were blocked to avoid spam. The user is still able to create new posts that do not link to %{domains}.
This can be modified via the `newuser_spam_host_threshold` and `allowed_spam_host_domains` site settings. Consider adding %{domains} to the allowlist if they should be exempt.
text_body_template:"The `download_remote_images_to_local` setting was disabled because the disk space limit at `download_remote_images_threshold` was reached."
Posts from new users were held for moderation and are currently waiting to be reviewed. [Approve or reject them here](%{base_url}/review?type=ReviewableQueuedPost).
You just tried to create an account at %{site_name}, or tried to change the email of an account to %{email}. However, an account already exists for %{email}.
Two-factor authentication has been disabled on your account at %{site_name}. You can now log in with only your password; an additional authentication code is no longer required.
unsubscribe:"This summary is sent from %{site_link} when we haven't seen you in a while. Change %{email_preferences_link}, or %{unsubscribe_link} to unsubscribe."
Somebody asked to add a password to your account on [%{site_name}](%{base_url}). Alternatively, you can log in using any supported online service (Google, Facebook, etc) that is associated with this validated email address.
If you did not make this request, you can safely ignore this email.
larger_than_x_megapixels:"Sorry, the image you are trying to upload is too large (maximum dimension is %{max_image_megapixels} megapixels), please resize it and try again."
sockpuppet:"A new user created a topic, and another new user at the same IP address (%{ip_address}) replied. See the <a href='%{base_path}/admin/site_settings/category/spam'>`flag_sockpuppets`</a> site setting."
spam_hosts:"This new user tried to create multiple posts with links to the same domain. All posts from this user that include links should be reviewed. See the <a href='%{base_path}/admin/site_settings/category/spam'>`newuser_spam_host_threshold`</a> site setting."
Please treat this discussion forum with the same respect you would a public park. We, too, are a shared community resource — a place to share skills, knowledge and interests through ongoing conversation.
These are not hard and fast rules. They are guidelines to aid the human judgment of our community and keep this a kind, friendly place for civilized public discourse.
Help us make this a great place for discussion by always adding something positive to the discussion, however small. If you are not sure your post adds to the conversation, think over what you want to say and try again later.
One way to improve the discussion is by discovering ones that are already happening. Spend time browsing the topics here before replying or starting your own, and you’ll have a better chance of meeting others who share your interests.
The topics discussed here matter to us, and we want you to act as if they matter to you, too. Be respectful of the topics and the people discussing them, even if you disagree with some of what is being said.
The conversations we have here set the tone for every new arrival. Help us influence the future of this community by choosing to engage in discussions that make this forum an interesting place to be — and avoiding those that do not.
Discourse provides tools that enable the community to collectively identify the best (and worst) contributions:bookmarks, likes, flags, replies, edits, watching, muting and so forth. Use these tools to improve your own experience, and everyone else’s, too.
## [If You See a Problem, Flag It](#flag-problems)
Moderators have special authority; they are responsible for this forum. But so are you. With your help, moderators can be community facilitators, not just janitors or police.
When you see bad behavior, don’t reply. Replying encourages bad behavior by acknowledging it, consumes your energy, and wastes everyone’s time. _Just flag it_. If enough flags accrue, action will be taken, either automatically or by moderator intervention.
In order to maintain our community, moderators reserve the right to remove any content and any user account for any reason at any time. Moderators do not preview new posts; the moderators and site operators take no responsibility for any content posted by the community.
These are not concrete terms with precise definitions — avoid even the _appearance_ of any of these things. If you’re unsure, ask yourself how you would feel if your post was featured on the front page of a major news site.
Rather than posting “+1” or “Agreed”, use the Like button. Rather than taking an existing topic in a radically different direction, use Reply as a Linked Topic.
You may not post anything digital that belongs to someone else without permission. You may not post descriptions of, links to, or methods for stealing someone’s intellectual property (software, video, audio, images), or for breaking any other law.
This site is operated by your [friendly moderator team](%{base_path}/about) and *you*, the community. If you have any further questions about how things should work here, open a new topic in %{feedback_category} and let’s discuss! If there’s a critical or urgent issue that can’t be handled by a meta topic or flag, [contact the moderators](%{base_path}/about).
Forum Admin, please find below an example starting template for a privacy policy that you should customise to meet your site's needs.
These terms do not, but might one day, govern use of the Internet forum at <%{base_url}>. In that event, to use the forum, you must agree to these terms with %{company_name}, the company that runs the forum.
***Theseterms include a number of important provisions that affect your rights and responsibilities, such as the disclaimers in [Disclaimers](#heading--disclaimers), limits on the company's liability to you in [Limits on Liability](#heading--liability), your agreement to cover the company for damages caused by your misuse of the forum in [Responsibility for Your Use](#heading--responsibility), and an agreement to arbitrate disputes in [Disputes](#heading--disputes).***
4. You may not send advertisements, chain letters, or other solicitations through the forum, or use the forum to gather addresses or other personal data for commercial mailing lists or databases.
5. You may not automate access to the forum, or monitor the forum, such as with a web crawler, browser plug-in or add-on, or other computer program that is not a web browser. You may crawl the forum to index it for a publicly available search engine, if you run one.
12. You may not strain infrastructure of the forum with an unreasonable volume of requests, or requests designed to impose an unreasonable load on information systems underlying the forum.
1. You may not submit content to the forum that is illegal, offensive, or otherwise harmful to others. This includes content that is harassing, inappropriate, abusive, or hateful conduct.
2. You may not submit content to the forum that violates the law, infringes anyone's intellectual property rights, violates anyone's privacy, or breaches agreements you have with others.
The company may investigate and prosecute violations of these terms to the fullest legal extent. The company may notify and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in prosecuting violations of the law and these terms.
The company reserves the right to change, redact, and delete content on the forum for any reason. If you believe someone has submitted content to the forum in violation of these terms, [contact us immediately](#heading--contact).
To create an account, you must provide some information about yourself. If you create an account, you agree to provide, at a minimum, a valid e-mail address, and to keep that address up-to-date. You may close your account at any time by e-mailing <%{contact_email}>.
You agree to be responsible for all action taken using your account, whether authorized by you or not, until you either close your account or notify the company that your account has been compromised. You agree to notify the company immediately if you suspect your account has been compromised. You agree to select a secure password for your account, and keep it secret.
The company may restrict, suspend, or close your account on the forum according to its policy for handling copyright-related takedown requests, or if the company reasonably believes that you've broken any rule in these terms.
Nothing in these terms gives the company any ownership rights in intellectual property that you share with the forum, such as your account information, posts, or other content you submit to the forum. Nothing in these terms gives you any ownership rights in the company's intellectual property, either.
Between you and the company, you remain solely responsible for content you submit to the forum. You agree not to wrongly imply that content you submit to the forum is sponsored or approved by the company. These terms do not obligate the company to store, maintain, or provide copies of content you submit, and to change it, according to these terms.
Content you submit to the forum belongs to you, and you decide what permission to give others for it. But at a minimum, you license the company to provide content that you submit to the forum to other users of the forum. That special license allows the company to copy, publish, and analyze content you submit to the forum.
When content you submit is removed from the forum, whether by you or by the company, the company's special license ends when the last copy disappears from the company's backups, caches, and other systems. Other licenses you apply to content you submit, such as [Creative Commons]( licenses, may continue after your content is removed. Those licenses may give others, or the company itself, the right to share your content through the forum again.
Others who receive content you submit to the forum may violate the terms on which you license your content. You agree that the company will not be liable to you for those violations or their consequences.
You agree to indemnify the company from legal claims by others related to your breach of these terms, or breach of these terms by others using your account on the forum. Both you and the company agree to notify the other side of any legal claims for which you might have to indemnify the company as soon as possible. If the company fails to notify you of a legal claim promptly, you won't have to indemnify the company for damages that you could have defended against or mitigated with prompt notice. You agree to allow the company to control investigation, defense, and settlement of legal claims for which you would have to indemnify the company, and to cooperate with those efforts. The company agrees not to agree to any settlement that admits fault for you or imposes obligations on you without your prior agreement.
***Youaccept all risk of using the forum and content on the forum. As far as the law allows, the company and its suppliers provide the forum as is, without any warranty whatsoever.***
The forum may hyperlink to and integrate forums and services run by others. The company does not make any warranty about services run by others, or content they may provide. Use of services run by others may be governed by other terms between you and the one running service.
***Neitherthe company nor its suppliers will be liable to you for breach-of-contract damages their personnel could not have reasonably foreseen when you agreed to these terms.***
***Asfar as the law allows, the total liability to you for claims of any kind that are related to the forum or content on the forum will be limited to $50.***
You agree that the company will be free to act on feedback and suggestions you provide, and that the company won't have to notify you that your feedback was used, get your permission to use it, or pay you. You agree not to submit feedback or suggestions that you believe might be confidential or proprietary, to you or others.
Either you or the company may end the agreement written out in these terms at any time. When our agreement ends, your permission to use the forum also ends.
The following provisions survive the end of our agreement:[Your Content](#heading--your-content), [Feedback](#heading--feedback), [Your Responsibility](#heading--responsibility), [Disclaimers](#heading--disclaimers), [Limits on Liability](#heading--liability), and [General Terms](#heading--general).
You and the company agree to seek injunctions related to these terms only in state or federal court in %{city_for_disputes}. Neither you nor the company will object to jurisdiction, forum, or venue in those courts.
***Otherthan to seek an injunction or for claims under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, you and the company will resolve any dispute by binding American Arbitration Association arbitration. Arbitration will follow the AAA's Commercial Arbitration Rules and Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes. Arbitration will happen in %{city_for_disputes}. You will settle any dispute as an individual, and not as part of a class action or other representative proceeding, whether as the plaintiff or a class member. No arbitrator will consolidate any dispute with any other arbitration without the company's permission.***
Any arbitration award will include costs of the arbitration, reasonable attorneys' fees, and reasonable costs for witnesses. You and the company may enter arbitration awards in any court with jurisdiction.
If a provision of these terms is unenforceable as written, but could be changed to make it enforceable, that provision should be modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. Otherwise, that provision should be removed.
You may not assign your agreement with the company. The company may assign your agreement to any affiliate of the company, any other company that obtains control of the company, or any other company that buys assets of the company related to the forum. Any attempted assignment against these terms has no legal effect.
These terms embody all the terms of agreement between you and the company about use of the forum. These terms entirely replace any other agreements about your use of the forum, written or not.
You may notify the company under these terms, and send questions to the company, at <%{contact_email}>.
The company may notify you under these terms using the e-mail address you provide for your account on the forum, or by posting a message to the homepage of the forum or your account page.
The company last updated these terms on [INSERT LAST UPDATE DATE HERE], and may update these terms again. The company will post all updates to the forum. For updates that contain substantial changes, the company agrees to e-mail you, if you've created an account and provided a valid e-mail address. The company may also announce updates with special messages or alerts on the forum.
We collect information from you when you register on our site and gather data when you participate in the forum by reading, writing, and evaluating the content shared here.
When registering on our site, you may be asked to enter your name and e-mail address. You may, however, visit our site without registering. Your e-mail address will be verified by an email containing a unique link. If that link is visited, we know that you control the e-mail address.
When registered and posting, we record the IP address that the post originated from. We also may retain server logs which include the IP address of every request to our server.
<a name="use"></a>
## [What do we use your information for?](#use)
Any of the information we collect from you may be used in one of the following ways:
*To personalize your experience — your information helps us to better respond to your individual needs.
*To improve our site — we continually strive to improve our site offerings based on the information and feedback we receive from you.
*To improve customer service — your information helps us to more effectively respond to your customer service requests and support needs.
*To send periodic emails — The email address you provide may be used to send you information, notifications that you request about changes to topics or in response to your user name, respond to inquiries, and/or other requests or questions.
We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you enter, submit, or access your personal information.
<a name="data-retention"></a>
## [What is your data retention policy?](#data-retention)
Yes. Cookies are small files that a site or its service provider transfers to your computer's hard drive through your Web browser (if you allow). These cookies enable the site to recognize your browser and, if you have a registered account, associate it with your registered account.
We use cookies to understand and save your preferences for future visits and compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction so that we can offer better site experiences and tools in the future. We may contract with third-party service providers to assist us in better understanding our site visitors. These service providers are not permitted to use the information collected on our behalf except to help us conduct and improve our business.
<a name="disclose"></a>
## [Do we disclose any information to outside parties?](#disclose)
We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in operating our site, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others rights, property, or safety. However, non-personally identifiable visitor information may be provided to other parties for marketing, advertising, or other uses.
<a name="third-party"></a>
## [Third party links](#third-party)
Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer third party products or services on our site. These third party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback about these sites.
Our site, products and services are all directed to people who are at least 13 years old or older. If this server is in the USA, and you are under the age of 13, per the requirements of COPPA ([Children's Online Privacy Protection Act](, do not use this site.
This badge is granted the first time you edit one of your posts. While you won’t be able to edit your posts forever, editing is encouraged — you can improve the formatting, fix small mistakes, or add anything you missed when you originally posted. Edit to make your posts even better!
This badge is granted when you reach trust level 1. Thanks for sticking around and reading a few topics to learn what our community is about. New user restrictions have been lifted; you’ve been granted all essential community abilities, such as personal messaging, flagging, wiki editing, and the ability to post multiple images and links.
This badge is granted when you reach trust level 2. Thanks for participating over a period of weeks to truly join our community. You can now send invitations from your user page or individual topics, create group personal messages, and have more likes per day.
description:<a href="">Granted</a> recategorize, rename, followed links, wiki, more likes
This badge is granted when you reach trust level 3. Thanks for being a regular part of our community over a period of months. You’re now one of the most active readers, and a reliable contributor that makes our community great. You can now recategorize and rename topics, take advantage of more powerful spam flags, and you’ll also get lots more likes per day.
description:<a href="">Granted</a> global edit, pin, close, archive, split and merge, more likes
This badge is granted when you reach trust level 4. You’re a leader in this community as selected by staff, and you set a positive example for the rest of the community in your actions and words here. You have the ability to edit all posts, take common topic moderator actions such as pin, close, unlist, archive, split, and merge.
This badge is granted when you receive your first like on a post. Congratulations, you’ve posted something that your fellow community members found interesting, cool, or useful!
This badge is granted for filling out <a href="%{base_uri}/my/preferences/profile">your user profile</a> and selecting a profile picture. Letting the community know a bit more about who you are and what you’re interested in makes for a better, more connected community. Join us!
This badge is granted when you’ve been a member for a year with at least one post in that year. Thank you for sticking around and contributing to our community. We couldn’t do it without you.
This badge is granted when your topic gets 50 likes. You kicked off a fascinating conversation and the community loved the lively discussion that resulted!
This badge is granted for sharing a link that was clicked by 25 outside visitors. Thanks for spreading the word about our discussions, and this community.
name:Good Share
description:Shared a post with 300 unique visitors
This badge is granted for sharing a link that was clicked by 300 outside visitors. Good work! You’ve shown off a great discussion to a bunch of new people and helped this community grow.
This badge is granted for sharing a link that was clicked by 1000 outside visitors. Wow! You’ve promoted an interesting discussion to a huge new audience, and helped us grow our community in a big way!
This badge is granted the first time you like a post using the :heart:button. Liking posts is a great way to let your fellow community members know that what they posted was interesting, useful, cool, or fun. Share the love!
This badge is granted the first time you flag a post. Flagging is how we all help keep this a nice place for everyone. If you notice any posts that require moderator attention for any reason please don’t hesitate to flag. If you see a problem, :flag_black:flag it!
This badge is granted when you invite someone to join the community via the invite button on your user page, or at the bottom of a topic. Inviting friends who might be interested in specific discussions is a great way to introduce new people to our community, so thanks!
This badge is granted when you’ve invited 3 people who subsequently spent enough time on the site to become basic users. A vibrant community needs a regular infusion of newcomers who regularly participate and add new voices to the conversations.
This badge is granted when you’ve invited 5 people who subsequently spent enough time on the site to become full members. Wow! Thanks for expanding the diversity of our community with new members!
This badge is granted the first time you share a link to a reply or topic using the share button. Sharing links is a great way to show off interesting discussions with the rest of the world and grow your community.
name:First Link
description:Added a link to another topic
This badge is granted the first time you add a link to another topic. Linking topics helps fellow readers find interesting related conversations, by showing the connections between topics in both directions. Link freely!
This badge is granted the first time you quote a post in your reply. Quoting relevant parts of earlier posts in your reply helps keep discussions connected together and on topic. The easiest way to quote is to highlight a section of a post, and then press any reply button. Quote generously!
This badge is granted for <a href="%{base_uri}/guidelines">reading the community guidelines</a>. Following and sharing these simple guidelines helps build a safe, fun, and sustainable community for everyone. Always remember there’s another human being, one very much like yourself, on the other side of that screen. Be nice!
description:Read every reply in a topic with more than 100 replies
This badge is granted the first time you read a long topic with more than 100 replies. Reading a conversation closely helps you follow the discussion, understand different viewpoints, and leads to more interesting conversations. The more you read, the better the conversation gets. As we like to say, Reading is Fundamental! :slight_smile:
name:Popular Link
description:Posted an external link with 50 clicks
This badge is granted when a link you shared gets 50 clicks. Thanks for posting a useful link that added interesting context to the conversation!
name:Hot Link
description:Posted an external link with 300 clicks
This badge is granted when a link you shared gets 300 clicks. Thanks for posting a fascinating link that drove the conversation forward and illuminated the discussion!
name:Famous Link
description:Posted an external link with 1000 clicks
This badge is granted when a link you shared gets 1000 clicks. Wow! You posted a link that significantly improved the conversation by adding essential detail, context, and information. Great work!
This badge is granted when you receive at least one like on 20 different posts. The community is enjoying your contributions to the conversations here!
This badge is granted when you receive at least 2 likes on 100 different posts. The community is growing to respect your many contributions to the conversations here.
This badge is granted when you receive at least 5 likes on 300 different posts. Wow! The community admires your frequent, high quality contributions to the conversations here.
This badge is granted when you use all %{max_likes_per_day} of your daily likes. Remembering to take a moment and like the posts you enjoy and appreciate encourages your fellow community members to create even more great discussions in the future.
This badge is granted when you use all %{max_likes_per_day} of your daily likes for 5 days. Thanks for taking the time actively encouraging the best conversations every day!
This badge is granted when you use all %{max_likes_per_day} of your daily likes for 20 days. Wow! You’re a role model for encouraging your fellow community members!
This badge is granted when you have 20 liked posts and give 10 or more likes in return. When someone likes your posts, you find the time to like what others are posting, too.
This badge is granted when you have 500 liked posts and give 1000 or more likes in return. Wow! You’re a model of generosity and mutual appreciation :two_hearts:.
This badge is granted the first time you add an Emoji to your post :thumbsup:. Emoji let you convey emotion in your posts, from happiness :smiley: to sadness :anguished: to anger :angry: and everything in between :sunglasses:. Just type a :(colon) or press the Emoji toolbar button in the editor to select from hundreds of choices :ok_hand:
This badge is granted the first time you mention someone’s @username in your post. Each mention generates a notification to that person, so they know about your post. Just begin typing @ (at symbol) to mention any user or, if allowed, group – it’s a convenient way to bring something to their attention.
This badge is granted the first time you post a link on a line by itself, which automatically expanded into a onebox with a summary, title, and (when available) picture.
This badge is granted to congratulate two new users each month for their excellent overall contributions, as measured by how often their posts were liked, and by whom.
no_emails:"Unfortunately, no administrator emails were defined during setup, so finalizing the configuration may be difficult. Please add a developer email in the configuration file or <a href=''>create an administrator account from console</a>."
message:"<p>We sent an activation mail to <b>%{email}</b>. Please follow the instructions in the email to activate your account.</p><p>If it doesn't arrive, check your spam folder, and <a href=''>ensure you set up email correctly</a>.</p>"
description:"Safe mode allows you to test your site without loading themes or client-side plugin customizations. Server-side plugin customizations remain enabled."
description:"That's it! You've done the basics to setup your community. Now you can jump in and have a look around, write a welcome topic, and send invites!<br><br>Have fun!"
description:"Email address of key contact responsible for this site. Used for critical notifications, and listed on your <a href='%{base_path}/about' target='_blank'>your about page</a> for urgent matters."
description:"You’re almost done! Let’s invite some people to help <a href='' target='blank'>seed your discussions</a> with interesting topics and replies to get your community started."
<p>If you ever feel like changing these settings, <b>re-run this wizard any time</b>, or visit <a href='%{base_path}/admin' target='_blank'>your admin section</a>; find it next to the wrench icon in the site menu.</p>
<p>It is easy to customize your Discourse even further using our powerful theming system. For examples, check out the <a href="" target="_blank">top themes and components</a> on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>
<p>Have fun, and good luck <a href='' target='_blank'>building your new community!</a></p>
email_auth_res_enqueue:"This email failed a DMARC check, it most likely isn't from whom it seems to be from. Check the raw email headers for more information."
email_spam:"This email was flagged as spam by the header defined in %{link}."
suspect_user:"This new user entered profile information without reading any topics or posts, which strongly suggests they may be a spammer. See %{link}."
contains_media:"This post includes embedded media. See %{link}."